15 research outputs found

    Workflow scheduling for service oriented cloud computing

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    Service Orientation (SO) and grid computing are two computing paradigms that when put together using Internet technologies promise to provide a scalable yet flexible computing platform for a diverse set of distributed computing applications. This practice gives rise to the notion of a computing cloud that addresses some previous limitations of interoperability, resource sharing and utilization within distributed computing. In such a Service Oriented Computing Cloud (SOCC), applications are formed by composing a set of services together. In addition, hierarchical service layers are also possible where general purpose services at lower layers are composed to deliver more domain specific services at the higher layer. In general an SOCC is a horizontally scalable computing platform that offers its resources as services in a standardized fashion. Workflow based applications are a suitable target for SOCC where workflow tasks are executed via service calls within the cloud. One or more workflows can be deployed over an SOCC and their execution requires scheduling of services to workflow tasks as the task become ready following their interdependencies. In this thesis heuristics based scheduling policies are evaluated for scheduling workflows over a collection of services offered by the SOCC. Various execution scenarios and workflow characteristics are considered to understand the implication of the heuristic based workflow scheduling

    Maximum Power Extraction from a Standalone Photo Voltaic System via Neuro-Adaptive Arbitrary Order Sliding Mode Control Strategy with High Gain Differentiation

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    In this work, a photovoltaic (PV) system integrated with a non-inverting DC-DC buck-boost converter to extract maximum power under varying environmental conditions such as irradiance and temperature is considered. In order to extract maximum power (via maximum power transfer theorem), a robust nonlinear arbitrary order sliding mode-based control is designed for tracking the desired reference, which is generated via feed forward neural networks (FFNN). The proposed control law utilizes some states of the system, which are estimated via the use of a high gain differentiator and a famous flatness property of nonlinear systems. This synthetic control strategy is named neuroadaptive arbitrary order sliding mode control (NAAOSMC). The overall closed-loop stability is discussed in detail and simulations are carried out in Simulink environment of MATLAB to endorse effectiveness of the developed synthetic control strategy. Finally, comparison of the developed controller with the backstepping controller is done, which ensures the performance in terms of maximum power extraction, steady-state error and more robustness against sudden variations in atmospheric conditions

    Planar SIW leaky wave antenna with electronically reconfigurable E-and H-plane scanning

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    This paper reports on a novel technique of switching radiation characteristics electronically between E-and H-planes of planar Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave Antennas (SIW-LWAs). The leaky wave mode is achieved through increasing the pitch of bounding metallic via posts on one side of SIW transmission section. The radiation switching is achieved by extending the top and bottom metallic planes to a distance of 1 mm along the leakage side. The extended section acts as a parallel plate section which is conveniently connected or disconnected from the leaking side of SIW through PIN diodes. The ‘ON’ state of PIN diodes extends the metal guides and results in the H-plane leakage whereas ‘OFF’ state of PIN diodes truncates the extended metal earlier and alter the leakage line boundary condition towards E-plane. The whole concept is validated by series of simulations followed by the realization and testing of the SIW-LWA. The measured radiation pattern scans about 54° in the E-plane between 10.0 GHz to 11.7 GHz, and 58° in the H-plane from 9 GHz to 10.6 GHz. The proposed topology is a suitable candidate for remote sensing and airborne applications

    Individualized medicine enabled by genomics in Saudi Arabia

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    Implementation and Analysis of Clustering Techniques Applied on Pocket Switched Network

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    Clustering is an extraction of closely knitted groups from a set of nodes. Its benefits in social network range from applying marketing schemes on an appropriate interest group to social network analysis. It is also considered an important tool for efficient communication in an intermittent Pocket Switched Network (PSN). Contact probability between mobile devices in disrupted social networks greatly depends upon the mobility profile and level of relationships between the device holders. Unlike flat routing, scalable and efficient routing in these networks is highly dependent upon accurate derivation of social circles or clusters. This paper therefore evaluates existing clustering techniques for terrestrial social network with the end aim of minimizing communication overhead by identifying those message carriers that can bring message closer to destination node. In order to ensure intercluster routing, modification in existing schemes is proposed so as to detect bridge nodes between single hop destination clusters and to find path towards a disjoint destination cluster

    A Multilayer Notch Band Printed Duplex Dipole Antenna for Ku-band Applications

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    A band reject broadband antenna with bandwidthof 8.82 GHz operating in the Ku-band realized in multilayerconfiguration is proposed in this paper. The band rejection hasbeen achieved by introducing Split Ring Resonators (SRRs).The multilayer topology adopted in this paper has resulted inan overall antenna size of 22 x 12 x 2:285 mm^3. Such topology allows an additional benefit of loading the middle layer with SRRs to reject a specific frequency

    C-Band and X-Band Switchable Frequency-Selective Surface

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    This paper presents a highly compact frequency-selective surface (FSS) that has the potential to switch between the X-band (8 GHz–12 GHz) and C-band (4 GHz–8 GHz) for RF shielding applications. The proposed FSS is composed of a square conducting loop with inward-extended arms loaded with curved extensions. The symmetric geometry allows the RF shield to perform equally for transverse electric (TE), transverse magnetic (TM), and 45° polarizations. The unit cell has a dimension of 0.176 λ0 and has excellent angular stability up to 60°. The resonance mechanism was investigated using equivalent circuit models of the shield. The design of the unit element allowed incorporation of PIN diodes between adjacent elements for switching to a lower C-band spectrum at 6.6 GHz. The biasing network is on the bottom layer of the substrate to avoid effects on the shielding performance. A PIN diode configuration for the switching operation was also proposed. In simulations, the PIN diode model was incorporated to observe the switchable operation. Two prototypes were fabricated, and the switchable operation was demonstrated by etching copper strips on one fabricated prototype between adjacent unit cells (in lieu of PIN diodes) as a proof of the design prototypes. Comparisons among the results confirmed that the design offers high angular stability and excellent performance in both bands

    Characterization of novel structures consisting of micron-sized conductive particles that respond to static magnetic field lines for 4G/5G (Sub-6 GHz) reconfigurable antennas

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    Controlling Radio Frequency (RF) signals through switching technology is of interest to designers of modern wireless platforms such as Advanced Wireless services (AWS) from 2.18 GHz–2.2 GHz, mid-bands of sub-6 GHz 5G (2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz), and 4G bands around 600 MHz/700 MHz, 1.7 GHz/2.1 GHz/2.3 GHz/2.5 GHz. This is because certain layout efficiencies can be achieved if suitable components are chosen to control these signals. The objective of this paper is to present a new model of an RF switch denoted as a Magnetostatic Responsive Structure (MRS) for achieving reconfigurable operation in 4G/5G antennas. In particular, the ABCD matrices of the MRS are derived from the S-parameter values and shown to be a good model from 100 kHz to 3.5 GHz. Furthermore, an overall agreement between simulations, analytical results, and circuit model values are shown