3,673 research outputs found

    Audit for Information Systems Security

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    The information and communication technologies advances made available enormous and vast amounts of information. This availability generates also significant risks to computer systems, information and to the critical operations and infrastructures they support. In spite of significant advances in the information security area many information systems are still vulnerable to inside or outside attacks. The existence of an internal audit for information system security increases the probability of adopting adequate security measures and preventing these attacks or lowering the negative consequences. The paper presents an exploratory study on informatics audit for information systems security.Information System Risks, Audit, Security

    Exploring Multimedia Web Conferencing

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    Internet changed the perspective on meetings and also on decision making processes. Virtualization of meetings has become a common way for collaboration among employees, customers, partners, trainees and trainers, etc. Web conferencing allows the collaboration between teams' members to achieve common goals. Without the need of travelling and meeting organization, the web conferencing applications permit the participation of people from different location. Web conferencing applications are multimedia systems that allow various remote collaborations with multiple types of resources. The paper presents an exploratory study on multimedia web conferencing systems, its advantages and disadvantages and also a use case, meant to highlight several of this technology benefits and problems.multimedia web conferencing, web collaboration, virtual teams, decision support

    Evolution of Decision Support Systems Research Field in Numbers

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    The scientific production in a certain field shows, in great extent, the research interests in that field. Decision Support Systems are a particular class of information systems which are gaining more popularity in various domains. In order to identify the evolution in time of the publications number, authors, subjects, publications in the Decision Support Systems (DSS) field, and therefore the scientific world interest for this field, in November 2010 there have been organized a series of queries on three major international scientific databases: ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore Digital Library and ACM Digital Library. The results presented in this paper shows that, even the decision support systems research field started in 1960s, the interests for this type of systems grew exponentially with each year in the last decades.DSS, Numbers, Research, Materials

    Međugeneracijske i spolne razlike u seksualnom životu i upotrebi sredstava ovisnosti

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    Aim: Explore the habits of sexual life, knowledge, history and addictive substances use, analyze differences and similarities according to sex, age, religion, place of residence, parental education and generation. Methods: 364 random participants (17 - 56 years), visiting the outpatient department of the General hospital Bjelovar from 1st of January to 1st of June 2017. We used two criteria to include a person in the study-non health education occupation and finished high school diploma degree minimum. All subjects gave informed consent. The self-designed anonymous questionnaire contained general socio-demographic questions and those related to sexual behavior and addictive substances use. Results: Significantly more men than women use addictive substances, addictive substances are more often used in urban areas, men are less knowledgeable about sexually transmitted diseases, women have older partners, men have partners of the same age or younger, the age of first sexual intercourse as well as the number of sexual partners and the consumption of addictive substances shifts to through generations to a lower age limit, level of parental education has no protective effect on the risky behavior of participans. Life in rural areas and religious practice can be indicated as a protective factor for risky behavior. Conclusion: The results put new challenges in front of the experts in the humanities and public health areas as they provide insight into the changing sociological phenomena through decades and describe the Croatian society between the phenomena of globalization and retradionalisation. This and similar research may encourage relevant measures of prevention of these trends.Cilj: Istražiti navike seksualnog života, znanje, povijest i uporabu sredstava ovisnosti, analizirati razlike i sličnosti prema spolu, dobi, religiji, mjestu prebivališta, roditeljskom obrazovanju i generaciji. Metode: 364 randomizirana sudionika (u dobi između 17-56 godina), ambulantni pacijenti Opće bolnice Bjelovar od 1 siječnja do 1 lipnja 2017. Koristili smo dva kriterija za uključenje osoba u studiju: ne medicinsku okupaciju i završeno srednje školsko obrazovanje kao minimalni stupanj obrazovanja. Svi sudionici su dali informirani pristanak. Samoispunjavajući anonimni upitnik je sadržavao opća socio-demografska pitanja i ona povezana sa seksualnim ponašanjem i korištenjem sredstava ovisnosti. Rezultati: Značajno je više muškaraca nego žena koristilo sredstva ovisnosti, te su ta sredstva više korištena u urbanim sredinama, muškarci imaju manje znanje o spolno prenosivim bolestima, žene imaju starije partnere, muškarci imaju partnerice iste dobi ili mlađe. Dob prvog spolnog odnosa, kao i broj seksualnih partnera i konzumiranje sredstava ovisnosti prelazi s generacija na nižu dobnu granicu, razina roditeljskog obrazovanja nema zaštitni učinak na rizično ponašanje sudionika. Zaključak: Rezultati postavljaju nove izazove pred stručnjake za humanističke znanosti i javno zdravstvo, jer pružaju uvid u promjenjive sociološke pojave kroz desetljeća i opisuju hrvatsko društvo između pojava globalizacije i retradionalizacije. Ova i slična istraživanja mogu potaknuti odgovarajuće mjere prevencija ovih trendova

    High-risk newborns and pervasive developmental disorders

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    Aim of the paper: Analysis of developmental abilities in high-risk infants, with an emphasis on risk, early screening and early diagnosis of disorders of the autistic spectrum (ASD). Materials and methods: Between January 2013 and December 2015, a total number of 612 high - risk infants, were followed as outpatients at  the Clinic for neurology and development. We used Griffiths developmental scales for assessment of developmental abilities and M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers) when there was a suspicion for ASD. Results: In 4,4% of the children disorder in the field of socialization, social development and speech, as well as symptoms of ASD were found. The median age of the infants during examination was 23 months. Each child had a normal neurological status. Using the developmental tests, Griffiths developmental scales, the examined children, showed normal development of gross motor skill and normal development of fine motor skills. The developmental coefficient in the area of social development was 64%, and 44% in the area of speech. Four children showed clear signs of sensory integration dysfunction. 3,3% of children with symptoms of ASD were conceived with IVF, were twins and were preemies. Conclusion: The goal of developmental follow-up and developmental diagnostics should be establishing the risk and symptoms of ASD in high - risk children, especially in premature infants and twins.Цел на трудот: Ðнализа на развојните ÑпоÑобноÑти кај виÑокоризичните новородени Ñо акцент на ризикот, раниот Ñкрининг и раната дијагноÑтика на нарушувањата од аутиÑтичниот Ñпектар (ASD). Материјал и методи:  Ð’о периодот  Ð¾Ð´ јануари 2013 година до декември 2015 година, 612 виÑокоризич- ни деца поминале низ Ðевролошко-развојната амбуланта при УниверзитетÑката клиника за детÑки болеÑти во Скопје. Извршена е проценка на развојните ÑпоÑобноÑти на Ñекое дете Ñо примена на раз- војниот теÑÑ‚, Griffiths developmental scales како и примена на M-CHAT ( Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers) во Ñкринирањето на деца на возраÑÑ‚ од 16 до 30 меÑеци при Ñомение за аутиÑтичен Ñпектар на нарушувања. Резултати: Кај 4,4% од децата конÑтатирани Ñе отÑтапувања во Ñоцијалниот развој и говорот, одÑтапувања во полето на Ñоцијализација и Ñимптоми за ASD. Децата Ñе на Ñредна возраÑÑ‚ од 23 меÑеци. Сите деца Ñе Ñо уреден невролошки ÑтатуÑ. Ðа развојните теÑтови, Griffiths developmental scales, покажуваат уреден развој на крупна моторика и уреден развој на фина моторика. Развојниот коефициент во облаÑта на Ñоцијалниот развој изнеÑува  64%, а во облаÑта на говорот 44%. Четири деца покажуваат јаÑни знаци за диÑфункција на Ñензорната интеграција. 3,3% од децата  Ñо елементи на ASD Ñе од вештачко оплодување -IVF, близначка бременоÑÑ‚ и предвремено породување. Заклучок: Целта на развојното Ñледење и развојната дијагноÑтика треба да биде утврдување на ризикот, како и навремено откривање на Ñимптомите за ASD кај виÑоко ризичните деца, оÑобено кај недоноÑените и близнаците

    Audit for Information Systems Security

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    The information and communication technologies advances made available enormous and vast amounts of information. This availability generates also significant risks to computer systems, information and to the critical operations and infrastructures they support. In spite of significant advances in the information security area many information systems are still vulnerable to inside or outside attacks. The existence of an internal audit for information system security increases the probability of adopting adequate security measures and preventing these attacks or lowering the negative consequences. The paper presents an exploratory study on informatics audit for information systems security

    Stav pacijenata i psihijatara o trenutnom stanju farmakoterapije depresije u Srbiji i mogućnosti uvođenja personalizovane farmakoterapije i njenim potencijalnim efektima

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    The use of antidepressants has been steadily increasing. Even though the amount of evidence on the usefulness of personalized drug dosing in depression treatment is growing, there is still resistance and skepticism among physicians and regulators regarding the implementation of CYP450 genotyping and therapeutic drug monitoring in psychiatric clinical practice. The aim of this study was to quantify the opinions of psychiatrists and patients from three large psychiatric clinics in Belgrade, Serbia, and to examine what requirements need to be met to make changes in clinical guidelines or recommendations. All participants completed an anonymous questionnaire that was developed at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. Fourteen practicing psychiatrists and 30 patients currently treated for depression completed the questionnaire. Distributions of opinion scores were compared between the psychiatrists and patients upon the visual inspection of the violin plots. Our results show that psychiatrists predominantly have a positive opinion on personalized dosing in psychiatry and that patients are most likely to comply with new approaches in depression pharmacotherapy. However, due to the long time needed for regulatory change, it is very unlikely that personalized dosing would be rapidly implemented in clinical practice, even if adequate evidence was to emerge.Upotreba antidepresiva je u stalnom porastu. Iako raste količina dokaza o korisnosti personalizovanog doziranja lekova u lečenju depresije, još uvek postoji veliki otpor i skepticizam među lekarima i regulatorima u pogledu primene CYP450 genotipizacije i terapijskog praćenja lekova u psihijatrijskoj kliničkoj praksi. Cilj ove studije je bio da se kvantifikuju mišljenja psihijatara i pacijenata sa tri velike psihijatrijske klinike u Beogradu, u Srbiji, i da se ispita koji zahtevi treba da budu ispunjeni da bi se izvršile promene u kliničkim smernicama ili preporukama za doziranje antidepresiva. Svi učesnici su popunili anonimni upitnik koji je izrađen na Farmaceutskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upitnik je popunilo 44 učesnika, od kojih 14 psihijatara i 30 pacijenata koji se trenutno leče od depresije. Dodatno je kontaktiran i jedan stručnjak za farmakologiju. Distribucija ocena mišljenja je poređena između psihijatara i pacijenata nakon vizuelnog pregleda violina dijagrama. Naši rezultati pokazuju da psihijatri uglavnom imaju pozitivno mišljenje o personalizovanom doziranju u psihijatriji i da bi se pacijenti većinski pridržavali novih pristupa u farmakoterapiji depresije. Međutim, malo je verovatno da bi regulatorna tela u Srbiji brzo ažurirala svoje smernice, čak i ako bi se pojavili adekvatni dokazi

    Ribosomal Protein S19 interacts with macrophage migration inhibitory factor and modulates its pro-inflammatory function

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    Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleiotropic immune modulator that plays a critical role in several inflammatory conditions such as infection, sepsis and autoimmune diseases. MIF is present in cytoplasmic pools in a plethora of immune and non-immune cells and is rapidly released in response to inflammatory stimuli. MIF levels are elevated in a number of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis were increased concentrations in serum, synovial fluid and tissue are correlated with disease severity. In order to find out how MIF action is controlled in vivo, MIF interacting proteins (MIPs) that are able to limit MIF´s strong pro-inflammatory potential were searched for. Following co-immunoprecipitation experiments with lysates from NIH 3T3 cells ribosomal protein S19 (RP S19) was identified as a novel MIP. In pull-down experiments with wild-type and mutant MIF proteins RP S19 was shown to directly interact with MIF in vitro. Cysteine 60 of MIF but not proline 2 was shown to be important for interaction. Because RP S19 is released in inflammatory lesions by apoptotic cells, it was investigated if RP S19 binding can alter biological key functions of the cytokine. Because MIF proline 2 is not decisive for interaction, RP S19 could only moderately inhibit MIF’s proline 2 dependent tautomerase activity. In a chemotaxis assay (Transwell-system) MIF stimulated migration of human peripheral blood derived monocytes, and pre-incubation of MIF with RP S19 significantly inhibited MIF’s chemotaxis-promoting activity. Moreover, MIF’s glucocorticoid overriding activity on TNF secretion by monocytes was abrogated by pre-incubation with RP S19. Therefore, RP S19 was identified as the first endogenous inhibitor that is able to limit and control MIF’s strong pro-inflammatory activities.Der Makrophagen-Migrations-Inhibitions Faktor (MIF) ist ein pleiotroper Effektor des Immunsystems, der eine kritische Rolle bei einer Reihe von Entzündungsprozessen wie Infektionen, Sepsis und Autoimmunerkrankungen spielt. MIF liegt in einer Vielzahl von Immmun- und Nicht-Immunzellen in zytoplasmatischen Speichern vor und wird nach einem Entzündungs-Stimulus schnell freigesetzt. Bei einer Reihe von Krankheiten wurden erhöhte MIF Konzentrationen gefunden. So korrelieren zum Beispiel bei der Rheumatoiden Arthritis erhöhte MIF Konzentrationen im Serum, in der Synovialflüssigkeit sowie im Gewebe mit der Schwere der Krankheit. Um herauszufinden, wie die Wirkung von MIF in vivo kontrolliert wird, wurden daher mit MIF interagierende Proteine (MIPs) gesucht, die in der Lage sind, das starke pro-inflammatorische Potential von MIF zu begrenzen. Über Ko-Immunpräzipitationen aus Lysaten von NIH 3T3 Zellen konnte das Ribosomale Protein S19 (RP S19) als neues MIP identifiziert werden. In vitro „Pull down“-Experimente mit Wildtyp MIF und MIF Mutanten zeigten, daß RP S19 und MIF direkt miteinander interagieren. Für die Interaktion ist Cystein 60 auf Seiten von MIF wichtig, nicht jedoch Prolin 2. Da RP S19 in entzündungsbedingten Läsionen per Apoptose freigesetzt wird, wurde untersucht, ob Bindung von RP S19 biologisch relevante Schlüsselfunktionen von MIF beeinflussen kann. Da MIF Prolin 2 für die Interaktion ohne Bedeutung ist, wurde erwartungsgemäß nur eine moderate Inhibition der Prolin 2 abhängigen Tautomeraseaktivität von MIF durch Bindung von RP S19 festgstellt. In einem Chemotaxis Assay (Transwell-System) stimulierte MIF die Migration von aus menschlichem Blut isolierten Monozyten, wobei eine Präinkubation mit RP S19 diese Aktivität signifikant inhibierte. Darüberhinaus wird die Eigenschaft von MIF, die durch LPS induzierte und durch Glukokortikoide wieder inhibierte Sekretion des pro-inflammatorischen Zytokins TNF aus Monozyten aufzuheben, durch Präinkubation mit RP S19 vollständig blockiert. RP S19 konnte damit als erster endogener Inhibitor von MIF identifiziert werden, der in der Lage ist, die starken pro-inflammatorischen Eigenschaften von MIF zu begrenzen