33 research outputs found

    BĂșsqueda de la radiaciĂłn de mayor energĂ­a procedente de pĂșlsares y sus nebulosas

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias FĂ­sicas, leĂ­da el 20/09/2018The observation of Very-High-Energy (vhe, >100 GeV) gamma rays is key in studying the non-thermal sources of radiation in our Universe. Pulsars and Pulsar Wind Nebulae (pwne) are two source classes that are known to emit vhe gamma rays. While pulsar wind nebulae are the dominant vhe gamma-ray source class in our galaxy, only two pulsars have been detected above 100 GeV so far. Most pulsar models explain gamma-ray emission via synchro-curvature radiation in the radiation-reaction limited regime, which leads to a sharp cut-off in the pulsar spectrum at energies of a few GeV. However, the detection of pulsed emission from the Crab pulsar up to hundreds of GeVby magic and veritas, suggests that classical pulsar models do not provide a full picture of the emission mechanisms at work. TeV pulsar wind nebulae, on the other hand, are observed via their inverse Compton radiation and are primarily found around young and energetic pulsars located towards the inner Milky Way. Detections of TeV pwne in the outer part of our galaxy are scarce, but could provide valuable input for the connection between the interstellar radiation field and the pwn luminosity...La observaciĂłn de rayos gamma de muy altas energĂ­as (vhe, >100 GeV) es clave para el estudio de las fuentes de radiaciĂłn de origen no tĂ©rmico de nuestro Universo. Los pĂșlsares y sus nebulosas (pwn) son dos de los tipos de fuentes galĂĄcticas que pueden emitir rayos gamma de muy alta energĂ­a. Mientras que las nebulosas de los pĂșlsares constituyen la mayor clase de fuentes galĂĄcticas descubiertas a estas energĂ­as, hasta la fechas Ăłlo se han encontrado dos pĂșlsares por encima de 100 GeV. La mayorĂ­a de los modelos teĂłricos consideran que la emisiĂłn de rayos gamma en pĂșlsares es debida a radiaciĂłn Syncrotrony de curvatura, lo que implica un corte espectral a unos pocos GeV por encima del cual la emisiĂłn desaparece rĂĄpidamente. Sin embargo, la detecciĂłn de rayos gamma por encima de 100 GeV procedente del pĂșlsar del Cangrejo por magic y veritas, sugiere que los modelos clĂĄsicos para pĂșlsares no tienen en cuenta todos los procesos fĂ­sicos involucrados en estas fuentes. Por su parte, la emisiĂłn gamma de muy alta energĂ­a procedente de las nebulosas de los pĂșlsares es debida a la dispersiĂłn Compton inversa. La mayorĂ­a de las nebulosas detectadas a energĂ­as de TeV se encuentran en torno a pĂșlsares jĂłvenes y energĂ©ticos en la parte interior de la VĂ­a LĂĄctea. El descubrimiento de nebulosas en las regiones exteriores de nuestra galaxia permitirĂ­a estudiar la conexiĂłn entre el fondo de radiaciĂłn interestelar y la luminosidad de la nebulosa...Fac. de Ciencias FĂ­sicasTRUEunpu

    Statistics of VHE Îł-rays in temporal association with radio giant pulses from the Crab pulsar

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    Aims. The aim of this study is to search for evidence of a common emission engine between radio giant pulses (GPs) and very-high-energy (VHE, E& x2004;> & x2004;100 GeV) gamma-rays from the Crab pulsar. Methods. We performed 16 h of simultaneous observations of the Crab pulsar at 1.4 GHz with the Effelsberg radio telescope and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), and at energies above 60 GeV we used the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescopes. We searched for a statistical correlation between the radio and VHE gamma-ray emission with search windows of different lengths and different time lags to the arrival times of a radio GP. A dedicated search for an enhancement in the number of VHE gamma-rays correlated with the occurrence of radio GPs was carried out separately for the P1 and P2 phase ranges, respectively. Results. In the radio data sample, 99444 radio GPs were detected. We find no significant correlation between the GPs and VHE photons in any of the search windows. Depending on phase cuts and the chosen search windows, we find upper limits at a 95% confidence level on an increase in VHE gamma-ray events correlated with radio GPs between 7% and 61% of the average Crab pulsar VHE flux for the P1 and P2 phase ranges, respectively. This puts upper limits on the flux increase during a radio GP between 12% and 2900% of the pulsed VHE flux, depending on the search window duration and phase cuts. This is the most stringent upper limit on a correlation between gamma-ray emission and radio GPs reported so far

    Performance of the MAGIC telescopes under moonlight

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    MAGIC, a system of two imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, achieves its best performance under dark conditions, i.e. in absence of moonlight or twilight. Since operating the telescopes only during dark time would severely limit the duty cycle, observations are also performed when the Moon is present in the sky. Here we develop a dedicated Moon-adapted analysis to characterize the performance of MAGIC under moonlight. We evaluate energy threshold, angular resolution and sensitivity of MAGIC under different background light levels, based on Crab Nebula observations and tuned Monte Carlo simulations. This study includes observations taken under non-standard hardware configurations, such as reducing the camera photomultiplier tubes gain by a factor ∌1.7 (reduced HV settings) with respect to standard settings (nominal HV) or using UV-pass filters to strongly reduce the amount of moonlight reaching the cameras of the telescopes. The Crab Nebula spectrum is correctly reconstructed in all the studied illumination levels, that reach up to 30 times brighter than under dark conditions. The main effect of moonlight is an increase in the analysis energy threshold and in the systematic uncertainties on the flux normalization. The sensitivity degradation is constrained to be below 10%, within 15-30% and between 60 and 80% for nominal HV, reduced HV and UV-pass filter observations, respectively. No worsening of the angular resolution was found. Thanks to observations during moonlight, the maximal duty cycle of MAGIC can be increased from ∌18%, under dark nights only, to up to∌40% in total with only moderate performance degradation

    Search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from the microquasar Cygnus X-1 with the MAGIC telescopes

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    The microquasar Cygnus X-1 displays the two typical soft and hard X-ray states of a black hole transient. During the latter, Cygnus X-1 shows a one-sided relativistic radio-jet. Recent detection of the system in the high energy (HE; E greater than or similar to 60 MeV) gamma-ray range with FermiLAT associates this emission with the outflow. Former MAGIC observations revealed a hint of flaring activity in the very high-energy (VHE; E greater than or similar to 100 GeV) regime during this X-ray state. We analyse ~ to 97 h of Cygnus X-1 data taken with the MAGIC telescopes between July 2007 and October 2014. To shed light on the correlation between hard X-ray and VHE gamma rays as previously suggested, we study each main X-ray state separately. We perform an orbital phase-folded analysis to look for variability in the VHE band. Additionally, to place this variability behaviour in a multiwavelength context, we compare our results with Fermi-LAT, AGILE, Swift-BAT, MAXI, RXTE-ASM, AMI and RATAN-600 data. We do not detect Cygnus X-1 in the VHE regime. We establish upper limits for each X-ray state, assuming a power-law distribution with photon index Γ = 3.2. For steady emission in the hard and soft X-ray states, we set integral upper limits at 95 %per cent confidence level for energies above 200 GeV at 2.6 x 10⁻ÂčÂČ photons cm⁻ÂČ s⁻Âč and 1.0 x 10⁻ÂčÂč photons cm⁻ÂČ s ⁻Âč, respectively. We rule out steady VHE gamma-ray emission above this energy range, at the level of theMAGIC sensitivity, originating in the interaction between the relativistic jet and the surrounding medium, while the emission above this flux level produced inside the binary still remains a valid possibility

    MAGIC very large zenith angle observations of the Crab Nebula up to 100 TeV

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    Aims. We measure the Crab Nebula gamma-ray spectral energy distribution in the 100 TeV energy domain and test the validity of existing leptonic emission models at these high energies.Methods. We used the novel very large zenith angle observations with the MAGIC telescope system to increase the collection area above 10 TeV. We also developed an auxiliary procedure of monitoring atmospheric transmission in order to assure proper calibration of the accumulated data. This employs recording optical images of the stellar field next to the source position, which provides a better than 10% accuracy for the transmission measurements.Results. We demonstrate that MAGIC very large zenith angle observations yield a collection area larger than a square kilometer. In only 56 h of observations, we detect the gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula up to 100 TeV, thus providing the highest energy measurement of this source to date with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. Comparing accumulated and archival MAGIC and Fermi/LAT data with some of the existing emission models, we find that none of them provides an accurate description of the 1 GeV to 100 TeV gamma-ray signal

    A search for dark matter in Triangulum II with the MAGIC telescopes

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    We present the first results from very-high-energy observations of the dwarf spheroidal satellite candidate Triangulum II with the MAGIC telescopes from 62.4 h of good-quality data taken between August 2016 and August 2017. We find no gamma-ray excess in the direction of Triangulum II, and upper limits on both the differential and integral gamma-ray flux are presented. Currently, the kinematics of Triangulum II are affected by large uncertainties leading to a bias in the determination of the properties of its dark matter halo. Using a scaling relation between the annihilation J-factor and heliocentric distance of well-known dwarf spheroidal galaxies, we estimate an annihilation J-factor for Triangulum II for WIMP dark matter of log[J(ann)(0.5 degrees)/GeV2 cm(-5)] = 19.35 +/- 0.37. We also derive a dark matter density profile for the object relying on results from resolved simulations of Milky Way sized dark matter halos. We obtain 95% confidence-level limits on the thermally averaged annihilation cross section for WIMP annihilation into various Standard Model channels. The most stringent limits are obtained in the tau(-)tau(+) final state, where a cross section for annihilation down to = 3.05 x 10(-24) cm(3) s(-1) is excluded. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A cut-off in the TeV gamma-ray spectrum of the SNR Cassiopeia A

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    It is widely believed that the bulk of the Galactic cosmic rays are accelerated in supernova remnants (SNRs). However, no observational evidence of the presence of particles of PeV energies in SNRs has yet been found. The young historical SNR Cassiopeia A (Cas A) appears as one of the best candidates to study acceleration processes. Between December 2014 and October 2016 we observed Cas A with the MAGIC telescopes, accumulating 158 hours of good-quality data. We derived the spectrum of the source from 100 GeV to 10 TeV. We also analysed ∌8 years of F ermiLAT to obtain the spectral shape between 60 MeV and 500 GeV. The spectra measured by the LAT and MAGIC telescopes are compatible within the errors and show a clear turn off (4.6 σ) at the highest energies, which can be described with an exponential cut-off at Ec = 3.5(₋₁‚₀âșÂč’⁶ )_(stat) (âș⁰’⁾ ₋‚₀₉)_(sys) TeV. The gamma-ray emission from 60 MeV to 10 TeV can be attributed to a population of high-energy protons with spectral index ∌2.2 and energy cut-off at ∌10 TeV. This result indicates that Cas A is not contributing to the high energy (∌PeV) cosmic-ray sea in a significant manner at the present moment. A one-zone leptonic model fails to reproduce by itself the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution. Besides, if a non-negligible fraction of the flux seen by MAGIC is produced by leptons, the radiation should be emitted in a region with a low magnetic field (B<≈100”G) like in the reverse shock

    Broadband characterisation of the very intense TeV flares of the blazar 1ES 1959+650 in 2016

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    1ES 1959+650 is a bright TeV high-frequency-peaked BL Lac object exhibiting interesting features like "orphan" TeV flares and broad emission in the high-energy regime that are difficult to interpret using conventional one-zone Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) scenarios. We report the results from the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) observations in 2016 along with the multi-wavelength data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and Swift instruments. MAGIC observed 1ES 1959+650 with different emission levels in the very-high-energy (VHE, E> 100 GeV) gamma -ray band during 2016. In the long-term data, the X-ray spectrum becomes harder with increasing flux and a hint of a similar trend is also visible in the VHE band. An exceptionally high VHE flux reaching similar to 3 times the Crab Nebula flux was measured by MAGIC on the 13 and 14 of June, and 1 July 2016 (the highest flux observed since 2002). During these flares, the high-energy peak of the spectral energy distribution (SED) lies in the VHE domain and extends up to several TeV. The spectrum in the gamma -ray (both Fermi-LAT and VHE bands) and the X-ray bands are quite hard. On 13 June and 1 July 2016, the source showed rapid variations in the VHE flux within timescales of less than an hour. A simple one-zone SSC model can describe the data during the flares requiring moderate to large values of the Doppler factors (delta >= 30-60). Alternatively, the high-energy peak of the SED can be explained by a purely hadronic model attributed to proton-synchrotron radiation with jet power L-jet similar to 10(46) erg s(-1) and under high values of the magnetic field strength (similar to 100 G) and maximum proton energy (similar to few EeV). Mixed lepto-hadronic models require super-Eddington values of the jet power. We conclude that it is difficult to get detectable neutrino emission from the source during the extreme VHE flaring period of 2016

    New Hard-TeV Extreme Blazars Detected with the MAGIC Telescopes*

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    Extreme high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects (EHBLs) are blazars that exhibit extremely energetic synchrotron emission. They also feature nonthermal gamma-ray emission whose peak lies in the very high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) range, and in some sources exceeds 1 TeV: this is the case for hard-TeV EHBLs such as 1ES 0229+200. With the aim of increasing the EHBL population, 10 targets were observed with the MAGIC telescopes from 2010 to 2017, for a total of 265 hr of good-quality data. The data were complemented by coordinated Swift observations. The X-ray data analysis confirms that all but two sources are EHBLs. The sources show only a modest variability and a harder-when-brighter behavior, typical for this class of objects. At VHE gamma-rays, three new sources were detected and a hint of a signal was found for another new source. In each case, the intrinsic spectrum is compatible with the hypothesis of a hard-TeV nature of these EHBLs. The broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of all sources are built and modeled in the framework of a single-zone, purely leptonic model. The VHE gamma-ray-detected sources were also interpreted with a spine-layer model and a proton synchrotron model. The three models provide a good description of the SEDs. However, the resulting parameters differ substantially in the three scenarios, in particular the magnetization parameter. This work presents the first mini catalog of VHE gamma-ray and multiwavelength observations of EHBLs