7 research outputs found
Study of Effect on Teeth of Intermittent Fluoridation of a Community Water Supply
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1953
- Field of study
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67913/2/10.1177_00220345530320011601.pd
Effect of haulm destruction supplemented by cutting off roots on the incidence of black scurf and skin damage, flexibility of harvest period and yield of seed potatoes in field experiments
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Evaluating child and youth care programs
- Author
- A.E. Kazdin
- B. Bijl
- D. Papineau
- D. Vries De
- D.M. Fetterman
- E.J. Knorth
- Erik J. Knorth
- F. Moser
- F.J.H. Harinck
- Frits J. H. Harinck
- J. Greene
- J. Greene
- J. Pietrzak
- J. Scheerens
- J.C.M.M. Duijnhoven
- J.W. Finney
- L.T. Linden Van der
- M. Courtney
- M. Scriven
- M. Vall Van de
- M.B. Miles
- M.C.H. Donker
- M.E. Smith
- M.Q. Patton
- M.Q. Patton
- M.W. Lipsey
- Monika Smit
- O.I. Lovaas
- P. Verschuren
- P.H. Laan Van der
- P.N. Goering
- R.P. Durkin
- T.J.G. Derksen
- W.R. Shadish Jr.
- W.S. Davidson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A comparative study on hydrogen diffusion in amorphous and crystalline metals using a molecular dynamics simulation
- Author
- A. Santoro
- A. Sieverts
- A.B. Gritsenko
- A.G. Turnbull
- A.S. Clarke
- B. Bhatia
- B.-J. Lee
- B.-J. Lee
- B.-J. Lee
- B.-J. Lee
- B.-J. Lee
- Byeong-Joo Lee
- Byeong-Moon Lee
- C. Domain
- C.L. Thomas
- C.M. Schwartz
- C.P. Flynn
- D.G. Westlake
- D.R. Fredrickson
- D.S. Santos dos
- E.A. Gulbransen
- E.A. Gulbransen
- E.M. Carvalho
- F. Calvo
- F. Ricca
- F.E. Spada
- F.K. Hung
- F.M. Mazzolai
- G. Kresse
- G. Kresse
- G. Kresse
- G. Kresse
- G. Kresse
- H.-K. Kim
- H.E. Flotow
- J.-H. Shim
- J.-J. Lin
- J.-J. Lin
- J.A. Goedkoop
- J.C. Warf
- J.J. Kearns
- J.J. Kim
- J.J. Rush
- J.L. Finney
- J.P. Bugeat
- J.P. Perdew
- J.W. Phair
- K. Mussawisade
- K.-H. Kang
- L. Katz
- M. Ahmadzadeh
- M. Someno
- M. Tkacz
- M.D. Dolan
- M.I. Baskes
- M.I. Baskes
- M.N. Nevitt
- M.S. Daw
- M.S. Daw
- M.W. Mallett
- N. Eliaz
- N. Eliaz
- N. Eliaz
- N. Eliaz
- N.H. Goo
- N.W. Ockwig
- O.J. Kwon
- P. Dantzer
- P. Kowalczyk
- P.E. Blöchl
- P.K. Hung
- P.M. Richards
- R. Burtovyy
- R. Kirchheim
- R. Kirchheim
- R. Kirchheim
- R. Quijano
- R.B. McLellan
- R.C. Bowman Jr
- R.C. Bowman Jr
- R.C. Bowman Jr.
- S. Hao
- S. Hao
- S. Hara
- S. Hara
- S. Ukita
- S.-M. Kim
- S.M. Foiles
- S.N. Paglieri
- T. Ishikawa
- T.E. Markland
- W. Eichenauer
- W. Eichenauer
- W. Wolf
- W.-S. Ko
- W.R. Wampler
- W.Y. Wang
- Y. Limoge
- Y. Limoge
- Y. Ohta
- Y. Sakamoto
- Y. Sakamoto
- Y. Takagi
- Y. Udagawa
- Y.-I. Wang
- Y.-M. Kim
- Y.-M. Kim
- Y.S. Lee
- Y.V. Vinokurov
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/06/2014
- Field of study
A comparative study on hydrogen diffusion in amorphous and simple crystalline structures has been carried out using molecular dynamics simulations. The Cu-Zr bulk metallic glass (BMG) system is selected as the model material and a modified embedded-atom method (MEAM) interatomic potential for the Cu-Zr-H ternary system is developed for the atomistic simulation. It is found that the diffusivity of hydrogen in amorphous alloys is lower than that in open structured crystals but higher than that in close-packed crystals. The hydrogen diffusion in amorphous alloys is strongly hydrogen concentration dependent compared to crystals, increasing as the hydrogen content increases, and the Arrhenius plot of hydrogen diffusion in amorphous alloys shows an upward curvature. The reasons to rationalize all the findings are discussed based on the variety of energy state and migration energy barrier for interstitial sites in amorphous alloys.11sciescopu
- Author
- A. Agresti
- A. Følling
- A. Gelman
- A. Wald
- A. Wald
- A. Wald
- A.M. Mood
- A.M. Mood
- A.M. Mood
- A.P. Soms
- A.R. Feinstein
- A.R. Jonckheere
- A.R. Kamat
- A.W. Ghent
- A.W.F. Edwards
- B. Hayes
- B.L. Welch
- B.L. Welch
- B.L. Welch
- C. Babington Smith
- C. Kramp
- C. Leach
- C. White
- C.A. Kraft
- C.E. Spearman
- C.E. Spearman
- C.N. Liu
- C.W. Dunnett
- D. Auble
- D. Kiernan
- D. Reyden van der
- D. Salsburg
- D. Teichroew
- D.A. Grier
- D.C. Montgomery
- D.J. Finney
- D.J. Finney
- D.R. Brillinger
- D.V. Lindley
- Dr P. H. Anonymous
- E. Fix
- E.G. Olds
- E.J. Burr
- E.J.G. Pitman
- E.J.G. Pitman
- E.J.G. Pitman
- E.J.G. Pitman
- E.L. Lehmann
- E.L. Lehmann
- E.L. Lehmann
- E.S. Page
- E.S. Pearson
- F. Cajori
- F. Mosteller
- F. Wilcoxon
- F. Wilcoxon
- F. Yates
- F.B. Baker
- F.B. Baker
- F.B. Baker
- F.S. Swed
- F.W. Ives
- G. Dyson
- G. Ferry
- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.D. Doolen
- G.D. Murray
- G.E. Noether
- G.E. Noether
- G.E.P. Box
- G.E.P. Box
- G.G. Langdon Jr
- G.H. Freeman
- G.H. Hardy
- H. Hotelling
- H. Hotelling
- H. Scheffé
- H. Scheffé
- H.A. David
- H.A. David
- H.B. Mann
- H.B. Mann
- H.D. Griffin
- H.E. Daniels
- H.G. Haden
- H.R.B. Hack
- I. Bradbury
- I. Campbell
- I. MacNeill
- I. Olkin
- I. Olkin
- I.D. Hill
- I.R. Savage
- J. Backus
- J. Boothroyd
- J. Boothroyd
- J. Bowen
- J. Gebhard
- J. Hemelrijk
- J. Ludbrook
- J. Robinson
- J. Rojo
- J. Wolfowitz
- J. Wolfowitz
- J. Wolfowitz
- J.B.S. Haldane
- J.E. Jacobson
- J.H. Chung
- J.H. Halton
- J.H. Halton
- J.M. Hilbe
- J.O. Irwin
- J.P.N. Phillips
- J.S. Rohl
- J.S. Rohl
- J.T. Litchfield Jr
- J.W. Tukey
- J.W. Whitfield
- J.W. Whitfield
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.W. Beyer
- L. Festinger
- L. Weiss
- L.E. Moses
- L.E. Moses
- L.L. McDonald
- L.R. Verdooren
- L.Y. Kiang
- M. Campbell-Kelly
- M. Dwass
- M. Friedman
- M. Friedman
- M. Hollander
- M. Matsumoto
- M. Watnik
- M.B. Wells
- M.D. Ernst
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.H. DeGroot
- M.H. DeGroot
- M.H. DeGroot
- M.H. DeGroot
- M.H. Weik
- M.V. Wilkes
- N. Dershowitz
- N. Flournoy
- N. Flournoy
- N. Metropolis
- N. Metropolis
- N. Morton
- N.L. Johnson
- N.L. Johnson
- O. Kempthorne
- P. Armsen
- P. Bratley
- P. Crowcroft
- P.A. MacMahon
- P.A.P. Moran
- P.A.P. Moran
- P.A.P. Moran
- P.H. Leslie
- P.I. Good
- P.J. Chase
- P.J. Chase
- P.S. Olmstead
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- R. Askey
- R. Bergmann
- R. Eckhardt
- R. Latscha
- R. Wasserstein
- R.A. Bradley
- R.A. Bradley
- R.A. Fisher
- R.A. Fisher
- R.A. Fisher
- R.A. Fisher
- R.A. Fisher
- R.B. May
- R.C. Milton
- R.H. Randles
- R.J. Ord-Smith
- R.J. Ord-Smith
- R.L. Plackett
- R.M. Conroy
- S. Kean
- S. Moscovici
- S. Rosenbaum
- S. Siegel
- S. Zabell
- S. Zabell
- S.D. Silvey
- S.D. Silvey
- S.E. Fienberg
- S.S. Wilks
- S.T. David
- T. Eden
- T. Jarrett
- T.A. Munro
- T.J. Terpstra
- W. Hoeffding
- W.A. Wallis
- W.A. Whitworth
- W.D. Dupont
- W.H. Kruskal
- W.H. Kruskal
- W.H. Payne
- W.J. Dixon
- W.J. Welch
- W.L. Sawrey
- W.R. Rice
- W.R. Rice
- W.R. Thompson
- W.W. Daniel
- Y.Q. Sun
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A. Agresti
- A. Agresti
- A. Hald
- A. Odén
- A. Pierce
- A. Wald
- A.C. Bebbington
- A.C.A. Hope
- A.D. Woodall
- A.E. Siegel
- A.G. Bedeian
- A.I. Fleishman
- A.J. Rucci
- A.L. Dudycha
- A.M. Gittelsohn
- A.P. Soms
- A.R. Feinstein
- A.R. Feinstein
- A.W. Ghent
- B. Gates
- B. Gates
- B.C. Eaves
- B.D. Ripley
- B.E. Rodden
- B.F. Green
- B.L. Welch
- B.M. Bennett
- B.P. Buckles
- B.R. Heap
- B.S. Cade
- B.S. Duran
- C. White
- C. White
- C. Zhou
- C.B. Holmes
- C.B. Holmes
- C.B. Holmes
- C.B. Tompkins
- C.E. Shannon
- C.J. Lloyd
- C.J. Mifsud
- C.J. Mifsud
- C.L. Robinson
- C.L. Rümke
- C.M. Hurvich
- C.N. Liu
- C.R. Rao
- C.S. Davis
- C.T. Fike
- D. Auble
- D. Basu
- D. Reyden van der
- D. Teichroew
- D.A. Freedman
- D.A. Sprott
- D.B. Owen
- D.C. Howell
- D.E. Barton
- D.E. Knuth
- D.F. Cox
- D.G. Thomas
- D.G. Thomas
- D.J. Finney
- D.J. Finney
- D.L. March
- D.L. Tritchler
- D.M. Boulton
- D.M. Boulton
- D.M. Boulton
- D.M. Collison
- D.R. Brillinger
- D.W. Cowan
- E. Seneta
- E. Seneta
- E.C. Rhodes
- E.G. Olds
- E.J.G. Pitman
- E.J.G. Pitman
- E.L. Lehmann
- E.L. Lehmann
- E.M. Johnson
- E.R. Sowey
- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Page
- F. Hampel
- F. Wilcoxon
- F. Wilcoxon
- F. Yates
- F. Yates
- F. Yates
- F. Yates
- F.B. Baker
- F.B. Baker
- F.B. Baker
- F.H.C. Marriott
- F.J. O’Reilly
- F.W. Ives
- F.Y. Edgeworth
- F.Y. Edgeworth
- G. Bassett Jr
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- G. Ehrlich
- G. Ehrlich
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- G. Lotto
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- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.A. Barnard
- G.E.P. Box
- G.F. Schrack
- G.G. Langdon Jr
- G.G. Langdon Jr
- G.H. Freeman
- G.J. Glasser
- G.W. Brown
- H. Minkowski
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- H.B. Mann
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- H.G. Wilson
- H.J. Arnold
- H.L. Harter
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- H.R.B. Hack
- H.V. Wright
- Hoeffding (Höffding)
- I. Barrodale
- I. Barrodale
- I. Campbell
- I.D. Hill
- I.D. Hill
- J. Arbuckle
- J. Berkson
- J. Berkson
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- J. Boothroyd
- J. Boothroyd
- J. Klotz
- J. Klotz
- J. Kurtzberg
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- J.M. Boyett
- J.M. Hilbe
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- J.O. Irwin
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- J.R. Howell
- J.S. Rohl
- J.S. Rohl
- J.S. Rohl
- J.V. Bradley
- J.W. Tukey
- J.W. Tukey
- J.W. Whitfield
- K. Hinkelmann
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- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- L. Berlin
- L. Festinger
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- L.A. Goodman
- L.A. Goodman
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- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
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- M.K. Shen
- M.L. Wolfson
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- M.W. Tate
- N. Dershowitz
- N. Mantel
- N. Mantel
- N. Mantel
- N. Mantel
- N. Mantel
- N. Mantel
- O. Kempthorne
- O. Kempthorne
- O. Kempthorne
- O. Kempthorne
- P. Armsen
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- P.J. Chase
- P.J. Chase
- P.J. Denning
- P.J. Eicker
- P.K. Sen
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
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- R.J. Ord-Smith
- R.J. Ord-Smith
- R.J. Ord-Smith
- R.J. Ord-Smith
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- R.L. Plackett
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- R.W. Farebrother
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- RAND Corporation
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- S. Siegel
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- S.C. Narula
- S.C. Narula
- S.C. Narula
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- S.E. Feldman
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- W.H. Payne
- W.H. Robertson
- W.J. Youden
- W.O. Spitzer
- W.P. Brink van den
- Y. Dodge
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Beyond 2000
- Author
- A. Agresti
- A. Huang
- A. Janssen
- A. Kingman
- A. Martín Andrés
- A. Martín Andrés
- A. Martín Andrés
- A. Stuart
- A. Wald
- A.E. Maxwell
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- A.M. Mood
- A.R. Ansari
- A.R. Feinstein
- A.W. Still
- B. Efron
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- B.F.J. Manly
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- C.E. Spearman
- C.E. Spearman
- C.J.F. Braak ter
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- D. Curran-Everett
- D. Curran-Everett
- D. Freedman
- D.B. Hitchcock
- D.J. Finney
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- E.L. Lehmann
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- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Edgington
- E.S. Edgington
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- E.S. Pearson
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- F. Pesarin
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- H.O. Lancaster
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- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
- K.J. Berry
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- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
- M.G. Kendall
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- M.J. Anderson
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- P. Andriani
- P. Graham
- P. Legendre
- P. Legendre
- P.E. Kennedy
- P.E. Kennedy
- P.G. Herman
- P.I. Good
- P.I. Good
- P.I. Good
- P.I. Good
- P.I. Good
- P.I. Good
- P.J. Huber
- P.M.W. Gill
- P.T. Reiss
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- P.W. Mielke
- R. Arboretti Giancristofaro
- R. Jin
- R. Radlow
- R. Zwick
- R.A. Fisher
- R.A. Fisher
- R.A. Fisher
- R.A. Fisher
- R.B. May
- R.C. Blair
- R.C. Geary
- R.C. Littell
- R.C. Littell
- R.D. Routledge
- R.G. Norman
- R.H. Somers
- R.J. Boik
- R.J.A. Little
- R.K.W. Wong
- R.L. Brennan
- R.S. Cormack
- S. Greenland
- S. Janson
- S. Keller-McNulty
- S. Newcomb
- S. Suissa
- S. Suissa
- S. Vanbelle
- S. Zhang
- S.D. Horn
- S.H. Taplin
- S.M. Perkins
- S.N. Lahiri
- T. Graves
- T. Micceri
- T. Roy
- T. Yamada
- T.A. Knijnenburg
- T.W. O’Gorman
- W. Jiang
- W. Sheehan
- W.H. Finch
- W.H. Kruskal
- W.H. Kruskal
- W.J. Welch
- W.M. Patefield
- W.P. Brink van den
- Y.P. Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study