79 research outputs found

    A Palm fossil closely related to <i>Chamaerops humilis</i> L. from the Lower Miocene of Sardinia

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    This paper deals with the anatomical and histological study of a silicified specimen of a palm consisting of a part of the trunk surrounded by roots. The sample comes from the Lower Miocene of North West Sardinia. The comparison with fossil species and existing species leads to the conclusion that the specimen belongs to a new fossil species closely related to Chamaerops humilis L., widespread throughout the Mediterranean area. Paleo-environmental considerations confirm the presence in Sardinia, in the epoch in question, of formations of Mediterranean forest corresponding in part to forest existing in North Africa today. Viene presentato lo studio anatomo-istologico di un reperto silicizzato di palma costituito da una parte di fusto con un rivestimento esterno di radici. Il campione proviene da formazioni attribuite al Miocene basale della Sardegna Nord-Occidentale. Il confronto con specie fossili e attuali ha permesso di accertare che si tratta di una nuova specie fossile che presenta notevole affinità con Chamaerops humilis L. e che viene perciò indicata come Palmoxylon homeochamaerops. Le considerazioni di ordine paleoambientale confermano la presenza all'epoca di formazioni di foresta mediterranea corrispondenti in parte a quelle che attualmente si rinvengono nell'Africa settentrionale ed in particolare nel Sud del Marocco

    Lectotypification of <i>Artemisia variabilis</i> Ten. (Compositae)

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    The name Artemisia variabilis Ten. is here lectotypified. Observations and synonyms are given

    Compendio bibliografico sulla paleobotanica in Sardegna

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    In this work 87 papers dealing with Sardinian Paleobotany, have been catalogued. Abstract and key-words are given for every one of them

    Il Genere fossile <i>Palmoxylon</i> Schenk nel Miocene della Sardegna

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    Il genere Palmoxylon Schenk è un taxon al quale vengono attribuiti i frammenti fossili di fusto la cui anatomia corrisponde a quella delle Palmae attuali. E' presente in Sardegna con diverse entità che ricorrono frequentemente nei giacimenti miocenici datati come Formazione Lacustre. La revisione tassonomica delle specie di Palmoxylon presenti in Sardegna ne consente un uso più corretto nelle correlazioni stratigrafiche

    Phytosociological study of the shrub and pre-forest communities of the effusive substrata of NW Sardinia

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    The trachybasalt biogeographic sub-district of the NW Sardinian district, included in the coastal and hilly sub-sector of the Sardinian biogeographic sector, is characterised by two large effusive complexes: that of the rhyolites, andesites and dikes of the Oligo-Miocene alkaline volcanic cycle (14-32 Ma) and alkaline basalts, rhyolites, rhyodacites and dikes of the volcanic cycle with alkaline, transitional and sub-alkaline affinity of the Pliocene-Pleistocene (0.14-5.3 Ma). Between 2000 and 2004, 156 surveys were carried out on shrub communities in order to improve knowledge of their phytosociology. Vegetation analysis led to the identification of 11 associations and 13 subassociations, referring to 3 syntaxonomic classes. Of these, 5 new associations are hereby described for the first time: Clematido vitalbae-Maletum pumilae, Crataego monogynae-Aceretum monspessulani, Lavatero olbiae-Rubetum ulmifolii, Genisto desoleanae-Ericetum arboreae and Telino monspessulanae-Cytisetum villosi

    Cartography and diachronic analysis of the vegetation of S'Ena Arrubia Lagoon (Centre-Western Sardinia)

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    The vegetation map of S'Ena Arrubia Lagoon in centre-western Sardinia (1: 2,500 scale) is presented and some diachronic remarks are made by referring to historical data available. The main object of this cartography, after a research on the biotope vegetation, is to allow the biomonitoring of an extremely important site for the biodiversity conservation (Protected Area: S.I.C., Z.P.S., I.B.A.), which is to use for an ecologically aware management

    The Vegetation of S'Ena Arrubia lagoon (centre-western Sardinia)

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    This study describes the vegetation of S'Ena Arrubia lagoon, in the Gulf of Oristano, in the centre-western coast of Sardinia. This lagoon is classified as: Special Protection Zone (S.P.Z.) according to EEC Directive 79/409, community importance site according to EEC Directive 92/43, I.B.A. (Important Birds Area) site and fixed oasis of fauna protection and natural reserve. Throughout the years it was subject to several alterations. The most important ones were carried out in the Seventies and allowed the marine water upwelling and the fast removal of freshwater coming from the watershed. Before the fulfilment of these interventions, lagoon waters had a low salinity, as demonstrated by previous vegetation studies that showed the presence of freshwater communities and, only to a smaller extent, of halo-tolerant and halophile ones. This phytosociologic study led to the identification of several associations that are showed in the groups of merely halophile vegetation, in the freshwater and subhalophile lagoon vegetation and in the merely anthropogen vegetation typologies. The location of the considered typologies is represented with distributive patterns, which synthesise the current state of vegetation referring to the salinity. Two new associations, the Inulo crithmoidis-Paspaletum vaginati and the Astero tripolii-Bolboschoenetum maritimi, are here described. The first is dominated by the presence of Paspalum vaginatum Swartz, recorded for the second time in Italy and for the first time in Sardinia. It is recorded near the inlet, where it forms mosaics together with Salicornietum emerci association and it is also present, as bolboschoenetosum maritimi subassociation, in more inland and less salty zones. The latter new association includes the subhalophile reedswamps that are present in the areas floodcd by salty waters for a long time, where it replaces the Scirpetum compacto-littoralis, a less halophile association present in several siles of the Mediterranean and also in Sardinia. In addition, it is necessary to point out the recovery of Salicornietum venetae association, characterised by the presence of Salicornia veneta Pign. et Lausi, which was believed endemic in the North Adriatic lagoons. Finally, the significance of environmental changes fulfilled in the basin, which are the reason for some vegetation modifications and are detected by comparison between current associations and those at the beginning of the Seventies, is pointed out

    <i>Anchusa sardoa</i> (Illario) Selvi <i>et</i> Bigazzi

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    Descrizione della specie Anchusa sardoa (Illario) Selvi et Bigazzi

    <i>Centaurea corensis</i> Valsecchi et Filigheddu, sp. nov. (Compositae) in Sardegna

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    Centaurea corensis, a new species of Sardinia is here described. The relationships among the closely related species C. alba L. and C. deusta Ten. are also discussed

    <i>Centaurea horrida</i> Badarò

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    Descrizione della specie Centaurea horrida Badarò
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