57 research outputs found

    Interactions between subunits a and b in the rotary ATP synthase as determined by cross-linking.

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    The interaction of the membrane traversing stator subunits a and b of the rotary ATP synthase was probed by substitution of a single Cys into each subunit with subsequent Cu(2+) catalyzed cross-linking. Extensive interaction between the transmembrane (TM) region of one b subunit and TM2 of subunit a was indicated by cross-linking with 6 Cys pairs introduced into these regions. Additional disulfide cross-linking was observed between the N-terminus of subunit b and the periplasmic loop connecting TM4 and TM5 of subunit a. Finally, benzophenone-4-maleimide derivatized Cys in the 2-3 periplasmic loop of subunit a were shown to cross-link with the periplasmic N-terminal region of subunit b. These experiments help to define the juxtaposition of subunits b and a in the ATP synthase

    Direct observation of stepped proteolipid ring rotation in E. coli FoF1-ATP synthase

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    This single-molecule study identifies an interaction between two subunits of the molecular motor FoF1-ATP synthase that acts as a molecular leash to control rotation of the proteolipid c-ring to allow ATP synthesis

    On the structure of the stator of the mitochondrial ATP synthase

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    The structure of most of the peripheral stalk, or stator, of the F-ATPase from bovine mitochondria, determined at 2.8 Å resolution, contains residues 79–183, 3–123 and 5–70 of subunits b, d and F(6), respectively. It consists of a continuous curved α-helix about 160 Å long in the single b-subunit, augmented by the predominantly α-helical d- and F(6)-subunits. The structure occupies most of the peripheral stalk in a low-resolution structure of the F-ATPase. The long helix in subunit b extends from near to the top of the F(1) domain to the surface of the membrane domain, and it probably continues unbroken across the membrane. Its uppermost region interacts with the oligomycin sensitivity conferral protein, bound to the N-terminal region of one α-subunit in the F(1) domain. Various features suggest that the peripheral stalk is probably rigid rather than resembling a flexible rope. It remains unclear whether the transient storage of energy required by the rotary mechanism takes place in the central stalk or in the peripheral stalk or in both domains

    An alternative role of FoF1-ATP synthase in Escherichia coli: synthesis of thiamine triphosphate

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    In E. coli, thiamine triphosphate (ThTP), a putative signaling molecule, transiently accumulates in response to amino acid starvation. This accumulation requires the presence of an energy substrate yielding pyruvate. Here we show that in intact bacteria ThTP is synthesized from free thiamine diphosphate (ThDP) and Pi, the reaction being energized by the proton-motive force (Dp) generated by the respiratory chain. ThTP production is suppressed in strains carrying mutations in F1 or a deletion of the atp operon. Transformation with a plasmid encoding the whole atp operon fully restored ThTP production, highlighting the requirement for FoF1-ATP synthase in ThTP synthesis. Our results show that, under specific conditions of nutritional downshift, FoF1-ATP synthase catalyzes the synthesis of ThTP, rather than ATP, through a highly regulated process requiring pyruvate oxidation. Moreover, this chemiosmotic mechanism for ThTP production is conserved from E. coli to mammalian brain mitochondria