139 research outputs found

    On the Burr XII-Power Cauchy Distribution: Properties and Applications

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    We propose a new four-parameter lifetime model with flexible hazard rate called the Burr XII Power Cauchy (BXII-PC) distribution. We derive the BXII-PC distribution via (i) the T-X family technique and (ii) nexus between the exponential and gamma variables. The new proposed distribution is flexible as it has famous sub-models such as Burr XII-half Cauchy, Lomax-power Cauchy, Lomax-half Cauchy, Log-logistic-power Cauchy, log-logistic-half Cauchy. The failure rate function for the BXII-PC distribution is flexible as it can accommodate various shapes such as the modified bathtub, inverted bathtub, increasing, decreasing; increasing-decreasing and decreasing-increasing-decreasing. Its density function can take shapes such as exponential, J, reverse-J, left-skewed, right-skewed and symmetrical. To illustrate the importance of the BXII-PC distribution, we establish various mathematical properties such as random number generator, moments, inequality measures, reliability measures and characterization. Six estimation methods are used to estimate the unknown parameters of the proposed distribution. We perform a simulation study on the basis of the graphical results to demonstrate the performance of the maximum likelihood, maximum product spacings, least squares, weighted least squares, Cramer-von Mises and Anderson-Darling estimators of the parameters of the BXII-PC distribution. We consider an application to a real data set to prove empirically the potentiality of the proposed model

    Genetska raznolikost Mareecha i Barela pasmina jednogrbih deva iz Pakistana na temelju mikrosatelitskih markera

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    The genetic diversity of Pakistani dromedary camels is poorly documented. The present study evaluated the genetic variations of two well-known Pakistani camel breeds, Mareecha and Barela, that are well-adapted to the Cholistan desert climate. Camel can serve as a beneficial participant in the food supply chain by providing milk, meat and other food products for the livelihood of pastoral peoples. To explore a new world of resources, greater attention to needed to create standard procedures to genetically characterize, classify and identify camel breeds in the country. For this purpose, 66 unrelated animals of the Mareecha (n=35) and Barela (n=31) breeds were genotyped using a set of 12 labelled microsatellite loci. DNA fragment sizes were determined in an ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer. All microsatellite markers were successfully amplified and exhibited a polymorphic nature, with an average Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) of 0.72 and 0.70 in Mareecha and Barela, respectively. A total of 107 alleles with an average of 8.91 alleles per locus were identified by these markers in both breeds. CMS15 was highly polymorphic with 13 alleles, while VOLP-032 was the lowest with two loci. The Fit and Fis values were low but high population differentiation (17%) was observed in both breeds, due to the migrations of pastoral people to different remote areas during climate fluctuations.Genetska raznolikost pakistanskih jednogrbih deva slabo je dokumentirana. Ova studija procijenila je genetske varijacije dviju dobro poznatih pasmina pakistanskih deva - mareecha i barela - koje su vrlo dobro prilagođene klimi pustinje Cholistan. Deva može poslužiti kao koristan sudionik u lancu opskrbe hranom, osiguravajući mlijeko, meso i druge prehrambene proizvode za život pastira. Da bi se istražio novi svijet resursa, potrebno je više pozornosti za obavljanje standardnih postupaka za genetsku karakterizaciju, razvrstavanje i identifikaciju pasmina deva u zemlji. U tu svrhu, ukupno 66 životinja koje nisu u srodstvu pasmine mareecha (n=35) i barela (n=31) genotipizirane su uporabom 12 označenih mikrosatelitskih lokusa. Veličine fragmenata DNK određene su u ABI 3130 genetskom analizatoru. Svi mikrosatelitski markeri uspješno su pojačani i pokazali su polimorfnu narav s prosječnim sadržajem polimorfnih informacija (PIC) od 0,72 i 0,70 za mareecha, odnosno barela pasminu. Ukupno 107 alela s prosječno 8,91 alelom po lokusu u obje pasmine identificirano je tim markerima. CMS15 bio je vrlo polimorfan s 13 alela dok je VOLP-032 bio najniži s 2 lokusa. Fit i Fis vrijednosti bile su niske, ali je uočena velika diferencijacija populacije (17 %) za obje pasmine koje su posljedica migracije pastira u različite udaljene krajeve tijekom promjena klime

    On Burr III Marshal Olkin Family: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications

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    In this paper, a flexible family of distributions with unimodel, bimodal, increasing, increasing and decreasing, inverted bathtub and modified bathtub hazard rate called Burr III-Marshal Olkin-G (BIIIMO-G) family is developed on the basis of the T-X family technique. The density function of the BIIIMO-G family is arc, exponential, left- skewed, right-skewed and symmetrical shaped. Descriptive measures such as quantiles, moments, incomplete moments, inequality measures and reliability measures are theoretically established. The BIIIMO-G family is characterized via different techniques. Parameters of the BIIIMO-G family are estimated using maximum likelihood method. A simulation study is performed to illustrate the performance of the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). The potentiality of BIIIMO-G family is demonstrated by its application to real data sets

    Efficacy of Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. leaves extracts against some atmospheric fungi

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    Crude ethanolic extract of Avicennia marina leaves was tested against seven allergenic fungi viz., Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium herbarum, Penicillium notatum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae using five different solvents: dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), distilled water (DW), chloroform, ethanol and acetone at 2000, 4000 and 6000 ppm doses. Dose dependent tendency in the increase or decrease in the growth of fungi was observed. Two synthetic drugs miconazole and amphotericin-B were used as positive control. Miconazole was 100% effective against A. alternata, C. herbatum, P. notatum and S. cerevisiae with the concentrations of 95.00 ± 1.62, 78.00 ± 4.99, 100.00 ± 0.69 and 110.00 ± 2.33 (μg/ml of SDA medium), respectively. Amphotericin-B completely controlled the growth of A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger in the concentration of 24.00 ± 17.00, 30.00 ± 15.66 and 18.00 ± 18.34 (μg/ml of SDA medium), respectively. Distilled water and DMSO were considered to be the most effective solvents preventing 83.00 ± 4.73% growth of A. niger, 80.33 ± 5.60% A. flavus, 78.58 ± 3.18% A. alternata, 72.91 ± 7.96% P. notatum, 65.25 ± 3.55% C. herbarum, 63.25 ± 4.52% A. fumigatus and 48.5 ± 7.89% S. cerevisiae. Statistically, the results were compared with negative control and found to be highly significant (p<0.01).Key words: Allergenic fungi, inhibition, dose dependent, growth control, synthetic drugs


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    Adipose tissue has gained great attention during the last decade. It represents not only a depot for energy stores, but also releases adipocytokines regulating energy disposal and can therefore be considered from therapeutic point of view. Hypoadiponectemia is an independent threat for development of metabolic syndrome. When subjects treated with antidiabetic (Thiazolidinediones) and antihypertensive (angiotensin receptor blocker) agents , the plasma concentration of adiponectin, the only component of adipocytokines, directly proportional to plasma values of these drugs. The prevalance of hypertension and T2DM is mounting with unprecedented degree in both developing and advanced countries, therefore, there is a dire need to find safer and economical therapeutic regimes for the treatment of these ailments, and intensive research is also underway for this purpose. PPARγ serves as a common link in the actions of ADN, TZDs and ARBs when exerting their effects, and it is responsible for stimulation of adiponectin receptors, thus ultimately enhancing the levels of adiponectin in plasma. This review aims to elucidate the role, link and use of ARBs, ADN and TZDs as a safer and convenient approach for the treatment of these co-morbidities as a unanimous or single remedy from comparative point of view

    pH-Responsive Liposomes of Dioleoyl Phosphatidylethanolamine and Cholesteryl Hemisuccinate for the Enhanced Anticancer Efficacy of Cisplatin

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    The current study aimed to develop pH-responsive cisplatin-loaded liposomes (CDDP@PLs) via the thin film hydration method. Formulations with varied ratios of dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) to cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHEMS) were investigated to obtain the optimal particle size, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency, in vitro release profile, and stability. The particle size of the CDDP@PLs was in the range of 153.2 ± 3.08-206.4 ± 2.26 nm, zeta potential was -17.8 ± 1.26 to -24.6 ± 1.72, and PDI displayed an acceptable size distribution. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a spherical shape with ~200 nm size. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis showed the physicochemical stability of CDDP@PLs, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis showed the loss of the crystalline nature of cisplatin in liposomes. In vitro release study of CDDP@PLs at pH 7.4 depicted the lower release rate of cisplatin (less than 40%), and at a pH of 6.5, an almost 65% release rate was achieved compared to the release rate at pH 5.5 (more than 80%) showing the tumor-specific drug release. The cytotoxicity study showed the improved cytotoxicity of CDDP@PLs compared to cisplatin solution in MDA-MB-231 and SK-OV-3 cell lines, and fluorescence microscopy also showed enhanced cellular internalization. The acute toxicity study showed the safety and biocompatibility of the developed carrier system for the potential delivery of chemotherapeutic agents. These studies suggest that CDDP@PLs could be utilized as an efficient delivery system for the enhancement of therapeutic efficacy and to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy by releasing cisplatin at the tumor site

    Estimation of genetic effects controlling different plant traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under CLCuV epidemic condition

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    Nine cotton genotypes, comprised of four non Bt males (CIM-1100, CIM-506, FH-942 and FH-900), five Bt female genotypes (FH-113, FH-114, MNH- 886, AA-703 and IR-3701) and their 20 crosses were screened in order to evaluate their response to Cotton leaf curl virus symptoms through epidemiology in the field and greenhouse. The 20 crosses among their nine parents were sown in two replications under randomized complete block design, during 2013 and 2014. The mean squares were significant for all traits indicating that both additive and non-additive genes control the characters, but non-additive genes were more important because, variance of dominant genes were higher than additive genes. In our test, FH-900 showed the best performance against CLCuV, number of lobes per boll and seed yield. The CIM- 1100 genotype performed well in boll weight, fiber strength and fiber fineness, whereas CIM-506 was good for plant height, number of sympodial branches and ginning. Maximum boll number, seed index and fiber length were shown by FH-942. Among lines, MNH886, FH-113, IR-3701 and FH-114 exhibited the best general combination for many traits. Hence, parents were preferred for hybridization program to improve the majority of characters. Hybrids FH-113 × FH-942, MNH-886 × CIM-1100, MNH-886 × FH-942, IR-3701 × CIM-506, AA-703 × CIM-1100, FH-114 × FH-942, FH-114 × CIM-1100 and MNH-886 × FH- 900 was best in specific combinations for different traits, especially against CLCuV. The results indicated that to increase resistance against CLCuV, hybrids should be exploited to develop CLCuV resistance