1 research outputs found

    Reproducible radiomics through automated machine learning validated on twelve clinical applications

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    Radiomics uses quantitative medical imaging features to predict clinical outcomes. Currently, in a new clinical application, findingthe optimal radiomics method out of the wide range of available options has to be done manually through a heuristic trial-anderror process. In this study we propose a framework for automatically optimizing the construction of radiomics workflows perapplication. To this end, we formulate radiomics as a modular workflow and include a large collection of common algorithms foreach component. To optimize the workflow per application, we employ automated machine learning using a random search andensembling. We evaluate our method in twelve different clinical applications, resulting in the following area under the curves: 1)liposarcoma (0.83); 2) desmoid-type fibromatosis (0.82); 3) primary liver tumors (0.80); 4) gastrointestinal stromal tumors (0.77);5) colorectal liver metastases (0.61); 6) melanoma metastases (0.45); 7) hepatocellular carcinoma (0.75); 8) mesenteric fibrosis(0.80); 9) prostate cancer (0.72); 10) glioma (0.71); 11) Alzheimer’s disease (0.87); and 12) head and neck cancer (0.84). Weshow that our framework has a competitive performance compared human experts, outperforms a radiomics baseline, and performssimilar or superior to Bayesian optimization and more advanced ensemble approaches. Concluding, our method fully automaticallyoptimizes the construction of radiomics workflows, thereby streamlining the search for radiomics biomarkers in new applications.To facilitate reproducibility and future research, we publicly release six datasets, the software implementation of our framework,and the code to reproduce this study