11 research outputs found

    High blood pressure predicts hippocampal atrophy rate in cognitively impaired elders

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    INTRODUCTION: Understanding relationships among blood pressure (BP), cognition, and brain volume could inform Alzheimer's disease (AD) management. METHODS: We investigated Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) participants: 200 controls, 346 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 154 AD. National Alzheimer's Coā€ordinating Center (NACC) participants were separately analyzed: 1098 controls, 2297 MCI, and 4845 AD. Relationships between cognition and BP were assessed in both cohorts and BP and atrophy rates in ADNI. Multivariate mixed linearā€regression models were fitted with joint outcomes of BP (systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressure), cognition (Miniā€Mental State Examination, Logical Memory, and Digit Symbol) and atrophy rate (wholeā€brain, hippocampus). RESULTS: ADNI MCI and AD patients with greater baseline systolic BP had higher hippocampal atrophy rates ([r, P value]; 0.2, 0.005 and 0.2, 0.04, respectively). NACC AD patients with lower systolic BP had lower cognitive scores (0.1, 0.0003). DISCUSSION: Higher lateā€life BP may be associated with faster decline in cognitively impaired elders

    The age-dependent associations of white matter hyperintensities and neurofilament light in early- and late-stage Alzheimer's disease

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    Neurofilament light (NFL) is an emerging marker of axonal degeneration. This study investigated the relationship between white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) and plasma NFL in a large elderly cohort with, and without, cognitive impairment. We used the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and included 163 controls, 103 participants with a significant memory concern, 279 with early mild cognitive impairment (EMCI), 152 with late mild cognitive impairment (LMCI), and 130 with Alzheimer's disease, with 3T MRI and plasma NFL data. Multiple linear regression models examined the relationship between WMHs and NFL, with and without age adjustment. We used smoking status, history of hypertension, history of diabetes, and BMI as additional covariates to examine the effect of vascular risk. We found increases of between 20% and 41% in WMH volume per 1SD increase in NFL in significant memory concern, early mild cognitive impairment, late mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease groups (p < 0.02). Marked attenuation of the positive associations between WMHs and NFL were seen after age adjustment, suggesting that a significant proportion of the association between NFL and WMHs is age-related. No effect of vascular risk was observed. These results are supportive of a link between WMH and axonal degeneration in early to late disease stages, in an age-dependent, but vascular risk-independent manner

    Automated white matter hyperintensity segmentation using Bayesian Model Selection: assessment and correlations with cognitive change

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    Accurate, automated white matter hyperintensity (WMH) segmentations are needed for large-scale studies to understand contributions of WMH to neurological diseases. We evaluated Bayesian Model Selection (BaMoS), a hierarchical fully-unsupervised model selection framework for WMH segmentation. We compared BaMoS segmentations to semi-automated segmentations, and assessed whether they predicted longitudinal cognitive change in control, early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI), subjective/significant memory concern (SMC) and Alzheimerā€™s (AD) participants. Data were downloaded from the Alzheimerā€™s disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Magnetic resonance images from 30 control and 30 AD participants were selected to incorporate multiple scanners, and were semi-automatically segmented by 4 raters and BaMoS. Segmentations were assessed using volume correlation, Dice score, and other spatial metrics. Linear mixed-effect models were fitted to 180 control, 107 SMC, 320 EMCI, 171 LMCI and 151 AD participants separately in each group, with the outcomes being cognitive change (e.g. mini-mental state examination; MMSE), and BaMoS WMH, age, sex, race and education used as predictors. There was a high level of agreement between BaMoSā€™ WMH segmentation volumes and a consensus of rater segmentations, with a median Dice score of 0.74 and correlation coefficient of 0.96. BaMoS WMH predicted cognitive change in: control, EMCI, and SMC groups using MMSE; LMCI using clinical dementia rating scale; and EMCI using Alzheimerā€™s disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale (p <ā€‰0.05, all tests). BaMoS compares well to semi-automated segmentation, is robust to different WMH loads and scanners, and can generate volumes which predict decline. BaMoS can be applicable to further large-scale studies

    Presumed small vessel disease, imaging and cognition markers in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.

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    MRI-derived features of presumed cerebral small vessel disease are frequently found in Alzheimer's disease. Influences of such markers on disease-progression measures are poorly understood. We measured markers of presumed small vessel disease (white matter hyperintensity volumes; cerebral microbleeds) on baseline images of newly enrolled individuals in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohort (GO and 2) and used linear mixed models to relate these to subsequent atrophy and neuropsychological score change. We also assessed heterogeneity in white matter hyperintensity positioning within biomarker abnormality sequences, driven by the data, using the Subtype and Stage Inference algorithm. This study recruited both sexes and included: controls: [n = 159, mean(SD) age = 74(6) years]; early and late mild cognitive impairment [ns = 265 and 139, respectively, mean(SD) ages =71(7) and 72(8) years, respectively]; Alzheimer's disease [n = 103, mean(SD) age = 75(8)] and significant memory concern [n = 72, mean(SD) age = 72(6) years]. Baseline demographic and vascular risk-factor data, and longitudinal cognitive scores (Mini-Mental State Examination; logical memory; and Trails A and B) were collected. Whole-brain and hippocampal volume change metrics were calculated. White matter hyperintensity volumes were associated with greater whole-brain and hippocampal volume changes independently of cerebral microbleeds (a doubling of baseline white matter hyperintensity was associated with an increase in atrophy rate of 0.3 ml/year for brain and 0.013 ml/year for hippocampus). Cerebral microbleeds were found in 15% of individuals and the presence of a microbleed, as opposed to none, was associated with increases in atrophy rate of 1.4 ml/year for whole brain and 0.021 ml/year for hippocampus. White matter hyperintensities were predictive of greater decline in all neuropsychological scores, while cerebral microbleeds were predictive of decline in logical memory (immediate recall) and Mini-Mental State Examination scores. We identified distinct groups with specific sequences of biomarker abnormality using continuous baseline measures and brain volume change. Four clusters were found; Group 1 showed early Alzheimer's pathology; Group 2 showed early neurodegeneration; Group 3 had early mixed Alzheimer's and cerebrovascular pathology; Group 4 had early neuropsychological score abnormalities. White matter hyperintensity volumes becoming abnormal was a late event for Groups 1 and 4 and an early event for 2 and 3. In summary, white matter hyperintensities and microbleeds were independently associated with progressive neurodegeneration (brain atrophy rates) and cognitive decline (change in neuropsychological scores). Mechanisms involving white matter hyperintensities and progression and microbleeds and progression may be partially separate. Distinct sequences of biomarker progression were found. White matter hyperintensity development was an early event in two sequences

    A Human Centred Design &#039;Makerthon&#039;: The creation of a framework for teaching Humanitarian Engineering competencies

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    CONTEXT Organisations, like Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB), deliver initiatives in which participants develop a deeper understanding of the role a Human Centred Approach, the process of Human Centred Design (HCD) and the development of appropriate technology play in creating a positive change within communities. One such initiative, EWBā€™s Humanitarian Design Summit program has seen over 1300 students participate in immersive study tours delivered in six countries in the Asia-Pacific region since 2015. A refined version of the Humanitarian Design Summit is proposed to run locally in the form of a weekend ā€˜Makerthonā€™ event. Through problem based learning, participants in the ā€˜Makerthonā€™ are encouraged to further explore the application of human centred approaches and human centred design and how it relates to their studies and professions. While similar makerthon or hackathon type initiatives are becoming more popular, the potential impacts of delivering these initiatives with a focus on the above mentioned concepts could be examined through the implementation and evaluation of this focussed ā€˜Makerthonā€™. PURPOSE To strengthen the effectiveness of the HCD ā€˜Makerthonā€™ event, an opportunity exists to develop a teaching and learning framework that can be implemented to provide participants a basic competency in human centred approaches and HCD in a short period of time, and to develop an evaluation plan to assess whether learning outcomes were met. APPROACH Core skills and capabilities that demonstrate competency in HCD were identified through content analysis of HCD models applied across different industries and interviews with subject matter experts. Initiatives following similar formats of problem and multidisciplinary team based solution generation were reviewed as case studies; to assess how participation and competencies are evaluated in short, intensive workshops. An assessment of competencies gained by participants were then determined through a combination of observation and surveys. RESULTS From this investigation a pedagogically sound learning framework to develop HCD competencies and engineering teaching and learning approaches for intense training was created. The framework was validated at HCD focussed ā€˜Makerthonā€™ events, leading to recommendations on best practice for these events to be refined and successfully delivered nationwide. CONCLUSIONS The success of the ā€˜Makerthonā€™ in effectively delivering concepts of HCD was proven through questionnaire surveys, which demonstrated participantsā€™ appreciation of community involvement and deep understanding of the human centred approach. Feedback from the community partner implied that the ā€˜Makerthonā€™ adds value to their work. The pedagogy developed reflects best practice and approaches to deliver future ā€˜Makerthonā€™ events

    Presumed small vessel disease, imaging and cognition markers in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative

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    MRI-derived features of presumed cerebral small vessel disease are frequently found in Alzheimer's disease. Influences of such markers on disease-progression measures are poorly understood. We measured markers of presumed small vessel disease (white matter hyperintensity volumes; cerebral microbleeds) on baseline images of newly enrolled individuals in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohort (GO and 2) and used linear mixed models to relate these to subsequent atrophy and neuropsychological score change. We also assessed heterogeneity in white matter hyperintensity positioning within biomarker abnormality sequences, driven by the data, using the Subtype and Stage Inference algorithm. This study recruited both sexes and included: controls: [n 159, mean(SD) age 74(6) years]; early and late mild cognitive impairment [ns 265 and 139, respectively, mean(SD) ages 71(7) and 72(8) years, respectively]; Alzheimer's disease [n 103, mean(SD) age 75(8)] and significant memory concern [n 72, mean(SD) age 72(6) years]. Baseline demographic and vascular risk-factor data, and longitudinal cognitive scores (Mini- Mental State Examination; logical memory; and Trails A and B) were collected. Whole-brain and hippocampal volume change metrics were calculated. White matter hyperintensity volumes were associated with greater whole-brain and hippocampal volume changes independently of cerebral microbleeds (a doubling of baseline white matter hyperintensity was associated with an increase in atrophy rate of 0.3 ml/year for brain and 0.013 ml/year for hippocampus). Cerebral microbleeds were found in 15% of individuals and the presence of a microbleed, as opposed to none, was associated with increases in atrophy rate of 1.4 ml/year for whole brain and 0.021 ml/year for hippocampus. White matter hyperintensities were predictive of greater decline in all neuropsychological scores, while cerebral microbleeds were predictive of decline in logical memory (immediate recall) and Mini-Mental State Examination scores. We identified distinct groups with specific sequences of biomarker abnormality using continuous baseline measures and brain volume change. Four clusters were found; Group 1 showed early Alzheimer's pathology; Group 2 showed early neurodegeneration; Group 3 had early mixed Alzheimer's and cerebrovascular pathology; Group 4 had early neuropsychological score abnormalities. White matter hyperintensity volumes becoming abnormal was a late event for Groups 1 and 4 and an early event for 2 and 3. In summary, white matter hyperintensities and microbleeds were independently associated with progressive neurodegeneration (brain atrophy rates) and cognitive decline (change in neuropsychological scores). Mechanisms involving white matter hyperintensities and progression and microbleeds and progression may be partially separate. Distinct sequences of biomarker progression were found. White matter hyperintensity development was an early event in two sequences

    White matter hyperintensities are associated with disproportionate progressive hippocampal atrophy

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    This study investigates relationships between white matter hyperintensity (WMH) volume, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology markers, and brain and hippocampal volume loss. Subjects included 198 controls, 345 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 154 AD subjects with serial volumetric 1.5-T MRI. CSF AĪ²42 and total tau were measured (n = 353). Brain and hippocampal loss were quantified from serial MRI using the boundary shift integral (BSI). Multiple linear regression models assessed the relationships between WMHs and hippocampal and brain atrophy rates. Models were refitted adjusting for (a) concurrent brain/hippocampal atrophy rates and (b) CSF AĪ²42 and tau in subjects with CSF data. WMH burden was positively associated with hippocampal atrophy rate in controls (P = 0.002) and MCI subjects (P = 0.03), and with brain atrophy rate in controls (P = 0.03). The associations with hippocampal atrophy rate remained following adjustment for concurrent brain atrophy rate in controls and MCIs, and for CSF biomarkers in controls (P = 0.007). These novel results suggest that vascular damage alongside AD pathology is associated with disproportionately greater hippocampal atrophy in nondemented older adults.

    The Effect of Cerebrospinal Fluid Thickness on Traumatic Spinal Cord Deformation

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    A spinal cord injury may lead to loss of motor and sensory function and even death. The biomechanics of the injury process have been found to be important to the neurological damage pattern, and some studies have found a protective effect of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). However, the effect of the CSF thickness on the cord deformation and, hence, the resulting injury has not been previously investigated. In this study, the effects of natural variability (in bovine) as well as the difference between bovine and human spinal canal dimensions on spinal cord deformation were studied using a previously validated computational model. Owing to the pronounced effect that the CSF thickness was found to have on the biomechanics of the cord deformation, it can be concluded that results from animal models may be affected by the disparities in the CSF layer thickness as well as by any difference in the biological responses they may have compared with those of humans.</p