3 research outputs found

    Pseudogap in a thin film of a conventional superconductor

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    A superconducting state is characterized by the gap in the electronic density of states which vanishes at the superconducting transition temperature Tc. It was discovered that in high temperature superconductors a noticeable depression in the density of states still remains even at temperatures above Tc; this feature being called pseudogap. Here we show that a pseudogap exists in a conventional superconductor: ultrathin titanium nitride films over a wide range of temperatures above Tc. Our study reveals that this pseudogap state is induced by superconducting fluctuations and favored by two-dimensionality and by the proximity to the transition to the insulating state. A general character of the observed phenomenon provides a powerful tool to discriminate between fluctuations as the origin of the pseudogap state, and other contributions in the layered high temperature superconductor compounds.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Keldysh technique and non-linear sigma-model: basic principles and applications

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    The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive pedagogical introduction into Keldysh technique for interacting out-of-equilibrium fermionic and bosonic systems. The emphasis is placed on a functional integral representation of underlying microscopic models. A large part of the review is devoted to derivation and applications of the non-linear sigma-model for disordered metals and superconductors. We discuss such topics as transport properties, mesoscopic effects, counting statistics, interaction corrections, kinetic equation, etc. The sections devoted to disordered superconductors include Usadel equation, fluctuation corrections, time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory, proximity and Josephson effects, etc. (This review is a substantial extension of arXiv:cond-mat/0412296.)Comment: Review: 103 pages, 19 figure

    The one dimensional Kondo lattice model at partial band filling

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    The Kondo lattice model introduced in 1977 describes a lattice of localized magnetic moments interacting with a sea of conduction electrons. It is one of the most important canonical models in the study of a class of rare earth compounds, called heavy fermion systems, and as such has been studied intensively by a wide variety of techniques for more than a quarter of a century. This review focuses on the one dimensional case at partial band filling, in which the number of conduction electrons is less than the number of localized moments. The theoretical understanding, based on the bosonized solution, of the conventional Kondo lattice model is presented in great detail. This review divides naturally into two parts, the first relating to the description of the formalism, and the second to its application. After an all-inclusive description of the bosonization technique, the bosonized form of the Kondo lattice hamiltonian is constructed in detail. Next the double-exchange ordering, Kondo singlet formation, the RKKY interaction and spin polaron formation are described comprehensively. An in-depth analysis of the phase diagram follows, with special emphasis on the destruction of the ferromagnetic phase by spin-flip disorder scattering, and of recent numerical results. The results are shown to hold for both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic Kondo lattice. The general exposition is pedagogic in tone.Comment: Review, 258 pages, 19 figure