161 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium charge noise and dephasing from a spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid

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    We theoretically investigate the charge noise and dephasing in a metallic device in close proximity to a spin incoherent Luttinger liquid with a small but finite current. The frequency dependence of the charge noise exhibits a loss of frequency peaks corresponding to the 2kF part of the density correlations in the electron liquid when the temperature T is increased from values below the magnetic exchange energy J of the electron gas to values above it. The dephasing rate in a nearby metallic nanostructure also shows a crossover for T~J and may exhibit a nonmonotonic temperature dependence. For a range of temperatures the dephasing rate decreases with increasing temperatures. The proposed experiments provide a convenient approach to probe the spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid and should be implementable in a wide variety of systems

    Green's function for magnetically incoherent interacting electrons in one dimension

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    Using a path integral approach and bosonization, we calculate the low energy asymptotics of the one particle Green's function for a ``magnetically incoherent'' one dimensional strongly interacting electron gas at temperatures much greater than the typical exchange energy but much lower than the Fermi energy. The Green's function exhibits features reminiscent of spin-charge separation, with exponential spatial decay and scaling behavior with interaction dependent anomalous exponents inconsistent with any unitary conformal field theory. We compute the tunneling density of states at low energies and find that it is a power law in energy with exponent 1/(4g)βˆ’11/(4g)-1, where gg is the Luttinger interaction parameter in the charge sector. The underlying physics is made transparent by the simplicity of the approach. Our results generalize those of Cheianov and Zvonarev [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 176401 (2004)].Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, corrected typo

    Tunneling density of states, pair correlation, and Josephson current in spin-incoherent Luttinger-liquid/superconductor hybrid systems

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    We study a hybrid system consisting of a spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid adjoined at one or both ends to a superconductor. We find that the tunneling density of states diverges at low energies and exhibits a universal frequency dependence independent of the strength of the interactions in the system. We show that in spite of exponentially decaying pair correlations with distance into the spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid, the Josephson current remains robust. Compared to the zero temperature Luttinger-liquid case, there is a factor of 2 reduction in the critical current and a halving of the period in the phase difference between the superconductors. We hope these results motivate a class of experiments in the spin-incoherent regime of one-dimensional systems
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