3 research outputs found

    Sustainability in the business context: Contributions of product design.

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    O trabalho objetivou desenvolver um artefato eco eficiente para um negócio sustentável, para isto, foi necessário realizar um estudo sobre aspectos da sustentabilidade, interligando estes a movimentos da cultura DIY e minimalista. Esses estudos culturais relacionados ao tema, mostraram-se de suma importância para a realização do artefato final, que traz como principais características elementos da estética sustentável e referências destas culturas. Dentro do universo e premissas sustentáveis, a escolha foi desenvolver um artefato para foodbike, direcionada ao público ambulante, sendo uma alternativa econômica aos microempreendedores. A matéria prima escolhida – palete – teve uma relevância importante para economia local, uma vez que se trata de um material de reutilização, com ótimas qualidades mecânicas, aspecto primordial para confecção do artefato final. Ao trabalhar materiais com grande potêncial para ressignificação, foi necessário perceber que a cada passagem uma nova estética surge aos olhos dos consumidores.The objective of the work was to develop an eco-efficient artefact for a sustainable business, for this, it was necessary to carry out a study on aspects of sustainability, interconnecting these to movements of the DIY and minimalist culture. These cultural studies related to the theme have proved to be of utmost importance for the final artifact, which brings as main characteristics elements of sustainable aesthetics and references of these cultures. Within the universe and sustainable premises, the choice was to develop an artifact for foodbike, aimed at the traveling public, being an economic alternative to microentrepreneurs. The chosen raw material - pallet - had an important relevance for local economy, since it is a material of reutilization, with excellent mechanical qualities, primordial aspect for confection of the final artifact. When working materials with great potential for re-signification, it was necessary to realize that at each passage a new aesthetic appears in the eyes of the consumers

    Color, texture and sustainability: an analysis of the perception of the sustainability value in eco-oriented products and consumer profile

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    A cada dia surgem tecnologias que são estudados para auxiliar as indústrias na melhoria suas metas e cumprimento da legislação ambiental da melhor forma possível. Alguns desses objetivos influenciam direta ou indiretamente a estética dos produtos, podendo afetar desde as técnicas de produção até o tempo de vida do artefato. Este trabalho faz um paralelo entre aspectos estéticos de produtos ecologicamente orientados, e o conhecimento do consumidor sobre sustentabilidade. Nesta investigação foi realizado um experimento com 60 participantes divididos em 4 grupos, no intuito de levantar dados que permitissem analisar a hipótese, de que o conhecimento sobre sustentabilidade influencia na escolha de determinadas cores e texturas. Ao final não se encontra uma relação entre o conhecimento do consumidor sobre sustentabilidade e as cores ou texturas dos materiais naturais, mas identificamos uma preferência do público por tais materiais, apesar da média de preço sugerida pelo mesmo ser menor que o esperado.Every day, technologies emerge that are studied to assist industries in improving their goals and complying with environmental legislation in the best possible way. Some of these objectives directly or indirectly influence the aesthetics of the products, which can affect from production techniques to the lifetime of the artifact. This work parallelsthe aesthetic aspects of ecologically oriented products, and consumer knowledge about sustainability. In this investigation, an experiment was carried out with 60 participants divided into 4 groups, in order to raise data that would allow analyzing the hypothesis, that knowledge about sustainability influences the choice of certain colors and textures. At the end there is no relationship between consumer knowledge about sustainability and the colors or textures of natural materials, but we identified a preference of the public for such materials, despite the average price suggested by the same being significantly lower

    Plastic polymers and social vulnerability: Precious Plastic as a program for sustainable development capable of achieving the pillars of sustainability

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    The issue of plastic pollution on the planet not only affects the environment but also impacts the three pillars of sustainability, affecting the environment, food production, as well as the health and economy of individuals and communities located geographically close to where the life cycle of these materials occurs, from production to disposal. This text is dedicated to studying the Precious Plastic project as a program capable of combating the social harm caused by the production and disposal of synthetic polymers. To do this, it uses the concept of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and investigates how the organization and distribution of various elements of the project's network can contribute to meeting the motivational needs of Maslow's hierarchy, thus combating situations of social vulnerability