1,426 research outputs found

    Microalgae in aquaculture feeds for Nile tilapia, and the feasibility of urban aquaponics

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    This thesis develops understanding of microalgae in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis. niloticus) feed, implications for aquaponics and how consumer perceptions influence feasibility of urban aquaponics. Aquaponics is the growing of crops, utilising nutrients from fish waste. Chapter one is a meta-analysis (36 papers) on the effects of microalgae inclusion on O. niloticus. This was done to determine if fish meal (FM) in aquaculture feeds can be replaced with microalgae, without being detrimental, to reduce pressure on wild fish stocks. An inclusion of microalgae, up to 30%, is beneficial to O. niloticus with no detrimental impacts. Effect sizes for specific growth rate (-0.15) and feed conversion ratio (-0.30) indicate microalgae can replace FM. Chapter two assesses effects of feed on water parameters (Ammonia etc) in O. niloticus systems, by systematic review. Optimal water parameters for O. niloticus are understood, but effects of feed type and quantity are poorly researched, which needs rectifying. Feed type has little importance, and feed quantity has overriding impact on water parameters. Chapter three investigates palatability of digestate cultured microalgae (DCM, Nannochloropsis & Scenedesmus), cultured on membrane microfiltered, food waste digestate on O. niloticus, assessing the possibility of DCM as an alternative to FM. Time to react, pellets eaten and ejected determined palatability. There were no statistically significant results (P>0.05), indicating that an alternative feed is as palatable as commercial feed. Chapter four examined feasibility of urban aquaponics via a consumer survey (254 participants), as future innovative farming will utilise space in urban areas (Biophilic living project). It created a baseline of perceptions in the UK, which could tailor systems/inform public on aquaponics based on current knowledge. 30% of participants had heard of aquaponics, but showed reservations to costs. Attitudes are neutral or in favour to aquaponics, but considerations are needed for location, product choice and system design

    Decision diagrams in machine learning: an empirical study on real-life credit-risk data.

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    Decision trees are a widely used knowledge representation in machine learning. However, one of their main drawbacks is the inherent replication of isomorphic subtrees, as a result of which the produced classifiers might become too large to be comprehensible by the human experts that have to validate them. Alternatively, decision diagrams, a generalization of decision trees taking on the form of a rooted, acyclic digraph instead of a tree, have occasionally been suggested as a potentially more compact representation. Their application in machine learning has nonetheless been criticized, because the theoretical size advantages of subgraph sharing did not always directly materialize in the relatively scarce reported experiments on real-world data. Therefore, in this paper, starting from a series of rule sets extracted from three real-life credit-scoring data sets, we will empirically assess to what extent decision diagrams are able to provide a compact visual description. Furthermore, we will investigate the practical impact of finding a good attribute ordering on the achieved size savings.Advantages; Classifiers; Credit scoring; Data; Decision; Decision diagrams; Decision trees; Empirical study; Knowledge; Learning; Real life; Representation; Size; Studies;

    The Good Roads Situation in Maine, 1917: Studies in the Economic Problem in Highway Improvement

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    A scanned version of a pamphlet that included several articles on bond issues and other proposed plans for funding maintenance of Maine\u27s highways

    The Scene Design For Kiss of the Spider Woman

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    This thesis contains a detailed account of Noah J. Files\u27s scene design research and process for Kiss of the Spider Woman by Terrence McNally, John Kander and Fred Ebb. The musical was produced in the Andreas Theatre, opening January 30 and closing February 8, 2014. The first chapter is a preliminary analysis of the plot, the designer\u27s first intentions and reactions to the scenic requirements, and the designer\u27s goals for the production. The second chapter is an historical and critical analysis providing perspective into the history of the musical and research to illuminate the designer\u27s choices. The third chapter is a journal of the designer\u27s experiences throughout the process. The fourth chapter is a post-production analysis reflecting upon the outcome of the production. Finally, the fifth chapter is an analysis of the designer\u27s growth and process throughout his time at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Appendices and works cited are also included, which contain research images and early sketches, technical drawings, design draft work, and production photos

    Preconception Healthcare: What Women Know and Believe

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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine if women realize the importance of optimizing their health prior to a pregnancy, whether the pregnancy is planned or not; and to evaluate their knowledge level and beliefs about preconception healthcare. Additionally, we sought to understand how and when women wanted to receive information on preconception health. Methods: A survey study was performed using consecutive patients presenting to primary care practices for an annual well-woman exam. Patients were recruited based on appointment type and willingness to complete the survey at the time of their appointment, but prior to being seen by the physician. Results: A total of 499 women completed the survey. Nearly all women (98.6%) realized the importance of optimizing their health prior to a pregnancy, and realized the best time to receive information about preconception health is before conception. The vast majority of patients surveyed (95.3%) preferred to receive information about preconception health from their primary care physician. Only 39% of women could recall their physician ever discussing this topic. The population studied revealed some significant knowledge deficiencies about factors that may threaten the health of mother or fetus. Conclusions: A majority of women do understand the importance of optimizing their health prior to conception, and look to their Primary care physician as their preferred source for such information. Study participants demonstrated deficiencies in their knowledge of risk factors that impact maternal and fetal health suggesting that physicians are not addressing preconception healthcare during routine care

    An Employment-Weighted Municipal Stock Index

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    State and local officials are often tasked with policy decisions that are influenced by projections of future economic conditions. However, properly assessing and predicting local economic performance is challenging. Common macroeconomic indicators can be helpful, but additional tools are needed. Stock indices have traditionally been used in the investment community to evaluate performance. While a recent surge in fundamental indexing has led to a debate over performance measurement, other uses of fundamental indices have been largely ignored. We introduce an employment-weighted stock index as a supplement to traditional forecasting measures for policymakers at the state and local level

    The tax-expenditure linkage in Korea

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    노트 : - IPD Tax Task Force- 30 March 2005 Task Policy Meetin

    Elastomer Filled With Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    Experiments have shown that composites of a silicone elastomer with single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are significantly stronger and stiffer than is the unfilled elastomer. The large strengthening and stiffening effect observed in these experiments stands in contrast to the much smaller strengthening effect observed in related prior efforts to reinforce epoxies with SWNTs and to reinforce a variety of polymers with multiple-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). The relative largeness of the effect in the case of the silicone-elastomer/SWNT composites appears to be attributable to (1) a better match between the ductility of the fibers and the elasticity of the matrix and (2) the greater tensile strengths of SWNTs, relative to MWNTs. For the experiments, several composites were formulated by mixing various proportions of SWNTs and other filling materials into uncured RTV-560, which is a silicone adhesive commonly used in aerospace applications. Specimens of a standard "dog-bone" size and shape for tensile testing were made by casting the uncured elastomer/filler mixtures into molds, curing the elastomer, then pressing the specimens from a "cookie-cutter" die. The results of tensile tests of the specimens showed that small percentages of SWNT filler led to large increases in stiffness and tensile strength, and that these increases were greater than those afforded by other fillers. For example, the incorporation of SWNTs in a proportion of 1 percent increased the tensile strength by 44 percent and the modulus of elasticity (see figure) by 75 percent. However, the relative magnitudes of the increases decreased with increasing nanotube percentages because more nanotubes made the elastomer/nanotube composites more brittle. At an SWNT content of 10 percent, the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were 125 percent and 562 percent, respectively, greater than the corresponding values for the unfilled elastomer
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