51 research outputs found
Il performance management e lo sviluppo del capitale umano in un contesto di lavoro ibrido
Nel lavoro ibrido, le competenze richieste non sono solo quelle ‘tradizionali’, cioè conoscenza e saper fare tecnico-specialistico, nel senso di strettamente legato al tipo di mansione svolta e all’area aziendale specifica nella quale tale lavoro si inserisce e quindi quelle tipiche che definiscono e danno identità a una specifica occupazione. Altrettanto, se non più rilevanti, diventano anche competenze nuove, cioè non tradizionali o tipiche della posizione o occupazione, come le capacità informatiche e digitali e le soft skills.
Tali competenze possono essere formate e sviluppate in tanti modi diversi, ma tra di essi certamente l’apprendimento on the job ossia l’esperienza lavorativa quotidiana, per cui il lavoro in sé e il contesto nel quale si svolge diventano esperienza formativa e contesto di apprendimento stimolato anche dalla trasmissione intergenerazionale, occupa un ruolo centrale.
È anche per questo che i sistemi di performance management – tradizionalmente intesi come strumento di valutazione di come il lavoratore svolge il proprio lavoro – possono essere (ri)letti e (re)interpretati come strumento a supporto dell’investimento in capitale umano da parte sia delle imprese che si stanno digitalizzando, sia dei lavoratori che stanno sperimentando l’ibridazione delle loro tradizionali attività lavorative con le nuove tecnologie digitali.
Nonostante le numerose call che invitano ad approfondire sia dal punto di vista teorico che empirico il tema del performance management, soprattutto in relazione alle sfide che la trasformazione digitale pone all’organizzazione del lavoro, alla leadership e alla gestione delle risorse umane, in diversi settori, la questione di come si configurino e stiano cambiando, nella percezione di imprese e dipendenti, e in un contesto di lavori ibridi, i sistemi di valutazione e gestione della prestazione e se e come questi possano promuovere l’investimento in capitale umano “ibrido” è ancora largamente inesplorata. L’articolo si propone di colmare questa lacuna, utilizzando i dati raccolti dall’Osservatorio sul Performance Management di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Real-world Outcomes of Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Treated With Polatuzumab Vedotin-based Therapy
: After FDA and EMA approval of the regimen containing polatuzumab vedotin plus rituximab and bendamustine (PolaBR), eligible relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients in Italy were granted early access through a Named Patient Program. A multicentric observational retrospective study was conducted focusing on the effectiveness and safety of PolaBR in everyday clinical practice. Fifty-five patients were enrolled. There were 26 females (47.3%), 32 patients were primary refractory and 45 (81.8%) resulted refractory to their last therapy. The decision to add or not bendamustine was at physician's discretion. Thirty-six patients underwent PolaBR, and 19 PolaR. The 2 groups did not differ in most of baseline characteristics. The final overall response rate was 32.7% (18.2% complete response rate), with a best response rate of 49.1%. Median disease-free survival was reached at 12 months, median progression-free survival at 4.9 months and median overall survival at 9 months, respectively. Overall, 88 adverse events (AEs) were registered during treatment in 31 patients, 22 of grade ≥3. Eight cases of neuropathy occurred, all of grades 1-2 and all related to polatuzumab. The two groups of treatment did not differ for effectiveness endpoints but presented statistically significant difference in AEs occurrence, especially in hematological AEs, in AEs of grade equal or greater than 3 and in incidence of neuropathy. Our data add useful information on the effectiveness of Pola(B)R in the setting of heavily pretreated DLBCL and may also suggest a better tolerability in absence of bendamustine without compromise of efficacy
QUIN 2.0 - new release of the QUaternary fault strain INdicators database from the Southern Apennines of Italy
QUIN database integrates and organizes structural-geological information from published and unpublished sources to constrain deformation in seismotectonic studies. The initial release, QUIN1.0, comprised 3,339 Fault Striation Pairs, mapped on 445 sites exposed along the Quaternary faults of central Italy. The present Data Descriptor introduces the QUIN 2.0 release, which includes 4,297 Fault Striation Pairs on 738 Structural Sites from southern Italy. The newly investigated faults span ~500 km along the Apennines chain, with strikes transitioning from ~SE to ~SW and comprehensively details Fault Striation Pairs’ location, attitude, kinematics, and deformation axes. Additionally, it offers a shapefile of the fault traces hosting the data. The QUIN 2.0 release offers a significant geographic extension to the QUIN 1.0, with comprehensive description of local geometric-kinematic complexities of the regional pattern. The QUIN data may be especially relevant for constraining intra-Apennine potential seismogenic deformation patterns, where earthquake data only offer scattered or incomplete information. QUIN’s data will support studies aimed at enhancing geological understanding, hazard assessment and comprehension of fault rupture propagation and barriers
Competitività regionale, pratiche di gestione delle risorse umane e innovazione d’impresa a livello Europeo
Il tema della competitività è un concetto complesso, il quale è influenzato da una molteplicità di fattori. A livello macro (i.e regioni) le determinanti risultano essere le caratteristiche socio-economiche territoriali, mentre a livello d’impresa uno dei fattori risulta essere la capacità sostenere ed aumentare la propria capacità innovativa, tramite la quale l’organizzazione riesce a permanere sul mercato. Il presente studio ha come obiettivo da una parte, analizzare la competitività territoriale ed in particolare la competitività regionale in Europa; dall’altra si concentra più nel dettaglio, analizzando sempre a livello Europeo, gli antecedenti dell’innovazione d’impresa, in particolare considerando le pratiche per la gestione delle risorse umane, la ricerca e sviluppo collaborativa e l’utilizzo di tecnologie digitali ed employee empowerment. In quadro Europeo è alla base della presente tesi, la quale mira ad affrontare queste tematiche attraverso in tre capitoli differenti.
Il primo capitolo, tramite dati provenienti dall’ EU Regional Competitiveness Index 2019, mira ad offrire un’analisi comparata della competitività regionale a livello Europeo, attraverso l’utilizzo di un metodo decisionale multi-criterio, volta a fornire una prospettiva nuova su concetti complessi e di difficile misurazione come la competitività regionale. L’analisi da una parte integra ed estende la letteratura esistente sulle metodologie di misurazione della competitività territoriale, dall’altra fornisce un quadro efficace della competitività regionale in Europa, tramite un approccio comparato, il quale può essere utile per decisori politici volti ad affrontare disparità regionali nel contesto Europeo.
Il secondo capitolo, utilizzando il database dell’European Company Survey (ECS) 2019, analizza tramite un modello di mediazione, come determinate pratiche per la gestione delle risorse umane possano promuovere la ricerca e sviluppo collaborativa tra le imprese e come quest’ultima, a sua volta influenza (ed incrementa) la probabilità di innovazione delle organizzazioni coinvolte in questo processo. Questa parte offre spunti di riflessione su come i managers possano aumentare la capacità di innovazione dell’impresa implementando quelle pratiche che promuovono l’innovazione collaborativa. Allo stesso tempo, cerca di dare risposta a livello empirico, ad una tematica attualmente dibattuta in letteratura, quella tra pratiche e innovazione collaborativa, su cui però sono presenti studi principalmente qualitativi.
Il terzo capitolo, sempre utilizzando i dati dell’ECS 2019, sposta l’attenzione, attraverso un modello di moderazione, su come le pratiche della gestione delle risorse umane possano avere un effetto differente rispetto a diverse tipologie di innovazioni radicali (prodotto, processo), anche tenendo in considerazione il livello di tecnologie digitali presenti nel contesto aziendale. Questa parte estende la letteratura esistente nell’analisi della relazione diretta tra pratiche a innovazioni radicali, oggi poco affrontata dagli studiosi. Allo stesso tempo considera un tema ‘caldo’ e molto dibattuto, su come le tecnologie digitali sul posto di lavoro possano influenzare le determinanti lavorative verso una maggiore innovazione radicale, anche grazie alla centralizzazione del potere decisionale.Competitiveness is a complex concept, which is influenced by a multiplicity of factors. At macro level (i.e. regions) the determinants are the socio-economic territorial characteristics, while at company level one of the factors is the capability of the firm to sustain and enhance its innovative capacity through which it can stay competitive on the market. The aim of the current study is on the one hand, the analysis of territorial competitiveness and specifically of regional competitiveness in Europe; on the other hand, it goes deeper by considering at European level, the antecedents of firm innovation, in particular human resource management practices, collaborative research and development as well as digital technologies and employee empowerment in the workplace. The European framework is chosen as a common background to address these topics in three different chapters.
The first chapter, by using data coming from the EU Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) 2019, makes a comparative assessment of regional competitiveness at European level through a Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method, which offers a new perspective on complex concepts such as regional competitiveness, which are difficult to determine and measure. The current analysis on the one hand, integrates and extends the current literature on the methods that are relevant for measuring regional competitiveness; on the other hand, through a comparative approach it offers a fresh perspective on regional competitiveness at European level that could be useful for policy-makers addressing territorial disparities.
The second chapter, by using data coming from the European Company Survey (ECS) 2019, analyses though a mediation model, how human resource management practices may enhance collaborative research and development between firms and how this in turs, influences (and enhances) the probability to make innovations by the companies involved in the process. This part offers some interesting implications for managers on how increasing the innovative capacity of companies by investing in those practices that promote collaborative innovations. At the same time, the study tries to provide empirical answer to the relationship between practices and collaborative innovation, a topic which is currently debated but has been mainly addressed by qualitative studies so far.
The third chapter, by using the ECS dataset and by using a moderation model, drives the attention on how human resource management practices have different effects on different kinds of radical innovations (i.e. product and process innovation), by also taking into account the level of technological context complexity and employee empowerment in the workplace. This study extends the current literature on the effects of human resource practices on radical innovation, which is currently a gap in the literature. Moreover, it considers a “hot” and debated topic, which is how digital technologies shape and influence the determinants in the workplace toward greater radical innovation, also thanks to the interactive effect of the centralization of the decision-making process
A comparative assessment of Smart Specialisation Strategies: the RIS3 of The Basque Country, Extremadura and Emilia Romagna
Máster en Dirección Empresarial desde la Innovación y la Internacionalización. Curso 2018/2019[EN]Today we are in the middle of the eight European programming period 2014-2020, where the
Smart Specialisation Strategy has assumed a central role for the effective realisation and
achievement of the European Cohesion Policy, and it is considered as the main driver to foster
and support innovation among European regions. Nevertheless, development strategies are
difficult to be assessed, since the complexity of the context in which they operate. The success or
failure of these types of strategies may depend on the quality with which they are elaborated,
hence different level of Smart Specialisation’s designs might lead to different outcomes.
Therefore, it is important to provide an effective evaluation system which can furnish answers
about how regions have developed their own RIS3s.
The aim of this work is to further test the S3 threefold assessment method that a colleague of
mine called Filippo Damiani and I have elaborated for our Master’s degree in Languages for
Communication in International Enterprises and Organisations in the university of Modena and
Reggio Emilia.
The objective of this method is to assess the quality and completeness of Smart Specialisation
Strategies elaborated by European regions, in order to assist policymakers when they come up to
the monitoring and evaluation phase of S3 and to help them to draw up conclusions about the
effectiveness of S3 to achieve the goals regions have set.
The method is composed by three different phases. The first one assigns a quantitative
judgement on the quality and completeness of the S3s. This task will be accomplished by using
the Assessment Wheel 2.0, which is the enhancement of the Assessment developed by Christian
Saublens, executive director of EURADA, which was conceived “for the synthetic representation
of the progress made in drafting/designing a RIS3” (‘Assessment Wheel - Smart Specialisation
Platform’, 2018), used especially by regions during their peer-review workshops.
The second phase aims to compare this quantitative judgment with respect to strategies
developed by other regions. Therefore, for this step the standard deviation is used in order
consider, as a relevant facet in the strategy, not only the single values of marks of the first phase,
but also the composition of the overall judgment with respect to the steps that compose it.
The third phase aims to assign a final qualitative judgement to the overall strategy and measure
the grade of probability that the strategy can achieve the expected goals. To do this and to make
a sort of foresight about the possible outcome the S3 may bring to regions, the fuzzy logic will
be used by utilizing the Fuzzy-Lite controller program.
The threefold method will be applied to three strategies developed by three different European
regions, in the specific the Spanish regions of The Basque Country and Extremadura, and the
strategy of the Italian region of Emilia Romagna. The intention is to understand whether
strategies realized by developed regions are better designed with respect to lagging regions, since
the latter might not have the same capability and knowledge to design their own strategies.
Moreover, it is also remarkable to assess whether regions that have structural similarities but
belong to different contexts might have differences in the quality of their strategies.[ES]Actualmente, nos encontramos en medio del octavo período de programación Europèo (2014-
2020), en el cual la Estrategía de Especialización Inteligente ha tomado un rol central para la
puesta en marcha de manera efectiva de la Política de Cohesión, considerada como un política
clave para fomentar y fortalecer la inovación entre las regiones Europeas. Sin embargo, las
estrategias de desarrollo son de difícil evaluación, dada la complejidad del entorno en las cuales
operan. El éxito o el fracaso de dichas estrategías puede depender de factores endógenos y
exógenos, pero también de la calidad con las que son elaboradas, por tanto, la diferente calidad
del proyecto de la Especialización Inteligente, puede afectar a su exíto. Por esta razón, es
necesario proveer un sistema de evaluación eficaz, que pueda dar respuestas acerca de cómo las
regiones han elaborado sus estrategias.
El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar en profundidad el triple método de evaluación de la S3, el
cual hemos elaborado un compañero de la universidad y yo durante la realización del Master en
Idiomas para la Comunicación en Empresas y Organizaciones Internacionales en la Universidad
de Módena y Reggio Emilia.
La finalidad de esta metodología es evaluar la calidad y la completitud de las Estrategias de
Especialización Inteligente elaboradas por las regiones Europèas, para asistir a los legisladores
de las mismas en lugar de la fase de seguimiento y evaluación. Así como ayudarles también en la
elaboración de conclusiones acerca de la eficacia de la S3 en lograr los objetivos establecidos
para la región.
El método está compuesto por tres fases diferentes. En primer lugar, es necesario asignar un
juicio cuantitativo sobre la calidad y la exhaustividad de las estrategías, según las pautas. Para
hacer eso, utilizarèmos el Assessment Wheel 2.0, que es la recreación del Assessment Wheel,
elaborada por Chrisian Saublens, director ejecutivo de EURADA, el cual fuè concebido para la
rapresentación sintética del estado de avance del diseño de la S3 durante los talleres de Peerreview
de las regiones.
En segundo lugar, es necesario comparar este juicio cuantitativo con las estrategías realizadas
por otras regiones. Por esta razón, en esta fase se utilizará la desviación estándar para tener en
cuenta como elemento importante, los juicios cuantitativos y la composición de los mismos,
considerando también sus grado de dispersión
High-performance work systems and firm innovation: the moderating role of digital technology and employee participation. Evidence from Europe
In the literature, evidence is to be found of the positive effect of high-performance work systems (HPWSs) on innovation in firms. However, innovation is enabled by not only human resources but also digital technology, and scholars have called for further investigation into the interplay between digital technology and HRM systems. Drawing on signalling theory and HPWSs research, the purpose of this study is to explore
the moderating role of digital technologies in the relationship between HPWSs and innovation in the firm and consider employee participation as an additional conditioning factor.
This study uses data from the European Company Suvery 2019 administered in a sample of more than 20,000 European establishments and applies logistic regression with a
three-way interaction.
HPWSs underpin product and process innovation. Moreover, this study shows that in firms with low levels of employee participation, digital technology enhances the effect of HPWSs on innovation, while in firms with high levels of employee participation, this effect is reduced.
This study enriches the scholarly discussion about the link between HPWSs and
innovation in the firm, by investigating in theoretical and empirical terms the moderating effect of digital technology, underlining that either positive or negative synergistic effects are possible. By adding employee participation to the analysis, the authors cast light on an important boundary condition for understanding when the synergic effects become more prominent. This intends to respond to recent calls from scholars and practitioners for more insight into the precise nature of the synergies between HPWSs and digital technology on innovation in the firm, with important implications for management
Città industriale e sviluppo locale: Modena e Ivrea a confronto.
This paper analyses local development in Modena, with an economy based on SMEs, and Ivrea, dominated by one big company. The different industrial structures deeply affected urban development: the municipality of Modena created an “Artisan Neighbourhood” – special areas for SMEs – whereas Ivrea developed the “Industrial City” designed by Adriano Olivetti. In recent years, the formation of large brownfield sites have prompted important redevelopment projects in both cities
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