16 research outputs found

    Técnicas de optimización dinámicas de aplicaciones paralelas basadas en MPI

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    Parallel computation on cluster architectures has become the most common solution for developing high-performance scientific applications. Message Passing Interface (MPI) [Mes94] is the message-passing library most widely used to provide communications in clusters. MPI provides a standard interface for operations such as point-to-point communication, collective communication, synchronization, and I/O operations. Along the I/O phase, the processes frequently access a common data set by issuing a large number of small non-contiguous I/O requests [NKP+96a, SR98], which might create bottlenecks in the I/O subsystem. These bottlenecks are still higher in commodity clusters, where commercial networks are usually installed. Many of those networks, such as Fast Ethernet or Gigabit, have high latency and low bandwidth which introduce performance penalties during the program execution. Scalability is also an important issue in cluster systems when many processors are used, which may cause network saturation and still higher latencies. As communication-intensive parallel applications spend a significant amount of their total execution time exchanging data between processes, the former problems may lead to poor performance not only in the I/O subsystem, but also in communication phase. Therefore, we can conclude that it is necessary to develop techniques for improving the performance of both communication and I/O subsystems. The main goal of this Ph.D. thesis is to improve the scalability and performance of MPI-based applications executed in clusters reducing the overhead of I/O and communications subsystems. In summary, this work proposes two techniques that solve these problems in an efficient way managing the high complexity of a heterogeneous environment: • Reduction in the number of communications in collective I/O operations: This thesis targets the reduction of the bottleneck in the I/O subsystem. Many applications use collective I/O operations to read/write data from/to disk. One of the most used is the Two-Phase I/O technique extended by Thakur and Choudhary in ROMIO. In this technique, many communications among the processes are performed, which could create a bottleneck. This bottleneck is still higher in commodity clusters, where commercial networks are usually installed, and in CMP clusters where the I/O bus is shared by the cores of a single node. Therefore, we propose improving locality in order to reduce the number of communications performed in Two-Phase I/O. • Reduction of transferred data volume: This thesis attemps to reduce the cost of interchanged messages, reducing the data volume by using lossless compression among processes. Furthermore, we propose turning compression on and off and selecting at run-time the most appropriate compression algorithms depending on the characteristics of each message, network performance, and compression algorithms behavior.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En la actualidad, las aplicaciones utilizadas en los entornos de computación de altas prestaciones, como por ejemplo simulaciones científicas o aplicaciones dedicadas a la extracción de datos (data-mining), necesitan además de enormes recursos de cómputo y memoria, el manejo de ingentes volúmenes de información. Las arquitecturas cluster se han convertido en la solución más común para ejecutar este tipo de aplicaciones. La librería MPI (Message Passing Interface) [Mes94] es la más utilizada en estos entornos, ya que ofrece un interfaz estándar para operaciones de comunicación punto a punto, colectivas, sincronización y de E/S. Durante la fase de E/S de las aplicaciones, los procesos acceden a un gran conjunto de datos mediante pequeñas peticiones de datos no-contiguos, por lo que pueden provocar cuellos de botella en el sistema de E/S. Estos cuellos de botella, pueden ser todavía mayor en los cluster, ya que se suelen utilizar redes comerciales como Fast Ethernet o Gigabit, las cuales tienen una gran latencia y bajo ancho de banda. Por otra parte la escalabilidad es un importante problema en los clusters, cuando se ejecutan a la vez un gran número de procesos, ya que pueden causar saturación de la red, y aumenar la latencia. Como consecuencia de una comunicación intensiva, las aplicaciones gastan mucho tiempo intercambiando información entre los procesos, provocando problemas tanto en el sistema de comunicación, como en el de E/S. Por lo tanto, podemos concluir que en un cluster los subsistemas de E/S y de comunicaciones representan uno de los principales elementos en los que conviene mejorar su rendimiento. El principal objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es mejorar la escalabilidad y rendimientos de las aplicaciones MPI ejecutadas en arquitecturas cluster, reduciendo la sobrecarga de los sistemas de comunicación y de E/S. Como resumen, este trabajo propone dos técnicas para resolver estos problemas de forma eficiente: • Reducción del número de comunicaciones en la operaciones colectivas de E/S: Esta tesis tiene como uno de sus objetivos reducir los cuellos de botella producidos en el sistema de E/S. Muchas aplicaciones científicas utilizan operaciones colectivas de E/S para leer/escribir datos desde/al disco. Una de las técnicas más utilizas es Two-Phase I/O ampliada por Thakur and Choudhary en ROMIO. En esta técnica se realizan muchas comunicaciones entre los procesos, por lo que pueden crear un cuello de botella. Este cuello de botella es aún mayor en los cluster que tiene instaladas redes comerciales, y en los clusters multicore donde el bus de E/S es compartido por todos los cores de un mismo nodo. Por lo tanto, nosotros proponemos aumentar la localidad y disminuir a la vez en número de comunicaciones que se producen en Two-Phase I/O para reducir los problemas de E/S en las arquitecturas cluster. • Reducción del volumen de datos en las comunicaciones: Esta tesis propone reducir el coste de las comunicaciones utilizando técnicas de compresión sin perdida. Concretamente, proponemos activar y desactivar la compresión y elegir el algoritmo de compresión en tiempo de ejecución, dependiendo de las características de cada mensaje, de la red y del comportamiento de los algoritmos de compresión

    Geoparsing the Historical Gazetteers of Scotland: Accurately Computing Location in Mass Digitised Texts

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    This paper describes work in progress on devising automatic and parallel methods for geoparsing large digital historical textual data by combining the strengths of three natural language processing (NLP) tools, the Edinburgh Geoparser, spaCy and defoe, and employing different tokenisation and named entity recognition (NER) techniques. We apply these tools to a large collection of nineteenth century Scottish geographical dictionaries, and describe preliminary results obtained when processing this data

    Rethinking High Performance Computing Platforms: Challenges, Opportunities and Recommendations

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    A new class of Second generation high-performance computing applications with heterogeneous, dynamic and data-intensive properties have an extended set of requirements, which cover application deployment, resource allocation, -control, and I/O scheduling. These requirements are not met by the current production HPC platform models and policies. This results in a loss of opportunity, productivity and innovation for new computational methods and tools. It also decreases effective system utilization for platform providers due to unsupervised workarounds and rogue resource management strategies implemented in application space. In this paper we critically discuss the dominant HPC platform model and describe the challenges it creates for second generation applications because of its asymmetric resource view, interfaces and software deployment policies. We present an extended, more symmetric and application-centric platform model that adds decentralized deployment, introspection, bidirectional control and information flow and more comprehensive resource scheduling. We describe cHPC: an early prototype of a non-disruptive implementation based on Linux Containers (LXC). It can operate alongside existing batch queuing systems and exposes a symmetric platform API without interfering with existing applications and usage modes. We see our approach as a viable, incremental next step in HPC platform evolution that benefits applications and platform providers alike. To demonstrate this further, we layout out a roadmap for future research and experimental evaluation

    Asterism: an integrated, complete, and open-source approach for running seismologist continuous data-intensive analysis on heterogeneous systems

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    We present Asterism, an open source data-intensive framework, which combines the Pegasus and dispel4py workflow systems. Asterism aims to simplify the effort required to develop data-intensive applications that run across multiple heterogeneous resources, without users having to: re-formulate their methods according to different enactment systems; manage the data distribution across systems; parallelize their methods; co-place and schedule their methods with computing resources; and store and transfer large/small volumes of data. Asterism's key element is to leverage the strengths of each workflow system: dispel4py allows developing scientific applications locally and then automatically parallelize and scale them on a wide range of HPC infrastructures with no changes to the application's code; Pegasus orchestrates the distributed execution of applications while providing portability, automated data management, recovery, debugging, and monitoring, without users needing to worry about the particulars of the target execution systems. Asterism leverages the level of abstractions provided by each workflow system to describe hybrid workflows where no information about the underlying infrastructure is required beforehand. The feasibility of Asterism has been evaluated using the seismic ambient noise cross-correlation application, a common data-intensive analysis pattern used by many seismologists. The application preprocesses (Phase1) and cross-correlates (Phase2) traces from several seismic stations. The Asterism workflow is implemented as a Pegasus workflow composed of two tasks (Phase1 and Phase2), where each phase represents a dispel4py workflow. Pegasus tasks describe the in/output data at a logical level, the data dependency between tasks, and the e-Infrastructures and the execution engine to run each dispel4py workflow. We have instantiated the workflow using data from 1000 stations from the IRIS services, and run it across two heterogeneous resources described as Docker containers: MPI (Container2) and Storm (Container3) clusters (Figure 1). Each dispel4py workflow is mapped to a particular execution engine, and data transfers between resources are automatically handled by Pegasus

    DIaaS: Data-Intensive workflows as a service - Enabling easy composition and deployment of data-intensive workflows on Virtual Research Environments

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    We present the Data-Intensive workflows as a Service (DIaaS) model for enabling easy data-intensive workflow composition and deployment on clouds using containers. DIaaS model backbone is Asterism, an integrated solution for running data-intensive stream-based applications on heterogeneous systems, which combines the benefits of dispel4py with Pegasus workflow systems. The stream-based executions of an Asterism workflow are managed by dispel4py, while the data movement between different e-Infrastructures, and the coordination of the application execution are automatically managed by Pegasus.DIaaS combines Asterism framework with Docker containers to provide an integrated, complete, easy-to-use, portable approach to run data-intensive workflows on distributed platforms. Three containers integrate the DIaaS model: a Pegasus node, and an MPI and an Apache Storm clusters. Container images are described as Dockerfiles (available online at http://github.com/dispel4py/pegasus_dispel4py), linked to Docker Hub for providing continuous integration (automated image builds), and image storing and sharing. In this model, all required software (workflow systems and execution engines) for running scientific applications are packed into the containers, which significantly reduces the effort (and possible human errors) required by scientists or VRE administrators to build such systems. The most common use of DIaaS will be to act as a backend of VREs or Scientific Gateways to run data-intensive applications, deploying cloud resources upon request. We have demonstrated the feasibility of DIaaS using the data-intensive seismic ambient noise cross-correlation application (Figure 1). The application preprocesses (Phase1) and cross-correlates (Phase2) traces from several seismic stations. The application is submitted via Pegasus (Container1), and Phase1 and Phase2 are executed in the MPI (Container2) and Storm (Container3) clusters respectively. Although both phases could be executed within the same environment, this setup demonstrates the flexibility of DIaaS to run applications across e-Infrastructures. In summary, DIaaS delivers specialized software to execute data-intensive applications in a scalable, efficient, and robust manner reducing the engineering time and computational cost

    Asterism: Pegasus and dispel4py hybrid workflows for data-intensive science

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    We present Asterism, an open source data-intensive framework, which combines the strengths of traditional workflow management systems with new parallel stream-based dataflow systems to run data-intensive applications across multiple heterogeneous resources, without users having to: re-formulate their methods according to different enactment engines; manage the data distribution across systems; parallelize their methods; co-place and schedule their methods with computing resources; and store and transfer large/small volumes of data. We also present the Data-Intensive workflows as a Service (DIaaS) model, which enables easy data-intensive workflow composition and deployment on clouds using containers. The feasibility of Asterism and DIaaS model have been evaluated using a real domain application on the NSF-Chameleon cloud. Experimental results shows how Asterism successfully and efficiently exploits combinations of diverse computational platforms, whereas DIaaS delivers specialized software to execute data-intensive applications in a scalable, efficient, and robust way reducing the engineering time and computational cost

    Comprehensible Control for Researchers and Developers facing Data Challenges

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    The DARE platform enables researchers and their developers to exploit more capabilities to handle complexity and scale in data, computation and collaboration. Today’s challenges pose increasing and urgent demands for this combination of capabilities. To meet technical, economic and governance constraints, application communities must use use shared digital infrastructure principally via virtualisation and mapping. This requires precise abstractions that retain their meaning while their implementations and infrastructures change. Giving specialists direct control over these capabilities with detail relevant to each discipline is necessary for adoption. Research agility, improved power and retained return on intellectual investment incentivise that adoption. We report on an architecture for establishing and sustaining the necessary optimised mappings and early evaluations of its feasibility with two application communities.PublishedSan Diego (CA, USA)3IT. Calcolo scientific

    dispel4py: An Open-Source Python library for Data-Intensive Seismology

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    Scientific workflows are a necessary tool for many scientific communities as they enable easy composition and execution of applications on computing resources while scientists can focus on their research without being distracted by the computation management. Nowadays, scientific communities (e.g. Seismology) have access to a large variety of computing resources and their computational problems are best addressed using parallel computing technology. However, successful use of these technologies requires a lot of additional machinery whose use is not straightforward for non-experts: different parallel frameworks (MPI, Storm, multiprocessing, etc.) must be used depending on the computing resources (local machines, grids, clouds, clusters) where applications are run. This implies that for achieving the best applications' performance, users usually have to change their codes depending on the features of the platform selected for running them. This work presents dispel4py, a new open-source Python library for describing abstract stream-based workflows for distributed data-intensive applications. Special care has been taken to provide dispel4py with the ability to map abstract workflows to different platforms dynamically at run-time. Currently dispel4py has four mappings: Apache Storm, MPI, multi-threading and sequential. The main goal of dispel4py is to provide an easy-to-use tool to develop and test workflows in local resources by using the sequential mode with a small dataset. Later, once a workflow is ready for long runs, it can be automatically executed on different parallel resources. dispel4py takes care of the underlying mappings by performing an efficient parallelisation. Processing Elements (PE) represent the basic computational activities of any dispel4Py workflow, which can be a seismologic algorithm, or a data transformation process. For creating a dispel4py workflow, users only have to write very few lines of code to describe their PEs and how they are connected by using Python, which is widely supported on many platforms and is popular in many scientific domains, such as in geosciences. Once, a dispel4py workflow is written, a user only has to select which mapping they would like to use, and everything else (parallelisation, distribution of data) is carried on by dispel4py without any cost to the user. Among all dispel4py features we would like to highlight the following: * The PEs are connected by streams and not by writing to and reading from intermediate files, avoiding many IO operations. * The PEs can be stored into a registry. Therefore, different users can recombine PEs in many different workflows. * dispel4py has been enriched with a provenance mechanism to support runtime provenance analysis. We have adopted the W3C-PROV data model, which is accessible via a prototypal browser-based user interface and a web API. It supports the users with the visualisation of graphical products and offers combined operations to access and download the data, which may be selectively stored at runtime, into dedicated data archives. dispel4py has been already used by seismologists in the VERCE project to develop different seismic workflows. One of them is the Seismic Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation workflow, which preprocesses and cross-correlates traces from several stations. First, this workflow was tested on a local machine by using a small number of stations as input data. Later, it was executed on different parallel platforms (SuperMUC cluster, and Terracorrelator machine), automatically scaling up by using MPI and multiprocessing mappings and up to 1000 stations as input data. The results show that the dispel4py achieves scalable performance in both mappings tested on different parallel platforms

    Using Simple PID Controllers to Prevent and Mitigate Faults in Scientific Workflows

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    Scientific workflows have become mainstream for conductinglarge-scale scientific research. As a result, many workflowapplications and Workflow Management Systems (WMSs)have been developed as part of the cyberinfrastructure toallow scientists to execute their applications seamlessly ona range of distributed platforms. In spite of many successstories, a key challenge for running workflows in distributedsystems is failure prediction, detection, and recovery. Inthis paper, we propose an approach to use control theorydeveloped as part of autonomic computing to predict failures before they happen, and mitigated them when possible.The proposed approach applying the proportional-integralderivative controller (PID controller) control loop mechanism, which is widely used in industrial control systems, tomitigate faults by adjusting the inputs of the controller. ThePID controller aims at detecting the possibility of a fault farenough in advance so that an action can be performed toprevent it from happening. To demonstrate the feasibility ofthe approach, we tackle two common execution faults of theBig Data era—data storage overload and memory overflow.We define, implement, and evaluate simple PID controllersto autonomously manage data and memory usage of a bioinformatics workflow that consumes/produces over 4.4TB ofdata, and requires over 24TB of memory to run all tasksconcurrently. Experimental results indicate that workflowexecutions may significantly benefit from PID controllers,in particular under online and unknown conditions. Simulation results show that nearly-optimal executions (slowdownof 1.01) can be attained when using our proposed method,and faults are detected and mitigated far in advance of theiroccurence