17 research outputs found


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    One of the information system used by higher education management information system lecture. Sriwijaya University Faculty of Computer Science is the faculty who already have management information systems classes, but in that system, there are still shortcomings and therefore systems must be developed in order to improve the quality of higher education. The method used in this study is the method of system development FAST (Framework for the Application of Systems Techniques).   Kata kunci : Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perkuliahan, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya, FAST (Framework for the Application of Systems Techniques

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perkuliahan pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya

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    One of the main tasks of Computer Science Faculty of Sriwijaya University (Fasilkom Unsri) as one of the higher education institution is the academic management. Academic process in Fasilkom Unsri still emphasizes the use of word processing and spreadsheet applications that can result in delays and redundancy on the processing of data for syllabus, units lecture event, teachers’ attendance, and class schedules reports. The absence of a specialized system that monitors the lecture materials directly can also result in decision making process by the top-level-management becomes less optimal to improve the quality of higher education in the academic field. Development of Course Management Information Systems is an effort to facilitate the top-level-management (Dean, Assistant Dean) in business management and evaluation of the overall college process that has occurred in order to improve the quality of higher education in the academic field using computer-based systems.This study emphasizes the process of developing course management information systems at Fasilkom Unsri, particularly in systems analysis phase. The methodology used is the Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST). In this methodology there are some systems analysis processes, namely the scope definition, problem analysis, requirements analysis, logical design and decision analysis.This study produced a proposed system and application architecture of management information systems courses in Fasilkom Unsri.   Keywords: course management information system, user interface, Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST), system analysi

    Risk Management for Enterprise Resource Planning Post Implementation Using COBIT 5 for Risk

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    Risk management for ERP postimplementation is required to achieve ERP success. In this paper, risk management for ERP postimplementation is designed using COBIT 5 for Risk on APO12 processes. The design of a risk management framework begins with assessment of ERP postimplementation success adopting two approaches, namely the framework of ERP post-implementation success and Critical Success Factor of ERP post-implementation as an input to the risk identification adopted from COBIT 5 for Risk. The study was conducted at the company that has been entered the ERP post-implementation stage. The results of research on the case study company are ERP post-implementation success assessment by only 55.6% and there is a fairly high percentage of unsuccessful at 44.4% which indicates a risk that must be managed. Risks that need to be managed as many as 26 ERP post- implementation risks that are grouped into nine categories of risk. With the option of risk response is one risk are transfered, 21 are mitigated and four are accepted


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    Postal companies nowadays are competing each other to reach customer’s loyalty. The competition is also faced by PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) which is one of the state-owned enterprises providing postal service to society. This condition has forced PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) to give service as maximum as possible. To meet the rapid changes of customer demands, companies of customer-based such as PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) should have a flexible service system through restructure their potential to gain their profitability. This effort can be achieved using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy. Given how customers and society in present, with a convenient mechanism for Web 2.0 technologies which are adopted by a wide variety of social media, the strategies offered for these problems is the development of customer service information system using the concept of Customer Relationship Management 2.0 (CRM 2.0). This system allows collaborative conversation (two-way interaction) between the customers and employees who face the prospect/customer to create a business environment that is reliable and more transparent.The paper discusses customer service system in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) and proposes CRM 2.0 concept into the system to take advantage of the multi-way relationships created by Web 2.0. Keywords: Customer Service System, CRM, CRM 2.0, Web 2.0.


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    SMA 7 Prabumulih is government-owned schools, where the government provides grants to underprivileged students in the schools through scholarships, known as Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) scholarships. All this time in determining scholarship recipients, SMA 7 Prabumulih using paper-based when it will make the scholarship application that made by students, scholars assessment in decision-making is still based on the personal judgment of school staff, as well as in the use of computers has not optimally. The system is still experiencing problems, such as the accuracy of the data, the efficiency of the data, and once the occurrence of errors in decision making. The solution offered is to build a Decision Support System (DSS) the selection of scholarship recipients online. Development system using Evolutionary Prototype. Data processing method using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in which the criteria are parental income (income fathers, mothers income), occupation of parents (father's occupation, mother's occupation), and number of siblings. Results of the assessment criteria that value grantee criteria weights, which are then used as the result of a decision worthy awardees proposed grantee. It is expected to be built this system, is able to overcome and minimize the occurrence of problems in the previous system. Keyword : Decision Support System (DSS), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Evolutionary Prototype


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    Abstract— Development of web-based monitoring andevaluation systems is required to overcome the obstacles andshortcomings in monitoring and evaluation of the academicand non-academic Bidik Misi students so that tasks andresponsibilities of university that manages Bidik Misi becomemore optimal. In this research, the development of system isdone using agile method with Scrum model with case study atSriwijaya University. Stages of agile method includes planning,risk analysis, engineering and evaluation, while the modelScrum performed on the stages of engineering and evaluation,which includes a Scrum model activity i.e. Backlog, Sprint,Scrum Meeting and Demo. The result is a monitoring systemapplication of academic and non-academic Bidik Misi studentswhich includes features of students management, managementof students academic and non-academic as well as monitoringstudents academic and non-academic to be proposed in a casestudy.Keywords— agile method, scrum model, monitoring system,system development.Intisari — Pengembangan sistem monitoring dan evaluasiberbasis web diperlukan untuk mengatasi kendala dankekurangan dalam monitoring dan evaluasi akademik dan nonakademik mahasiswa Bidik Misi sehingga tugas dan tanggungjawab perguruan tinggi sebagai pengelola dapat menjadi lebihoptimal. Dalam penelitian ini, pengembangan sistem dilakukanmenggunakan metode agile dengan model Scrum studi kasusdi Universitas Sriwijaya. Tahapan metode agile meliputiperencanaan, analisis resiko, teknik dan evaluasi, sedangkanmodel Scrum dilakukan pada tahap teknik dan evaluasi, yangmencakup aktivitas model Scrum yaitu backlog, sprint, scrummeeting dan demo. Hasilnya adalah sebuah aplikasi dan sistemmonitoring akademik dan non akademik mahasiswa BidikMisi dengan fitur pengelolaan mahasiswa Bidik Misi,pengelolaan akademik dan non akademik mahasiswa BidikMisi serta monitoring akademik dan non akademik mahasiswaBidik Misi yang akan diusulkan di tempat studi kasus.Kata Kunci— metode agile, model scrum, sistem monitoring,pengembangan sistem

    Penerapan Case Based Reasoning Pada Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan Pengelolaan Infak Dan Sedekah Berbasis Web

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    ABSTRAKAktivitas pengelolaan pengetahuan dan berbagi pengetahuan dalam pengelolaan infak dan sedekah perlu dikembangkan dengan menggunakan sistem manajemen pengetahuan dan memanfaatkan teknologi dengan tujuan untuk pemerataan pengetahuan pengelola serta pengambilan solusi yang tepat atas kasus-kasus yang ada di lapangan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penerapan Case Based Reasoning (CBR) dengan algoritma Nearest Neighbor untuk mendukung pengelolaan masalah dan solusi pengetahuan berdasarkan pendekatan retrieve, reuse, revise dan retain atas solusi atas masalah pengelolaan infak dan sedekah. Hasilnya didapatkan bahwa Penerapan CBR pada sistem manajemen pengetahuan pengelolaan infak dan sedekah berbasis web dapat mendukung pengelolaan solusi masalah berdasarkan pendekatan retrieve, reuse, revise dan retain atas data pengetahuan, masalah dan solusi yang ada pada basis data pengetahuan pengelolaan infak dan sedekah berbasis web.Kata Kunci: sistem manajemen pengetahuan, case based reasoning, algoritma nearest neighbor, infak dan sedekah, we

    Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Perhitungan Beban Kerja Pegawai Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Work Sampling

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    Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia (SISDM) secara umum mencakup fungsi-fungsi SDM reguler (urusan karyawan, seleksi, staf, pelatihan dan pengembangan penilaian kinerja serta analisis pekerjaan) untuk proses pengambilan keputusan dengan cara mengumpulkan, menyimpan, dan memvalidasi data-data yang ada menjadi suatu kebutuhan bagi sebuah organisasi. Termasuk pengambilan keputusan dalam melakukan suatu perencanaan sumber daya manusia. Salah satu perencanaan SDM yang dapat dilakukan yakni dengan adanya suatu analisis beban kerja (workload) pegawai menggunakan pendekatan work sampling. Dalam paper ini akan dibahas mengenai SISDM berbasis work sampling untuk mendapatkan gambaran terkait perhitungan berbasis komputer untuk pengalokasian waktu terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan seseorang berdasarkan beban kerja yang ada yang nantinya akan memberikan sebuah rekomendasi berapa jumlah kebutuhan pegawai yang diperlukan. Studi kasus yang dipilih adalah di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijay