97 research outputs found

    Energy metabolism during exercise at different time intervals following a meal

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1986 W544Master of ScienceHuman Nutritio

    Identification of human tRNA:m(5)C methyltransferase catalysing intron-dependent m(5)C formation in the first position of the anticodon of the [Formula: see text]

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    We identified a human orthologue of tRNA:m(5)C methyltransferase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has been previously shown to catalyse the specific modification of C(34) in the intron-containing yeast [Formula: see text]. Using transcripts of intron-less and intron-containing human [Formula: see text] genes as substrates, we have shown that m(5)C(34) is introduced only in the intron-containing tRNA precursors when the substrates were incubated in the HeLa extract. m(5)C(34) formation depends on the nucleotide sequence surrounding the wobble cytidine and on the structure of the prolongated anticodon stem. Expression of the human Trm4 (hTrm4) cDNA in yeast partially complements the lack of the endogenous Trm4p enzyme. The yeast extract prepared from the strain deprived of the endogenous TRM4 gene and transformed with hTrm4 cDNA exhibits the same activity and substrate specificity toward human pre-tRNA(Leu) transcripts as the HeLa extract. The hTrm4 MTase has a much narrower specificity against the yeast substrates than its yeast orthologue: human enzyme is not able to form m(5)C at positions 48 and 49 of human and yeast tRNA precursors. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing intron-dependent methylation of human [Formula: see text] and identification of human gene encoding tRNA methylase responsible for this reaction

    Ir-Catalysed Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Decomposition:Effect of Ir Particle Size and Metal–Support Interactions

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    The effect of the morphology of Ir particles supported on γ-Al2O3, 8 mol%Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ), 10 mol%Gd2O3-doped CeO2 (GDC) and 80 wt%Al2O3–10 wt%CeO2–10 wt%ZrO2 (ACZ) on their stability on oxidative conditions, the associated metal–support interactions and activity for catalytic decomposition of N2O has been studied. Supports with intermediate or high oxygen ion lability (GDC and ACZ) effectively stabilized Ir nanoparticles against sintering, in striking contrast to supports offering negligible or low oxygen ion lability (γ-Al2O3 and YSZ). Turnover frequency studies using size-controlled Ir particles showed strong structure sensitivity, de-N2O catalysis being favoured on large catalyst particles. Although metallic Ir showed some de-N2O activity, IrO2 was more active, possibly present as a superficial overlayer on the iridium particles under reaction conditions. Support-induced turnover rate modifications, resulted from an effective double layer [Oδ−–δ+](Ir) on the surface of iridium nanoparticles, via O2− backspillover from the support, were significant in the case of GDC and ACZ

    Study and optimization of integrated analog cells in order to enhance the merit factor of operational amplifiers

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    Rail à rail entrée - sortie, classe AB, faible consommation sont autant de critères que le concepteur d'amplificateur opérationnel (AOP) intègre pour réaliser une cellule analogique performante. Pour un AOP standard, l'accent n'est pas porté sur une caractéristique particulière mais sur l’ensemble de celle-ci. Dans le but d'augmenter le nombre de fonction par circuit intégré, la tension d'alimentation des AOPs ainsi que leur consommation en courant tendent à diminuer. L'objectif des circuits réalisés est de doubler le facteur de mérite des circuits déjà présents dans le portefeuille de STMicroelectronics. Le facteur de mérite est un indice qui compare des circuits équivalents. Il est défini par le rapport entre le produit capacité de charge x produit gain bande-passante et le produit courant de consommation x tension d'alimentation. L'état de l'art des structures d'AOPs a orienté l'étude vers des structures analogiques possédant au moins trois étages de gain. Un niveau de gain statique supérieur à la centaine de décibel est nécessaire pour utiliser ces amplificateurs dans des systèmes contre-réactionnés. Puisque chaque étage de gain introduit un noeud haute impédance et que chaque noeud haute impédance est à l'origine d'un pôle, l'étude de la compensation fréquentielle s'est avérée indispensable pour obtenir des structures optimisées. Pour simplifier l'étude de ces AOPs, le développement d'outils d'aide à la conception analogique a contribué à l'automatisation de plusieurs tâches.. Ces différents travaux ont été ponctués par la réalisation et la caractérisation de six circuits. Les compensations fréquentielles utilisées dans ces circuits sont la compensation nested miller , la compensation reversed nested miller et la compensation multipath nested miller . Parmi les six circuits, une moitié a été réalisée uniquement dans le but de valider des concepts de compensation fréquentielle et l'autre moitié avec toutes les contraintes d'une documentation technique propre à la famille d'AOP standard.To be in line with the standard of operational amplifier (opamp), designer integrates in his circuit several functionalities like a Rail to rail input and output, class AB output stage and low power consumption. For standard products, there is no outstanding performance but the average of all of them has to be good. In order to increase the number of functions on an integrated circuit, the power supply and current consumption are permanently decreasing. The aim of the designed circuits is to double the figure of merit (FOM) of the actual ST portfolio products. The FOM allows the comparison of similar opamps. It is defined by the ratio of the product of capacitive load x gain-bandwith product over the power consumption. The opamps’ state of the art has led this study to three stages analog cells. A DC gain higher than hundreds of decibel is required to use opamps in feedback configuration. As each stage of the structure introduces a high impedance node and as each high impedance node introduces a pole, the study of frequency compensation technics became essential for well optimized structures. To simplify the study of the opamps, three tools have been developed to help in the design of the frequency compensation network and to automate some tasks. This work has been followed by the realization of six cells. Three of them were designed to validate frequency compensation structure and the other three to satisfy a standard opamp datasheet. Nested Miller, Reversed Nested Miller and Multipath Nested Miller compensations were used in these circuits
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