8,284 research outputs found

    The Elementary Particles as Quantum Knots in Electroweak Theory

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    We explore a knot model of the elementary particles that is compatible with electroweak physics. The knots are quantized and their kinematic states are labelled by Dmm′jD^j_{mm'}, irreducible representations of SUq(2)SU_q(2), where j = N/2, m = w/2, m' = (r+1)/2 and (N,w,r) designate respectively the number of crossings, the writhe, and the rotation of the knot. The knot quantum numbers (N,w,r) are related to the standard isotopic spin quantum numbers (t,t3,t0)(t,t_3,t_0) by (t=N/6,t3=−w/6,t0=−(r+1)/6)(t=N/6,t_3=-w/6,t_0=-(r+1)/6), where t0t_0 is the hypercharge. In this model the elementary fermions are low lying states of the quantum trefoil (N=3) and the gauge bosons are ditrefoils (N=6). The fermionic knots interact by the emission and absorption of bosonic knots. In this framework we have explored a slightly modified standard electroweak Lagrangian with a slightly modified gauge group which agrees closely but not entirely with standard electroweak theory.Comment: 29 pages; LaTex fil

    Masses and Interactions of q-Fermionic Knots

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    The q-electroweak theory suggests a description of elementary particles as solitons labelled by the irreducible representations of SU_q(2). Since knots may also be labelled by the irreducible representations of SU_q(2), we study a model of elementary particles based on a one-to-one correspondence between the four families of Fermions (leptons, neutrinos, (-1/3) quarks, (2/3) quarks) and the four simplest knots (trefoils). In this model the three particles of each family are identified with the ground and first two excited states of their common trefoil. Guided by the standard electroweak theory we calculate conditions restricting the masses of the fermions and the interactions between them. In its present form the model predicts a fourth generation of fermions as well as a neutrino spectrum. The same model with q almost equal to 1 is compatible with the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. Depending on the test of these predictions, the model may be refined.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, latex forma

    Fine-grain process modelling

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    In this paper, we propose the use of fine-grain process modelling as an aid to software development. We suggest the use of two levels of granularity, one at the level of the individual developer and another at the level of the representation scheme used by that developer. The advantages of modelling the software development process at these two levels, we argue, include respectively: (1) the production of models that better reflect actual development processes because they are oriented towards the actors who enact them, and (2) models that are vehicles for providing guidance because they may be expressed in terms of the actual representation schemes employed by those actors. We suggest that our previously published approach of using multiple “ViewPoints” to model software development participants, the perspectives that they hold, the representation schemes that they deploy and the process models that they maintain, is one way of supporting the fine-grain modelling we advocate. We point to some simple, tool-based experiments we have performed that support our proposition

    Persistent Orbital Degeneracy in Carbon Nanotubes

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    The quantum-mechanical orbitals in carbon nanotubes are doubly degenerate over a large number of states in the Coulomb blockade regime. We argue that this experimental observation indicates that electrons are reflected without mode mixing at the nanotube-metal contacts. Two electrons occupying a pair of degenerate orbitals (a ``shell'') are found to form a triplet state starting from zero magnetic field. Finally, we observe unexpected low-energy excitations at complete filling of a four-electron shell.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    A numerical finite size scaling approach to many-body localization

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    We develop a numerical technique to study Anderson localization in interacting electronic systems. The ground state of the disordered system is calculated with quantum Monte-Carlo simulations while the localization properties are extracted from the ``Thouless conductance'' gg, i.e. the curvature of the energy with respect to an Aharonov-Bohm flux. We apply our method to polarized electrons in a two dimensional system of size LL. We recover the well known universal β(g)=dlog⁥g/dlog⁥L\beta(g)=\rm{d}\log g/\rm{d}\log L one parameter scaling function without interaction. Upon switching on the interaction, we find that β(g)\beta(g) is unchanged while the system flows toward the insulating limit. We conclude that polarized electrons in two dimensions stay in an insulating state in the presence of weak to moderate electron-electron correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Representations of U(1,q) and Constructive Quaternion Tensor Products

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    The representation theory of the group U(1,q) is discussed in detail because of its possible application in a quaternion version of the Salam-Weinberg theory. As a consequence, from purely group theoretical arguments we demonstrate that the eigenvalues must be right-eigenvalues and that the only consistent scalar products are the complex ones. We also define an explicit quaternion tensor product which leads to a set of additional group representations for integer ``spin''.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Lecce INFN-Sezione di Lecc

    Knots and Preons

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    It is shown that the four trefoil solitons that are described by the irreducible representations D^{3/2}_{mm'} of the quantum algebra SL_q(2) (and that may be identified with the four families of elementary fermions (e,\mu,\tau;\nu_e\nu_\mu\nu_\tau;d,s,b;u,c,t) may be built out of three preons, chosen from two charged preons with charges (1/3,-1/3) and two neutral preons. These preons are Lorentz spinors and are described by the D^{1/2}_{mm'} representation of SL_q(2). There are also four bosonic preons described by the D^1_{mm'} and D^0_{00} representations of SL_q(2). The knotted standard theory may be replicated at the preon level and the conjectured particles are in principle indirectly observable.Comment: LaTex document; 12 pages; 4 table

    Four-Probe Measurements of Carbon Nanotubes with Narrow Metal Contacts

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    We find that electrons in single-wall carbon nanotubes may propagate substantial distances (tens of nanometers) under the metal contacts. We perform four-probe transport measurements of the nanotube conductance and observe significant deviations from the standard Kirchhoff's circuit rules. Most noticeably, injecting current between two neighboring contacts on one end of the nanotube, induces a non-zero voltage difference between two contacts on the other end.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; submitte
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