11 research outputs found

    Insertion of the copper IUD (TCu 380A) in the immediate postpartum: A study in young women in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Objective: To evaluate the insertion of the Copper IUD (TCu 380A) in young women, side effects and users\u27 degree of satisfaction with the method. The research site is the municipal public maternity hospital of Porto Velho, located in the state of Rondônia, in the Brazilian Amazon. Methodology: Standardized questionnaire with the following variables: Identification and address; Weight; PA; Consultation: Puerperal (3) months, (6) months, (9) months, (others); Pathological antecedents; Obstetric History: Gesta, Pará, Abt; Date of IUD insertion; Delivery type; Side Effects: (Pelvic pain), (Dysmenorrhea), (Dyspaurenia), (Hypermenorrhea), (Metrorrhea), (Anamia), (Other); Ultrasonography: Conduct. Results: In the year 2021, 1,463 parturients aged 15 to 25 years were seen at the maternity hospital, of these 982 (67.12%) had vaginal deliveries and 481 (32.88%) had cesarean deliveries). Of the 982 women who had vaginal deliveries, 312 (31.77%) underwent IUD insertion in the immediate postpartum (postplacental) period. Of the 982 women in the age group who had cesarean deliveries, 161 (33.47%) opted for IUD insertion after placental delivery. From the ultrasound examinations, it was observed that the IUDs were poorly positioned in 114 (11.60%) of those inserted in the vaginal puerperium and in 19 (4.57%) of those inserted by cesarean section after placental delivery. The main side effect in the first days of use, still in the puerperium, was pelvic pain in 20.36% of all IUDs inserted postpartum (vaginal and cesarean), in the third month the most common complaint was dysmenorrhea in 24 .47%. In the sixth month of use, dysmenorrhea (22%) was predominant, followed by hypermenorrhea (19.75%), and after the sixth month of use, dysmenorrhea (12.30%) was followed by hypermenorrhea (10.66%) as the most reported complaints. Conclusion: In regions such as the Brazilian Amazon, with high rates of unintended pregnancy in young women and consequently with complications of short interpregnancy intervals, long-term contraceptive methods (LARCs) offered in the puerperium are an option to be considered to reduce maternal mortality due to pregnancy

    Level of Physical Activity and Health Conditions of Military Policemen in The State of Rondônia, Western Amazon: A Study in Times of The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Objective: To analyze the sociodemographic characteristics, levels of physical activity and health conditions of active military police officers in the State of Rondônia, in the Western Amazon, Brazil in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional field study, with a convenience sample, non-probabilistic and with a quantitative approach, with 358 PMs working in the PMRO. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic data and health conditions. The IPAQ-short version was used to assess the level of physical activity (NAF). Results: The age variable obtained (39.21 ± 6.41) years and (61.17%) of the PMs were less than 40 years old. The variable length of service was (15.44 ± 7.64) and (78.21%) of the police officers had less than 20 years of experience in the police service. The working hours obtained (6.87 ± 2.04) and (29.10 ± 80.79) days away from work due to NCDs or Covid-19. According to the NAF, 29.61% were classified as very active, 23.74% active, 14.24% irregularly active A, 8.38% irregularly active B and 24.86% sedentary. Of the CNCDs, musculoskeletal diseases (16.49%), psychosomatic diseases (14.80%), SAH (8.10%), dyslipidemias (5.58%), CVDs (2.51%), cancer (0, 56%) and DM2 (0.28%). Of the total number of infectious diseases, 34.08% contracted Covid-19. Conclusion: The physical activity levels (47.48%) of the military police were in the classification (irregularly active + sedentary) according to the IPAQ-short version, confirming the low PAL of these individuals. Low NAF, NCDs and Covid-19 contributed to momentarily worsening the quality of life of PMs

    Sustainable Tourism as a Strategy for Generating Employment and Income in the Local Economy

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    The study addresses and deepens the debate on which are the best choices of sustainable strategic public policies to promote income and employment generation in economically depressed local economies and unattractive in attracting investments. In this context, public actions and strategies to stimulate the development of sustainable tourism are a promising path, as long as they are thought of as a regionalized process. The success of these policies largely depends on the integration and cooperation between tourist regions. However, failures in the coordination of actions, low understanding of local managers of the micro and macroeconomic scenario make more articulated and consequently more effective actions difficult. The study through a descriptive research of qualitative analysis and making use of content analysis addresses ways to ensure the promotion of sustainable growth of local economies. Sustainable tourism depends on improving regional governance, articulation and integration between territories, reliability and transparency in the management of data collection and sharing for satisfactory decision-making in the strategies of public policies for regional development of tourism

    Tourism and Sustainability: resumption after COVID-19

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    Experience tourism in the midst of nature, the appreciation of healthy food, which allows to appreciate, taste and experience the moment becomes the motto for the beginning of a new era. The objective of this study was to identify which actions are necessary to internalize the SDGs in the resumption of tourism activities after the pandemic. The analysis of the perceptions of public managers, private initiative, and educational institutions to understand and awaken the issues of sustainability in environmental issues, in the resumption of tourism with a demand for activities in the midst of nature. The methodology was exploratory explanatory, of qualitative analysis, and uses content analysis, the NVivo11 software was used for transcription of the videos and description of the speeches of the speakers who participated in the extension activity three webinars held in 2021, within the extension project entitled "Tourism and Sustainability - a conscious resumption", proposed by the Research Group on Policies, Public Management and Development of UERGS/CNPq. He concluded that the speakers representing both educational institutions and public and private management emphasized in their speeches that: a) tourism, b) research, c) sustainability, and d) gastronomy are currently inseparable themes. Finally, the uncertainty of the future to reassess and plan the issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability, both in the resumption and how to adhere to the SDGs in a conscious and possible to do

    Watershed Level Sustainable Development Index in Rondônia, Western Amazon: Index Construction from Factor Analysis

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    Objective: to build a sustainable development index for the river basins of Rondônia, using factor analysis as an analytical model. Method: factor analysis was used as a tool for building environmental, economic, social and institutional performance indices. The adapted FECAM classification scale was adopted to express the results achieved by each river basin. Results: The set of current sustainable performance indices for the Mamoré River watersheds (0.444) was considered a low index, although the best compared to other basins; the Madeira River (0.419, low index); the Guaporé River (0.378, low index); the Machado River (0.289, low index); the Jamari River (0.307, low index) and the Roosevelt River (0.227, low index). There has been a really insignificant improvement in the rates from 10 years ago. Conclusions: the factor analysis showed efficiency as a multivariate statistical method in the construction of sustainable development indices for the river basins of Rondônia. The management of watersheds is still very ineffective, despite being regulated by state law. It is highly recommended to institutionalize regional public policies in the form of a Master Plan for the Rondônia Watershed

    Cultural and tourist perception index (IPCT) of the folklore bois bumbás from Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia: a study based on the theory of endogenous development

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the cultural and tourist perception index (IPCT) of the boi “Flor do Campo” and boi “Malhadinho” associations, participants of the Folkloric Festival of Guajará-Mirim, on the border with Bolivia. As a basis for theoretical support, the theory of endogenous development was used. To determine the indicators, questionnaires were applied to the associations, which were submitted to the SPSS statistical tool (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), version 17, as described in Cavalcante [4]; Santana [42] and [43]. The results showed that the trust and governance indices of the “boi Malhadinho” association were considered “bad” by the scale adopted in this work. In the boi Flor do Campo association, the perception index reached a result considered “good” by the scale adopted (0.645). The parameters of Trust and Governance presented results considered “regular” (0.473 and 0.560, respectively). By the average of the parameters, the IPCT – Flor do Campo was equal to 0.559 (regular) and IPCT – Malhadinho 0.406 (regular). Therefore, this result reinforces the view that the structuring problem of Guajará-Mirim is not economic but social. And according to this result, it is clear how coherent this work is with the research carried out on social capital in the region by Cavalcante [4] and Cavalcante and Alves [8]. And in this way, it meets North\u27s institutionalist theory that says that growth is not the cause of development but a consequence. In this sense, what points to the level of local development is the institutional arrangement itself, that is, society itself building a prosperous and healthy path

    Production and design system in the territory of viticulture

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    The cultivation of vineyards is connected with the history of humanity and with the transformations of spaces and places that in a dynamic and harmonious way provide enchantment and the production of a secular product. With the evolution of the market and changes in natural resources, a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to the cultivation of vineyards became necessary, be it in the revision, management systems and also, particularities of each soil, relief, climate, landscape to design a system for growing vines. The aim of the study: to characterize the design of the biodynamic vineyard. To this end, a descriptive case study with qualitative analysis was carried out, interviews were conducted with two owners who use the cultivation system, biodynamic agriculture. It is concluded that the need to plan the vineyard requires holistic knowledge of the entire wine production syste

    Socioeconomic (Endogenous) Development Index of Municipalities in Free Trade Areas (FTA) linked to SUFRAMA: A Multifactor Analysis

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    The objective was to analyze the regional development of the nine cities covered by the SUFRAMA policy in comparison with nine other Amazonian municipalities not covered by this policy, in order to identify the municipal performance achieved in the face of the Brazilian Amazonian reality. The theoretical foundation of this work is linked to the theory of endogenous development associated with the institutionalist theory of Douglass North and the poles of development in Schumpeter and Perroux. A multivariate factorial data model was used to extract the scores for the construction of indices, using the SPSS statistical tool, version 22, using the factor analysis technique developed similarly to the main components. It was possible to build socioeconomic development indexes and, with that, proceed with the due analysis intrinsic to the epistemological issue of this work. The data showed adequacy to factorial studies and allowed us to observe, in general, the low level of socioeconomic development of the surveyed municipalities, however, with a more favorable situation for the municipalities covered by the SUFRAMA policy

    Rural credit and the livestock process in the microregion of Vilhena, Rondônia, Western Amazon

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    The study has as general objective to analyze the scenario of the municipalities in the microregion of Vilhena, State of Rondônia, based on the federal government\u27s rural credit policy, in order to identify the possible livestock processes that would be carried out in this microregion. It is an applied, descriptive, cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach, since the objectives generate knowledge for practical application, which includes the number of contracts and the volume of financial resources for agriculture and livestock in the municipalities of Chupinguaia, Parecis, Pimenta Bueno, Primavera de Rondônia, São Felipe D\u27Oeste and Vilhena of the micro-region of Vilhena, Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon, in the period corresponding to the years 2000 and 2010. Data collection was carried out through reports from the rural credit statistical yearbook of the Central Banco do Brasil for the years 2000 and 2010. Based on the results found by the research, it was evidenced that in the municipalities of the microregion of Vilhena there was a process of cattle ranching, through the incentive of the rural credit policy granted to family rural producers, where it was observed that among the six municipalities that comprise In the micro-region of Vilhena, all of them presented a strong stimulus to the livestock sector, demonstrating a reversal of agricultural activity for livestock in this micro-region

    Middle Childhood Adverse Psychomotor Outcomes from Malaria in Pregnancy: A Study using the Denver Developmental Screening Test-II

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    Objective: to evaluate changes in the development of premature children aged 5 to 6 years, born to mothers with malaria during pregnancy and to compare them to a control group of premature children born to mothers who did not have malaria during pregnancy. Methods: cross-sectional and analytical study. The Denver test-II was applied to 20 children in the study group and 20 children in the control group. Results: in the group of premature children of mothers with malaria during pregnancy, the vast majority showed abnormal performance with more significant changes in the activities of the language sector "define seven words", "say two compound words", "understand four prepositions" and "account five blocks”, “knows three adjectives”. In the fine-adaptive motor sector, the activities "draw people with six parts", "copy disassembled square", "copy +" and in the gross motor sector "swing your foot for six seconds", "swing your foot for five seconds", "swing the foot for four seconds", "rocks the foot for three seconds", were the most important developmental changes. In the control group, the performance of suspected delay or possible abnormality was more concentrated in the gross motor sector. Conclusions: children from 5 to 6 years of age, born prematurely to mothers with malaria during pregnancy, 80% had suspected abnormal performance, a result much higher than the group of children born prematurely to mothers without malaria. These results strongly suggest that malaria disease during pregnancy alters fetal development, producing developmental sequelae that can be detected even at 5 to 6 years of age. In addition, the results support the use of the Denver test-II as a simple screening method for the assessment of delays in child development, covering broad motor coordination (coarse), fine motor coordination (adaptive), language and personal-social adaptation. This test has been used to identify children who are at risk of developing problems and to monitor the child longitudinally