19 research outputs found

    V-SRC'S hold over actin and cell adhesions

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    The oncoprotein v-Src and its cellular homologue (c-Src) are tyrosine kinases that modulate the actin cytoskeleton and cell adhesions. Through the concerted action of their protein-interaction and kinase domains, they are targeted to cell–matrix integrin adhesions or cadherin-dependent junctions between epithelial cells, where they phosphorylate substrates that induce adhesion turnover and actin re-modelling. Recent experiments have defined some of the key targets and effector pathways that mediate the pleiotropic oncogenic effects of v-Src

    The Src-induced mesenchymal state in late-stage colon cancer cells

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    One major function of elevated Src kinase in epithelial cancer cells is to drive adhesion changes that are associated with the mesenchymal transition and metastasis. Here we review recent work that describes Src-induced shape changes, and the mechanisms involved, in cells derived from a model of colon cancer metastasis. Src activity in these cells is associated with formation and dynamic regulation of integrin adhesions and disorganization of E-cadherin-dependent cell-cell contacts. Furthermore, Src-induced deregulation of E-cadherin requires integrin signalling, demonstrating a complex interdependence between integrin- and cadherin-associated adhesion changes induced by Src. The integrin-induced signals that co-operate with Src to cause deregulation of cadherin-dependent cell-cell contacts include activation of the MEK/ERK and MLCK/myosin activities. Inhibition of this pathway suppresses integrin complexes formed on fibronectin, while promoting E-cadherin redistribution to sites of cell-cell contacts. Also, in embryonic fibroblasts that express N-cadherin (which is normally diffusely cytoplasmic as these cells maintain a fibroblastic morphology) suppressing integrin signalling and inhibiting the MEK/ERK/MLCK/myosin pathway relocalizes N-cadherin to cell-cell contacts. Our recent data therefore imply an important, and perhaps general, role for spatially controlled contractility in suppressing normal cadherin localization and inducing a mesenchymal-like phenotype

    Active ERK/MAP kinase is targeted to newly forming cell–matrix adhesions by integrin engagement and v-Src

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    Integrin engagement generates cellular signals leading to the recruitment of structural and signalling molecules which, in concert with rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton, leads to the formation of focal adhesion complexes. Using antisera reactive either with total ERK or with phosphorylated/activated forms of ERK, in rat embryo fibroblasts and embryonic avian cells that express v-Src, we found that active ERK is targeted to newly forming focal adhesions after integrin engagement or activation of v-Src. UO126, an inhibitor of MAP kinase kinase 1 (MEK1), suppressed focal adhesion targeting of active ERK and cell spreading. Also, integrin engagement and v-Src induced myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)-dependent phosphorylation of myosin light chain downstream of the MEK/ERK pathway, and MLCK and myosin activities are required for the focal adhesion targeting of ERK. The translocation of active ERK to newly forming focal adhesions may direct specificity towards appropriate downstream targets that influence adhesion assembly. These findings support a role for ERK in the regulation of the adhesion/cytoskeletal network and provide an explanation for the role of ERK in cell motility

    Cleavage of focal adhesion kinase by different proteases during Src-reguIated transformation and apoptosis - Distinct roles for calpain and caspases

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    ntegrin-associated focal adhesion complexes provide the main adhesive links between the cellular actin cytoskeleton and the surrounding extracellular matrix. In vitro, cells utilize a complex temporal and spatially regulated mechanism of focal adhesion assembly and disassembly required for cell migration. Recent studies indicate that members of both calpain and caspase protease families can promote limited proteolytic cleavage of several components of focal adhesions leading to disassembly of these complexes. Such mechanisms that influence cell adhesion may be deregulated under pathological conditions characterized by increased cell motility, such as tumor invasion. v-Src-induced oncogenic transformation is associated with loss of focal adhesion structures and transition to a less adherent, more motile phenotype, while inactivating temperature-sensitive v-Src in serum-deprived transformed cells leads to detachment and apoptosis. In this report, we demonstrate that v-Src-induced disassembly of focal adhesions is accompanied by calpain-dependent proteolysis of focal adhesion kinase. Furthermore, inhibitors of calpain repress v-Src-induced focal adhesion disruption, loss of substrate adhesion, and cell migration. In contrast, focal adhesion loss during detachment and apoptosis induced after switching off temperature-sensitive v-Src in serum-deprived transformed cells is accompanied by caspase-mediated proteolysis of focal adhesion kinase. Thus, calpain and caspase differentially regulate focal adhesion turnover during Src-regulated cell transformation, motility, and apoptosis

    Src-mediated phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase couples actin and adhesion dynamics to survival signaling

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    Integrin-associated focal adhesions not only provide adhesive links between cellular actin and extracellular matrix but also are sites of signal transmission into the cell interior. Many cell responses signal through focal adhesion kinase (FAK), often by integrin-induced autophosphorylation of FAK or phosphorylation by Src family kinases. Here, we used an interfering FAK mutant (4-9F-FAK) to show that Src-dependent FAK phosphorylation is required for focal adhesion turnover and cell migration, by controlling assembly of a calpain 2/FAK/Src/p42ERK complex, calpain activation, and proteolysis of FAK. Expression of 4-9F-FAK in FAK-deficient fibroblasts also disrupts F-actin assembly associated with normal adhesion and spreading. In addition, we found that FAK's ability to regulate both assembly and disassembly of the actin and adhesion networks may be linked to regulation of the protease calpain. Surprisingly, we also found that the same interfering 4-9F-FAK mutant protein causes apoptosis of serum-deprived, transformed cells and suppresses anchorage-independent growth. These data show that Src-mediated phosphorylation of FAK acts as a pivotal regulator of both actin and adhesion dynamics and survival signaling, which, in turn, control apparently distinct processes such as cell migration and anchorage-independent growth. This also highlights that dynamic regulation of actin and adhesions (which include the integrin matrix receptors) is critical to signaling output and biological response

    The protrusive phase and full development of integrin-dependent adhesions in colon epithelial cells require FAK- and ERK-mediated actin spike formation: Deregulation in cancer cells

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    Integrins play an important role in tumour progression by influencing cellular responses and matrix-dependent adhesion. However, the regulation of matrix-dependent adhesion assembly in epithelial cells is poorly understood. We have investigated the integrin and signalling requirements of cell-matrix adhesion assembly in colon carcinoma cells after plating on fibronectin. Adhesion assembly in these, and in the adenoma cells from which they were derived, was largely dependent on alpha v beta 6 integrin and required phosphorylation of FAK on tyrosine-397. The rate of fibronectin-induced adhesion assembly and the expression of both alpha v beta 6 integrin and FAK were increased during the adenoma-to-carcinoma transition. The matrix-dependent adhesion assembly process, particularly the final stages of complex protrusion that is required for optimal cell spreading, required the activity of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Furthermore, phosphorylated ERK was targeted to newly forming cell--matrix adhesions in the carcinoma cells but not the adenoma cells, and inhibition of FAK--tyrosine-397 phosphorylation or MEK suppressed the appearance of phosphorylated ERK at peripheral sites. In addition, inhibition of MEK--ERK activation blocked the formation of peripheral actin microspikes that were necessary for the protrusive phase of cell-matrix adhesion assembly. Thus, MEK--ERK--dependent peripheral actin re-organization is required for the full development of integrin-induced adhesions and this pathway is stimulated in an in vitro model of colon cancer progression

    RACK1 Regulates Integrin-mediated Adhesion, Protrusion, and Chemotactic Cell Migration via Its Src-binding Site

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    Mammalian cDNA expression cloning was used to identify novel regulators of integrin-mediated cell-substratum adhesions. Using a focal adhesion morphology screen, we identified a cDNA with homology to a receptor for activated protein kinase C (RACK1) that induced a loss of central focal adhesions and stress fibers in CHO-K1 cells. The identified cDNA was a C-terminal truncated form of RACK1 that had one of the putative protein kinase C binding sites but lacked the region proposed to bind the β integrin cytoplasmic domain and the tyrosine kinase Src. To investigate the role of RACK1 during cell spreading and migration, we tagged RACK1, a C-terminal truncated RACK1 and a point mutant that does not bind Src (RACK Y246F) with green fluorescent protein and expressed them in CHO-K1 cells. We found that RACK1 regulates the organization of focal adhesions and that it localizes to a subset of nascent focal complexes in areas of protrusion that contain paxillin but not vinculin. We also found that RACK1 regulates cell protrusion and chemotactic migration through its Src binding site. Together, these findings suggest that RACK1 regulates adhesion, protrusion, and chemotactic migration through its interaction with Src

    The Diaphanous-related Formin mDia1 Controls Serum Response Factor Activity through its Effects on Actin Polymerization

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    SRF-dependent transcription is regulated by the small GTPase RhoA via its effects on actin dynamics. The diaphanous-related formin (DRF) proteins have been identified as candidate RhoA effectors mediating signaling to SRF. Here we investigate the relationship between SRF activation and actin polymerization by the DRF mDia1. We show that the ability of mDia1 to potentiate SRF activity is strictly correlated with its ability to promote F-actin assembly. Both processes can occur independently of the mDia1 FH1 domain but require sequences in an extended C-terminal region encompassing the conserved FH2 domain. mDia-mediated SRF activation, but not F-actin assembly, can be blocked by a nonpolymerizable actin mutant, placing actin downstream of mDia in the signal pathway. The SRF activation assay was used to identify inactive mDia1 derivatives that inhibit serum- and LPA-induced signaling to SRF. We show that these interfering mutants also block F-actin assembly, whether induced by mDia proteins or extracellular signals. These results identify novel functional elements of mDia1 and show that it regulates SRF activity by inducing depletion of the cellular pool of G-actin