663 research outputs found

    Resistance to Digitisation: Curated Memory Cards Artefact

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    date-added: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000 date-modified: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000date-added: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000 date-modified: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000The act of networking in any context has some element of ceremonial performance attached to it. In an analogue world these performances have historically included the act of exchanging business cards. This ‘ceremony of networking’ has the potential to be altered by the emergence of new media, especially digital technology, displacing the old ceremony of business card exchanges and disrupting what can traditional be seen as networking. The history of business cards have shown that, despite several digital alternatives, they are still resistant to digitisation and so predominantly still physical and tangible. So, we sought to explore the ceremony around giving business cards as the sharing of ‘curated memory’, to better understand how and why we share and co-create curated memories with others. Including the sharing curated memories more generally, and the changing nature of networking, arising from the ever-increasing connectivity and digital embeddedness associated with the information age. Therefore, exploring the ceremony around needing, creating, sharing and using business cards, within different contexts and cultures. Also, identifying the tasks that people are trying to perform and optimise at different stages (before, during, and after) in a range of scenarios. Also, to explore how the ceremonies of networking might be significantly altered as a result of digital media and tools. The approach of using sets of cards around Who, How, Why and Where emerged from the need for a tool that could build narratives around the considerable diversity of the disjointed scenarios of networking we observed. So, the cards provide a reference by which to share general understanding in an entertaining and easily accessible manner. Second, provides a tool to summarise narratives from the scenarios we observed, and that we could then use to create new scenarios to explore insights such as post-meeting curation of ‘shared memories’ when networking. Third, define a number of ‘games’ to help anyone explore how to better understand and utilise aspects of networking in their current approaches, and challenge them to develop new approaches. Therefore, generating debate and self-reflection on the ways players use business cards themselves

    Superconductivity in Dense MgB2MgB_2 Wires

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    MgB2MgB_2 becomes superconducting just below 40 K. Whereas porous polycrystalline samples of MgB2MgB_2 can be synthesized from boron powders, in this letter we demonstrate that dense wires of MgB2MgB_2 can be prepared by exposing boron filaments to MgMg vapor. The resulting wires have a diameter of 160 μm{\mu}m, are better than 80% dense and manifest the full χ=1/4π\chi = -1/4{\pi} shielding in the superconducting state. Temperature-dependent resistivity measurements indicate that MgB2MgB_2 is a highly conducting metal in the normal state with ρ(40K)\rho (40 K) = 0.38 μOhm\mu Ohm-cmcm. Using this value, an electronic mean free path, l600 A˚l \approx 600~\AA can be estimated, indicating that MgB2MgB_2 wires are well within the clean limit. TcT_c, Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T), and JcJ_c data indicate that MgB2MgB_2 manifests comparable or better superconducting properties in dense wire form than it manifests as a sintered pellet.Comment: Figures' layout fixe

    Fluxon dynamics by microwave surface resistance measurements in MgB2

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    Field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance, Rs(H), have been investigated in high-density ceramic MgB2. At low temperatures, several peculiarities of the Rs(H) curves cannot be justified in the framework of models reported in the literature. We suggest that they are ascribable to the unconventional vortex structure in MgB2, related to the presence of two gaps. On the contrary, the results near Tc can be accounted for by the Coffey and Clem model, with fluxons moving in the flux-flow regime, provided that the anisotropy of the upper critical field is taken into due account.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Method for producing strain tolerant multifilamentary oxide superconducting wire

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    A strain tolerant multifilamentary wire capable of carrying superconducting currents is provided comprising a plurality of discontinuous filaments formed from a high temperature superconducting material. The discontinuous filaments have a length at least several orders of magnitude greater than the filament diameter and are sufficiently strong while in an amorphous state to withstand compaction. A normal metal is interposed between and binds the discontinuous filaments to form a normal metal matrix capable of withstanding heat treatment for converting the filaments to a superconducting state. The geometry of the filaments within the normal metal matrix provides substantial filament-to-filament overlap, and the normal metal is sufficiently thin to allow supercurrent transfer between the overlapped discontinuous filaments but is also sufficiently thick to provide strain relief to the filaments

    Strain tolerant microfilamentary superconducting wire

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    A strain tolerant microfilamentary wire capable of carrying superconducting currents is provided comprising a plurality of discontinuous filaments formed from a high temperature superconducting material. The discontinuous filaments have a length at least several orders of magnitude greater than the filament diameter and are sufficiently strong while in an amorphous state to withstand compaction. A normal metal is interposed between and binds the discontinuous filaments to form a normal metal matrix capable of withstanding heat treatment for converting the filaments to a superconducting state. The geometry of the filaments within the normal metal matrix provides substantial filament-to-filament overlap, and the normal metal is sufficiently thin to allow supercurrent transfer between the overlapped discontinuous filaments but is also sufficiently thick to provide strain relief to the filaments

    Systematic effects of carbon doping on the superconducting properties of Mg(B1x_{1-x}Cx_x)2_2

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    The upper critical field, Hc2H_{c2}, of Mg(B1x_{1-x}Cx_x)2_2 has been measured in order to probe the maximum magnetic field range for superconductivity that can be attained by C doping. Carbon doped boron filaments are prepared by CVD techniques, and then these fibers are then exposed to Mg vapor to form the superconducting compound. The transition temperatures are depressed about 1K/1 K/% C and Hc2(T=0)H_{c2}(T=0) rises at about 5T/5 T/% C. This means that 3.5% C will depress TcT_c from 39.2K39.2 K to 36.2K36.2 K and raise Hc2(T=0)H_{c2}(T=0) from 16.0T16.0 T to 32.5T32.5 T. Higher fields are probably attainable in the region of 5% C to 7% C. These rises in Hc2H_{c2} are accompanied by a rise in resistivity at 40K40 K from about 0.5μΩcm0.5 \mu \Omega cm to about 10μΩcm10 \mu \Omega cm. Given that the samples are polycrystalline wire segments, the experimentally determined Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) curves represent the upper Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) manifold associated with HcH\perp c

    Penetration Depth and Anisotropy in MgB2

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    The penetration depth lambda of MgB2 was deduced from both the ac susceptibility chi and the magnetization M(H) of sorted powders. The good agreement between the two sets of data without geometric correction for the grain orientation suggests that MgB2 is an isotropic superconductor.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Physical Review B (February 28, 2001; revised June 28, 2001); reference list update

    Thermal conductivity of MgB2_{2} in the superconducting state

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    We present thermal conductivity measurements on very pure and dense bulk samples, as indicated by residual resistivity values as low as 0.5 mW cm and thermal conductivity values higher than 200 W/mK. In the normal state we found that the Wiedemann Franz law, in its generalized form, works well suggesting that phonons do not contribute to the heat transport. The thermal conductivity in the superconducting state has been analysed by using a two-gap model. Thank to the large gap anisotropy we were able to evaluate quantitatively intraband scattering relaxation times of π\pi and σ\sigma bands, which depend on the disorder in different way; namely, as the disorder increases, it reduces more effectively the relaxation times of π\pi than of σ\sigma bands, as suggested by a recent calculation [1].Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Angular dependence of the bulk nucleation field Hc2 of aligned MgB2 crystallites

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    Studies on the new MgB2 superconductor, with a critical temperature Tc ~ 39 K, have evidenced its potential for applications although intense magnetic relaxation effects limit the critical current density, Jc, at high magnetic fields. This means that effective pinning centers must be added into the material microstructure, in order to halt dissipative flux movements. Concerning the basic microscopic mechanism to explain the superconductivity in MgB2, several experimental and theoretical works have pointed to the relevance of a phonon-mediated interaction, in the framework of the BCS theory. Questions have been raised about the relevant phonon modes, and the gap and Fermi surface anisotropies, in an effort to interpret spectroscopic and thermal data that give values between 2.4 and 4.5 for the gap energy ratio. Preliminary results on the anisotropy of Hc2 have shown a ratio, between the in-plane and perpendicular directions, around 1.7 for aligned MgB2 crystallites and 1.8 for epitaxial thin films. Here we show a study on the angular dependence of Hc2 pointing to a Fermi velocity anisotropy around 2.5. This anisotropy certainly implies the use of texturization techniques to optimize Jc in MgB2 wires and other polycrystalline components.Comment: 10 pages + 4 Figs.; Revised version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Effects of Neutron Irradiation on Carbon Doped MgB2 Wire Segments

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    We have studied the evolution of superconducting and normal state properties of neutron irradiated Mg(B.962_{.962}C.038_{.038})2_2 wire segments as a function of post exposure annealing time and temperature. The initial fluence fully suppressed superconductivity and resulted in an anisotropic expansion of the unit cell. Superconductivity was restored by post-exposure annealing. The upper critical field, Hc2_{c2}(T=0), approximately scales with Tc_c starting with an undamaged Tc_c near 37 K and Hc2_{c2}(T=0) near 32 T. Up to an annealing temperature of 400 o^ oC the recovery of Tc_c tends to coincide with a decrease in the normal state resistivity and a systematic recovery of the lattice parameters. Above 400 o^ oC a decrease in order along the c- direction coincides with an increase in resistivity, but no apparent change in the evolution of Tc_c and Hc2_{c2}. To first order, it appears that carbon doping and neutron damaging effect the superconducting properties of MgB2_2 independently