27 research outputs found

    Girls’ Dairy Intake, Energy Intake, and Weight Status

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    We explored the relationships among girls’ weight status, dairy servings, and total energy intake. The hypothesis that consuming dairy could reduce risk for overweight was evaluated by comparing energy intake and weight status of girls who met or consumed less than the recommended three servings of dairy per day. Participants included 172 11-year-old non-Hispanic white girls, assessed cross-sectionally. Intakes of dairy, calcium, and energy were measured using three 24-hour recalls. Body mass index and body fat measures from dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry were obtained. Because preliminary analyses suggested systematic underreporting of energy intake, the relationships among dairy servings and measures of weight status were examined for the total sample and for subsamples of under-, plausible, and overreporters. Data for the total sample provided support for the hypothesized relationship among weight status, dairy servings, and energy intake. Thirty-nine percent of girls reported consuming the recommended ≥3 servings of dairy per day; these girls also reported higher energy intake but had lower body mass index z scores and body fat than the girls who consumed fewer than three dairy servings each day. Among plausible reporters, no relationship between dairy intake and weight status was noted. This discrepancy may be attributable to a high percentage (45%) of overweight underreporters in the total sample. Our findings reveal that reporting bias, resulting from the presence of a substantial proportion of underreporters of higher weight status, can contribute to obtaining spurious associations between dairy intake and weight status. These findings underscore the need for randomly controlled trials to assess the role of dairy in weight management. The prevalence of pediatric obesity has been rising for more than 20 years (1). There is evidence that increased intake of dairy foods and calcium may play a significant role in maintaining a healthful weight and moderating body fat (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15). However, results across studies have been inconsistent (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28), and this may be attributable to major challenges in using self-reported dietary intake data. Self-reported intakes tend to be subject to underreporting bias and the underreporting of energy intake tends to be positively related to weight status. Underreporters also tend to weigh more (29 and 30). Doubly labeled water techniques assessing energy expenditure suggest underreporting results in a 10% to 50% underestimation of actual energy intake and is a significant problem in older children (31). Doubly labeled water techniques are expensive and not feasible for large samples; thus, several methods have been developed that use estimated energy requirements to assess reporting bias (29 and 32). Therefore, in this study the method suggested by Huang and colleagues (29) was used to classify children as under-, plausible, or overreporters. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship among girls’ weight status, dairy servings, and total energy intake. The hypothesis that consuming dairy could reduce risk for overweight was evaluated by comparing energy intake and weight status of girls who met or consumed less than the recommended three servings of dairy per day. To explore the effect of reporting bias on this relationship, the hypothesis was evaluated using the total sample, and subgroups of girls identified as plausible, under-, or overreporters

    Immunogenecity of Modified Alkane Polymers Is Mediated through TLR1/2 Activation

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    Background: With the advancement of biomedical technology, artificial materials have been developed to replace diseased, damaged or nonfunctional body parts. Among such materials, ultra high molecular weight alkane or modified alkyl polymers have been extensively used in heart valves, stents, pacemakers, ear implants, as well as total joint replacement devices. Although much research has been undertaken to design the most non-reactive biologically inert polyethylene derivatives, strong inflammatory responses followed by rejection and failure of the implant have been noted. Methodology/Principal Findings: Purification of the alkane polymers from the site of inflammation revealed extensive ‘‘in vivo’ ’ oxidation as detected by fourier transformed infra-red spectroscopy. Herein, we report the novel observation that oxidized alkane polymers induced activation of TLR1/2 pathway as determined by ligand dependent changes in intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence intensity and NF-kB luciferase gene assays. Oxidized polymers were very effective in activating dendritic cells and inducing secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Molecular docking of the oxidized alkanes designated ligand specificity and polymeric conformations fitting into the TLR1/2 binding grooves

    Stochastic Epigenetic Mutations Are Associated with Risk of Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, and Mature B-cell Neoplasms

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    Background: Age-related epigenetic dysregulations are associated with several diseases, including cancer. The number of stochastic epigenetic mutations (SEM) has been suggested as a biomarker of life-course accumulation of exposure-related DNA damage; however, the predictive role of SEMs in cancer has seldom been investigated. Methods: A SEM, at a given CpG site, was defined as an extreme outlier of DNA methylation value distribution across individuals. We investigated the association of the total number of SEMs with the risk of eight cancers in 4,497 case–control pairs nested in three prospective cohorts. Furthermore, we investigated whether SEMs were randomly distributed across the genome or enriched in functional genomic regions. Results: In the three-study meta-analysis, the estimated ORs per one-unit increase in log(SEM) from logistic regression models adjusted for age and cancer risk factors were 1.25; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.11–1.41 for breast cancer, and 1.23; 95% CI, 1.07–1.42 for lung cancer. In the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study, the OR for mature B-cell neoplasm was 1.46; 95% CI, 1.25–1.71. Enrichment analyses indicated that SEMs frequently occur in silenced genomic regions and in transcription factor binding sites regulated by EZH2 and SUZ12 (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0005, respectively): two components of the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PCR2). Finally, we showed that PCR2-specific SEMs are generally more stable over time compared with SEMs occurring in the whole genome. Conclusions: The number of SEMs is associated with a higher risk of different cancers in prediagnostic blood samples. Impact: We identified a candidate biomarker for cancer early detection, and we described a carcinogenesis mechanism involving PCR2 complex proteins worthy of further investigations

    Práticas alimentares no primeiro ano de vida e fatores associados em amostra representativa da cidade de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar a adequação das práticas alimentares no primeiro ano de vida e seus fatores associados na cidade de Porto Alegre (RS). MÉTODOS: Este estudo transversal foi realizado durante a Campanha Nacional de Imunização no ano de 2008. Utilizou-se amostragem por conglomerados em dois estágios e foram avaliadas 1.099 crianças menores de um ano de idade, em 31 postos de vacinação. A coleta de dados consistiu da aplicação de questionário estruturado sobre características maternas, uso de chupeta, consumo de leite materno, de leites artificiais, chá, água, alimentos complementares e de alimentos de baixo valor nutricional pelas crianças. Para estimar a associação entre variáveis maternas, uso de chupeta e práticas alimentares, foram utilizadas análises de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi de 47,1% entre as crianças com até quatro meses de vida e de 21,4% entre as crianças entre quatro e seis meses. A frequência de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi maior entre as crianças que não usavam chupeta, que não eram primogênitas e cujas mães não trabalhavam fora de casa ou estavam em licença maternidade. Melhores práticas de alimentação complementar foram observadas em crianças cujas mães tinham maior nível de escolaridade e trabalhavam fora de casa. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo mostrou a existência de fatores de risco para a interrupção precoce do aleitamento materno exclusivo e o consumo de alimentos inadequados aos lactentes