4 research outputs found

    Risk factors for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy among mothers in Tigray region, Ethiopia: matched case-control study

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    Abstract Background Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a global public health concern both in developed and developing countries. However, evidences regarding the risk factors of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are limited particularly in Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to assess risk factors associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy among mothers in public hospitals of Tigray. Methods The study was conducted in seven public hospitals of Tigray region, Ethiopia from June 2017 to November 2017. A facility based matched case-control study was employed to select 110 cases and 220 controls who were pregnant women. Cases and controls were matched by parity status. A case was a mother diagnosed to have hypertensive disorders of pregnancy by an obstetrician in the antenatal period while a control was a mother who did not have a diagnosis of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Data were collected by face to face interview technique using a pretested questionnaire and a checklist. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to identify the independent predictor variables. Adjusted matched odds ratio with its corresponding 95% confidence interval was used and significance was claimed at P-value less than 0.05. Overall findings were presented in texts and tables. Results Rural residents were at greater odds of suffering from hypertensive disorders (OR = 3.7, 95% CI; 1.9, 7.1). Similarly, mothers who consume less amount of fruits in their diet had 5 times higher odds of developing hypertensive disorders than those who consume fruits regularly (OR = 5.1, 95% CI; 2.4, 11.15). Overweight (BMI > 25 Kg/m2) mothers were also at risk of developing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy as compared with the normal and underweight mothers (AOR = 5.5 95% CI; 1.12, 27.6). The risk of developing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was 5.4 times higher among diabetic mothers. Conclusion Rural residence, less fruit consumption, multiple pregnancy, presence of gestational diabetes mellitus and pre-pregnancy overweight were identified as independent risk factors in this study. It is recommended that health care givers may use these factors as a screening tool for the prediction, early diagnoses as well as timely interventions of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy