5 research outputs found

    ObesitĂ  infantile: la Sindrome Metabolica e la sua prevenzione. Studio di prevalenza.

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    La sindrome metabolica rappresenta una importante complicanza dell’obesità infantile, caratterizzata da accumulo adiposo viscerale, ipertensione, diabete mellito tipo 2, dislipidemia e aumentato rischio di disturbi cardiovascolari nell’età adulta. L’incidenza di questa sindrome è in aumento, di pari passo con il trend dell’obesità che sta acquisendo sempre più i caratteri di una vera e propria 'epidemia'. Lo studio portato avanti si prefigge di confrontare la prevalenza di Sindrome Metabolica all’interno della clinica pediatrica di Pisa con la prevalenza globale, in modo da valutare l’efficacia delle attuali terapie messe in atto e impostare una corretta prevenzione che riduca il rischio cardiovascolare globale e le relative conseguenze

    Exploring the use of cluster analysis to assess antibiotic stewardship in critically-ill neonates in a low resource setting

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    Abstract Background Sepsis is the third leading cause of neonatal death in low and middle-income countries, accounting for one third of all deaths in Ethiopia. A concerning issue is the increasing number of multidrug-resistant microorganisms facilitated by suboptimal antibiotic stewardship. The study aims to identify clusters of newborns switching antibiotic lines for sepsis in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Ethiopia, and to explore their potential association with sepsis outcomes. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted including all newborns discharged with a diagnosis of probable neonatal sepsis from the St. Luke Catholic Hospital NICU between April and July 2021. The antibiotic management protocol included two lines according to WHO guidelines and a third line based on internal hospital guidelines. In the cluster analysis, the Gower distance was estimated based on the antibiotics employed in the different lines and the duration of each line. Mortality and respiratory distress (RD) were the response variables. Results In the study period, 456 newborns were admitted to the NICU and 196 (42.8%) had probable neonatal sepsis. Four antibiotic management clusters were identified. Cluster 1 (n = 145, 74.4%) had no antibiotic switches, using only the first line. Cluster 2 (n = 26, 13.3%) had one switch from the first to the second line. Cluster 4 (n = 9, 4.6%) had two switches: from first to second and then to third line. In cluster 3 (n = 15, 7.7%), newborns were switched from ceftriaxone/cloxacillin as second line to off-protocol antibiotics. There were no differences in sex, age, weight on admission or crude mortality between clusters. Cluster 3 included a higher frequency of infants who did not breathe at birth (53.3%, p = 0.011) and that necessitated bag ventilation (46.7%, p = 0.039) compared to the other clusters. Conclusions The first antibiotic line failed in one out of four newborns with probable sepsis while third-generation cephalosporins were insufficient in one in ten patients. Cluster analysis can provide valuable insights into antibiotic treatment patterns and their potential implications. This approach may support antibiotic stewardship and aid in contrasting antimicrobial resistance in limited resource settings

    Training on the Silverman and Andersen score improved how special care unit nurses assessed neonatal respiratory distress in a low-resource setting

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    Aim Identifying the severity of neonatal respiratory distress (RD) is essential, so that resources can be appropriately allocated. We assessed the ability of nurses to grade neonatal RD in a low-resource setting before and after they were trained to use a dedicated scoring tool. Methods The study was conducted in the Special Care Unit of St Luke Wolisso Hospital, Ethiopia. Ten nurses reviewed nine local video recordings and graded neonatal RD without a standardised method, which was current practice, and then after they were trained to use the Silverman and Andersen score. The data were analysed using the McNemar test and Cohen's kappa. Results Training increased the identification of mild RD from 63% to 93% (p = 0.008) and moderate RD from 40% to 73% (p = 0.03). Severe RD was 93% before and 90% after training (p = 0.99). Overall, the agreement improved from kappa 0.59 to 0.84, mainly by reducing the overestimation of milder degrees of RD. Conclusion Being trained on how to use the Silverman and Andersen score improved the ability of nurses to identify mild and moderate neonatal RD. This improvement has the potential to optimise the use of equipment, staff and time