51 research outputs found

    Moral Disengagement and Generalized Social Trust as Mediators and Moderators of Rule-Respecting Behaviors During the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    In this study, we tested a theoretical model with moral disengagement, a mediator, and generalized social trust (GST), a mediator and a moderator of the relationship between personality traits and rule-respecting behaviors (i.e., social distancing and stay-at-home), during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy. The data were collected on 1520 participants (61% males). General results are threefold: (1) moral disengagement mediated the relationship between emotional stability, narcissism, psychopathy, and social distancing; (2) among components of GST, trust in Government mediated the relationship between psychopathy and social distancing; trust in known others mediated the relationship between emotional stability, agreeableness, and Machiavellianism with total number of exits; trust in unknown others mediated the relationship of emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and psychopathy with average daily number of exits; (3) GST moderated the indirect effect of personality traits on rule-respecting behaviors through moral disengagement. The theoretical and practical importance of these results is discussed

    Moral disengagement and generalized social trust as mediators and moderators of rule-respecting behaviors during the COVID-19 outbreak

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    In this study, we tested a theoretical model with moral disengagement, a mediator,and generalized social trust (GST), a mediator and a moderator of the relationshipbetween personality traits and rule-respecting behaviors (i.e., social distancing andstay-at-home), during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy. Thedata were collected on 1520 participants (61% males). General results are threefold: (1) moral disengagement mediated the relationship between emotional stability, narcissism,psychopathy, and social distancing; (2) among components of GST, trust in Governmentmediated the relationship between psychopathy and social distancing; trust in knownothers mediated the relationship between emotional stability, agreeableness, andMachiavellianism with total number of exits; trust in unknown others mediated therelationship of emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and psychopathywith average daily number of exits; (3) GST moderated the indirect effect of personalitytraits on rule-respecting behaviors through moral disengagement. The theoretical andpractical importance of these results is discussed

    Personality and Emotional Self-efficacy: the Relationship between HEXACO’s Emotionality, Extraversion and Conscientiousness with Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy Belief

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    The main objective of this study was to investigate the influences of some personality traits, measured with the HEXACO model of personality, on the perceived ability to manage one’s own affects. The results of the correlations and the linear regressions between the personality traits, measured by the HEXACO-60, and the perceived ability to manage affects, measured by the Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Belief scale, support the idea that extraversion is more related to expressing positive affects, whereas emotionality is more related to managing negative affects, and conscientiousness is slightly related to some aspects of self-regulation of positive and negative affects. The results obtained in this study for the HEXACO are similar to those displayed for FFM in previous studies regarding personality traits and positive and negative affects

    Variation of inflammatory indexes in patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis treated with an herbal compound/extract

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    Introduction: Inflammation is a highly prevalent finding in the prostate. Men with inflammation have higher IPSS score and increased prostate size. For men with prostatic inflammation, there is a significantly increased risk of developing acute urinary retention and the need of a surgical approach to the disease. Some laboratory tests (i.e. fibrinogen, C-reactive protein), can play a role in identifying patients at greatest risk of complications and adverse outcomes after surgery. There have been several experiences exploring the role of nutraceutical approach to the prostate inflammation. Aim of our study were to describe the variation in symptoms and inflammatory indexes in men affected by chronic abacterial prostatitis, treated with an herbal extract containing Curcuma Longa 500 mg, Boswellia 300 mg, Urtica dioica 240 mg, Pinus pinaster 200 mg and glycine max 70 mg. Materials and methods: A prospective multicenter study was conducted from February 2021 and March 2022. One hundred patients, with a diagnosis of Chronic Prostatitis were enrolled in a multicentric phase III observational study. They were treated with the herbal extract, one capsule per day, for 60 days. No placebo arm was included. In each patient, inflammatory indexes, PSA, prostate volume, IIEF-5, PUF, uroflowmetry (Qmax), IPSS-QoL, NIH-CPPS were registered and statistically compared at baseline and at the follow up visit. Results: The variation obtained on the inflammation indexes showed a global improvement after treatment, including the PSA reduction. We also recorded a significant improvement on IPSS-QoL, NIH-CPPS, PUF and Qmax scores. Conclusions: The herbal extract considered in our study may represent a promising and safe therapeutic agent leading to a reduction of inflammation markers, and could be used in the treatment of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia

    Aging well in an aging society: physical health in older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults

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    IntroductionOlder sexual minority people meet a double stigma in our society related to their sexual identity and chronological age. The present study explores how experiences of discrimination and prejudice, coming out, and personal resiliency influence physical health of older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults.MethodsRespondents were recruited through online advertisements and an online-based survey. The sample included 82 Italian cisgender LGB adults over 65 years: young older adults (65–70 years; 78%) and old-old adults (over 71 years; 22%). Regarding sexual orientation, the sample was composed of sexual minority women (n = 30; 37%) and sexual minority men (n = 52; 63%).ResultsANOVAs’ findings showed that sexual minority women described lower levels of physical health compared to sexual minority men. At the same time, old-old adults reported higher experiences of discrimination and prejudice compared to young older adults. Moreover, findings from hierarchical multiple regression analysis described that coming out, higher levels of personal resiliency, and fewer experiences of discrimination were predictors of physical health, regardless of age and sexual minority categories.ConclusionThese findings seem to align with previous studies that underline the relevance of investigating aging well in sexual minority people. Knowledge and awareness of LGBTQ+ issues are necessary for recognizing the unique needs and resources of older LGB people for promoting a healthy aging process

    Prima diffusione delle opere di Giovanni Boccaccio a Firenze: Nuove acquisizioni dal Magistrato dei Pupilli Avanti il Principato (1383-1439)

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    Domestic inventories prepared between 1384-1439 show a great and previously unknown number of copies of Boccaccio's works circulating in Florence. The authors have analyzed both their location in the houses and villas of their owners and the importance for our understanding of the early circulation of Boccaccio in Florence

    Validation of the Organizational-Based General Self-Esteem (OB-GSE) Scale

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    Using data from four different samples of full-time employees, the present study was aimed to introduce and demonstrate the validity and reliability of the Organizational-Based General Self-esteem Scale (OB-GSE) a new six-item self-report scale to measure organizational-based self-esteem at work. Results provided evidence of (1) validity (internal, external, and convergent), (2) reliability and (3) temporal stability of the OB-GSE scale. All in all, results attested the usefulness and the effectiveness of the OB-GSE scale

    L’influenza dell’autoefficacia emotiva, sociale e lavorativa sui comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa

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    Introduzione. I comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa (OCB) rappresentano una classe di comportamenti organizzativi che sono "discrezionali, non direttamente o esplicitamente riconosciuti dal sistema formale di ricompensa, e che promuovono il funzionamento efficace dell'organizzazione" (Organ, 1988, p.4). Sono considerati un prototipico esempio di comportamento prosociale al lavoro (Bolino & Grant, 2016). Studi condotti sotto il paradigma social-cognitivo (Bandura, 1997) suggeriscono che l’autoefficacia ha un ruolo centrale in diverse sfere di funzionamento lavorativo(es. emotiva, lavorativa e interpersonale) e che essa rappresenti un importante predittori della prosocialità (Alessandri et al., 2009; Beauregard, 2012; Caprara & Steca, 2005, 2007).Obbiettivi. Questo studio esamina le relazioni longitudinali tra le convinzioni di efficacia emotiva, sociale e lavorativa e e i comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa a beneficio dei propri colleghi (OCBI). L’ipotesi alla base dello studio è che l’autoefficacia sociale e lavorativa medino la relazione longitudinale tra l’autoefficacia emotiva e gli OCBI.Metodo. Il modello è stato testato utilizzando dati longitudinali provenienti da due coorti complete di allievi di una scuola di polizia economico-finanziaria (totale lavoratori N= 562). Le ipotesi sono state testate utilizzando un modello di mediazione longitudinale autoregressivo di tipo multistato (LTS-A, Eid et al., 2017) prendendo in considerazione separatamente il livello dei singoli individui (i.e., within individual level) e quello dei tratti latenti. Risultati.I risultati supportano l’ipotesi che l’autoefficacia sociale e lavorativa medino la relazione longitudinale tra autoefficacia emotiva e OCBI. Il modello fornisce sostegno alla letteratura esistente che collega l’autoefficacia a diversi tipi di performancelavorativa.Limiti. Uno dei limiti principali è l'uso esclusivo di scale self-report per misurare gli OCBI. In futuro sarebbe auspicabile utilizzarepiù informatori. Aspetti Innovativi. Gli aspetti innovativi sono l’uso di due coorti complete, l'uso di unmodello multistato e l’estensione di un modello teorico validato all’ambito lavorativo, nel quale assume una grande valenza applicativa

    I tratti subclinici della personalitĂ  antisociale e l'influenza emotiva in un gruppo di giovani adulti italiani

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    Il Dark Triad comprende tre tratti di personalità socialmente avversivi: il machiavellismo, il narcisismo e la psicopatia. In questo articolo viene presentato uno studio di tipo correlazionale tra i tratti del Dark Triad, le sei dimensioni dell’HEXACO e l’intelligenza emotiva, in un campione di 309 giovani adulti italiani di età compresa tra i 18 e i 22 anni. I risultati mostrano delle correlazioni significative e negative tra i tratti del Dark Triad e quelli di onestà-umiltà, gradevolezza ed emotività dell’HEXACO, mentre solo il narcisismo correla positivamente con l’intelligenza emotiva. In conclusione vengono avanzate alcune riflessioni sulla prevenzione dei tratti antisociali del Dark Tria
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