10 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS model PjBL topik polimer pada pembuatan lem berbahan alami yang layak untuk membangun kreativitas siswa ditinjau dari kelayakan internal, eksternal, Teaching for Creativity Observation (TCOF), kualitas karya kreatif, dan respon siswa terhadap penggunaan LKS. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif evaluatif dengan desain penelitian menggunakan design research tipe plomp. Partisipan pada penelitian ini melibatkan 3 orang dosen pendidikan kimia, 2 orang guru kimia SMA, 3 orang observer (peneliti lain), dan 26 orang siswa SMA kelas XII yang bersekolah di salah satu SMA Kota Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar kelayakan internal (syarat konten, syarat teknis, dan syarat konstruk), lembar kelayakan eksternal (jawaban LKS siswa dan observasi aktivitas siswa), lembar penilaian karya kreatif siswa, dan angket respon siswa terhadap penggunaan LKS. Pada penelitian ini, pengolahan data dibuat dalam bentuk persentase yang kemudian dikategorikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan LKS yang ditinjau berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan internal, eksternal, TCOF, dan respon angket siswa terhadap penggunaan LKS termasuk kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan hasil pengembangan LKS yang ditinjau dari kualitas karya kreatif siswa termasuk kategori baik. Karya kreatif yang dibuat siswa adalah lem alami yang yang terbuat dari 5 jenis bahan alami di sekitar. Secara keseluruhan berdasarkan hasil penilaian yang ditinjau dari kelayakan internal, eksternal, Teaching for Creativity Observation (TCOF), kualitas karya kreatif, dan respon siswa terhadap penggunaan LKS menunjukkan bahwa LKS model PjBL topik polimer pada pembuatan lem berbahan alami yang dikembangkan layak digunakan untuk membangun kreativitas siswa.
This study aims to develop a PjBL model worksheet on polymer topics in the manufacture of natural-based glue that is feasible to build students' creativity in terms of internal, external feasibility, teaching for creativity observation (TCOF), the quality of creative work, and student responses to the use of worksheets. The method used in this study was a descriptive evaluative research method with a research design using a plomp type of research design. The participants in this study involved 3 chemistry education lecturers, 2 high school chemistry teachers, 3 observers (other researchers), and 26 high school 3rd grade students who attended a high school in Bandung. The instruments used were internal eligibility sheets (content requirements, technical requirements, and construct requirements), external eligibility sheets (student worksheet answers and student activity observations), student creative work assessment sheets, and student response questionnaires on the use of student worksheets. In this study, data processing was made in the form of percentages which were then categorized. The results showed that the development of the worksheet which was reviewed based on the results of the internal, external, TCOF, and student questionnaire responses to the use of the worksheet was categorized as very good. While the results of the development of student worksheets in terms of the quality of students' creative work are in the good category. Creative work made by students is natural glue made from 5 types of natural materials around. Overall, based on the results of the assessment in terms of internal, external feasibility, Teaching for Creativity Observation (TCOF), the quality of creative work, and student responses to the use of worksheets, it shows that the PjBL model worksheets on polymer topics in the manufacture of natural glue that were developed are suitable to be used to build student creativity
Analisis Tekno-Ekonomi pada Produksi Nanopartikel Emas (AuNP) dengan Metode Biosintesis menggunakan Sargassum horneri pada Skala Industri
Biosintesis nanopartikel emas (AuNP) menggunakan ekstrak Sargassum horneri (SH) dinilai lebih ekonomis dan terbukti menghasilkan nanopartikel emas yang berperan sebagai katalis dalam degradasi zat warna. Oleh karena itu, produksi nanopartikel emas perlu dikembangkan dalam skala industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan proyek biosintesis nanopartikel emas menggunakan ekstrak Sargassum horneri dalam skala industri. Metode evaluasi ekonomi menggunakan analisis terhadap beberapa parameter evaluasi ekonomi seperti Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Break Even Point (BEP), Cumulative Net Present Value (CNPV), Payback Period (PBP), dan Profitability Index (PI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada skala industri, jumlah produksi Nanopartikel Emas dalam setahun adalah 132 L. Total harga yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi nanopartikel emas dalam setahun adalah USD 8.573.006,05, dengan penjualan tahunan USD 13.200.000, sehingga total biaya adalah USD 4.626.993,95 USD per tahun. Dalam kondisi ideal, analisis PBP menunjukkan bahwa proyek akan menguntungkan pada tahun ke-3, dan analisis PI menunjukkan bahwa biaya modal awal dapat diperoleh kembali dari tahun ke-3. Analisis terhadap beberapa kondisi tidak ideal menunjukkan bahwa kerugian proyek dapat terjadi. Berdasarkan evaluasi ekonomi, proyek ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengantisipasi kerugian yang akan terjadi akibat perubahan beberapa kondisi ideal
Techno-Economic Analysis of the Production of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Sol-Gel Method
The purpose of this research is to determine the feasibility of a project in producing magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles using the sol-gel method and to evaluate it from a technical and economic point of view. The sol-gel method is a method that is often used by industry because the process is simpler. Assessment from a specialized point of see is done by calculating the stoichiometry, whereas assessment from a financial viewpoint is decided by a few parameters, such as deciding Gross Profit Margin (GPM), predicting Payback Period (PBP), predicting Cumulative Net Present Value (CNPV), etc. The results of the technical analysis appear that the overall fetched of the gear to create 1,875 kg of MgO nanoparticles per day is 45,373 USD. Payback Period analysis appears that the venture pays off after more than three a long time. This venture is able to compete with PBP capital advertise measures since the venture will return in a brief time. Based on the economic evaluation, it can be concluded that this project is very promising if it is anticipated that losses will occur due to changes in several ideal conditions. The result of this study about are anticipated to be a reference for building more economical, efficient and high-demand MgO nanoparticle production projects
Design of Heat Exchenger for Production of N –doped ZnO Nanoparticle Through Basic Calculation with Microsoft Excel Application
The aim of this study is to create heat exchanger (HE) design for N-doped ZnO nanoparticle synthesis in manufacture schale through basic calculation using Microsoft Excel™ . This one-pass shell and tube type HE is simply design for synthesis N-doped ZnO nanoparticle. The specification of HE equipment are shell length 4.8768 m, shell diameter 0.4826 m, tube outer diameter 0.0254 m, and thickness 0.00488 m and fluid used is oil for hot fluid and water for cold fluid. The calculations are done manually using the Microsoft Excel™ application. The results represent that the design of shell and tube HE is single-pass shell and tube exhibits laminar flow, with an effective value of 95,16% with NTU value 150 Thus, HE using a single pass shell and tube does fill-up the requirements and standards, in terms of effectiveness yet not include the calculation of correction factor. However, the results of this analysis can be used as learning materials in the heat exchanger (HE) design process performance analysis, and operating mechanism
Shell and tube heat exchanger design for production graphene oxide nanoparticles from agricultural waste
Heat exchangers are used to transferring energy (heat), using fluids or gases, both hot and cold, from one area to another due to temperature differences. Almost all agricultural wastes serve as carbon products which are essential to produce graphene oxide, it is very possible to get graphene oxide by synthesizing it from agricultural waste which is expected to reduce the amount of waste on the earth. After carrying out the synthesis, it is necessary to test the characterization of the resulting product. The characterization stage requires a sintering process (20oC to 98oC) until the product is completely solidified. This research aims to design a heat exchanger that is highly effective in assisting the sintering process. For the design to be well-directed, several things must be done, such as calculating the main components (shell and tube) and designing a heat exchanger. Based on the TEMA standard and the use of simple calculations that refer to the attached calculation formula using Ms. Excel, hot and cold fluids used in this heat exchanger design are ethylene glycol and water. The length of the shell and tube as a whole is 5 m, the inner and outer shell diameters are 254 mm and 279.4 mm; the inner and outer tube diameters are respectively 22.09 mm and 25.40 mm. The calculation results show an excellent design effectiveness value of 86.14%. Continuous innovation in the design and materials of the heat exchanger can increase the effectiveness value to close to 100% so that it can help the graphene oxide synthesis process to make it cheaper and more efficient
Sustainability Literacy to Vocational Students through Distance Learning with Experimental Demonstration: Ionic Liquid Experiment and Its Application as Fire Retardant
The purpose of this study is to introduce sustainability literacy to vocational students through distance learning with experimental demonstration as well as show the production process of ionic liquid and its application as a fire-retardant agent. The method was the implementation of distance learning with an experimental demonstration method to 40 vocational students through three stages, namely given a pre-test; given an instructional video, and given a post-test. The learning process carried out was assisted by a learning video containing basic theory, experiments, and the application of ionic liquids. In this case, we taught the concept of manufacturing ionic liquid and its application in the industrial world that will be useful for vocational students when they graduate. The results showed that the experimental demonstration method succeeded in improving student learning outcomes because of an increase in the score between the pre-test and post-test scores. This success is because students are taught through unique learning media such as a learning video. This learning video succeeded in increasing students' understanding because the information in the video was presented attractively to stimulate students' curiosity and interest in the subject. In addition, students' responses to the learning video were that they became more enthusiastic about learning because the content delivered relates to the vocational training that they are learning, the video display is attractive, and the videos are easily accessible. Furthermore, the impact of the learning video on industrial applications is that the information conveyed in the video can be an alternative to making environmentally friendly solvents and solutions to improve the quality of bamboo as one of the materials used in industry. The addition of an experimental demonstration using commercially available materials also attracts students more because it motivates them to try it themselves. This study shows that experimental demonstration is effectively used in learning and fosters sustainability values in students
Collaborative Practicum with Experimental Demonstration for Teaching the Concept of Production of Bioplastic to Vocational Students to Support the Sustainability Development Goals
The purpose of this study was to investigate collaborative practicum using experimental demonstrations for teaching the concept of making bioplastics to vocational students. This research was conducted using a one group pretest-posttest design which was carried out through collaborative practicum to 15 students vocational at Bandung, Indonesia. The teaching process was carried out using demonstration videos (as learning media). The manufacture of bioplastics is done by dissolving starch, glycerol, and vinegar using water which is then cooked at a temperature of 60°C so that gelatinization occurs. The resulting bioplastic has good biodegradability property, which can be degraded in 2-week immersion and overgrown with fungi as confirmed by the identical FTIR patterns. The results show that students understand the concept that is indicated by increasing the pretest and posttest scores. The increase in the gain of pretest and posttest scores varied between 13.33-53.33. The statistical analysis indicate that the students' post-test scores increased significantly. The experimental demonstrations using available materials makes students more interactive because students want to try it themselves. This study is expected to have an impact on the further teaching of experimental demonstration research which is believed to provide good learning success for students
Best Practice in Distance Learning with Experimental Demonstration on the Concept of the Automotive Brake Pad Fabrication from Domestic Waste to Vocational Students for Supporting Education for Sustainable Development
The aim of this study was to determine the best practice of using distance learning with conventional teaching methods and experimental demonstration methods to teach vocational students about the concept of fabricating automotive brake pad systems from domestic waste. This study employs an experimental design with pre- and post-test control groups to class-XI vocational students. We taught vocational students about brake pad fabrication and its industrial applications. Conventional methods of instruction were used in the control class, while the experimental demonstration method with learning videos was used in the experimental class. The learning videos used in the experimental class during the learning process contain basic theory and experiments on related materials. The results of the pre-test and post-test scores were analysed and measured to determine student learning outcomes. The findings revealed differences in learning outcomes between the control and experimental groups. Students in the experimental group comprehended the concept of fabricating brake pads more thoroughly than students in the control group. Students can get concrete examples from the teacher or instruction through experimental demonstration. Practical experience can help to form strong memories and skills. This success can be attributed to the availability of learning videos that students can watch repeatedly. Students are also more enthusiastic about learning videos because we teach something that can be applied in the industry. The addition of experimental demonstrations using commercially available materials increases student interest by increasing students' ability to experiment on their own. In addition, we also explain the concept of recycle and reuse agricultural waste for fabricating brakepad that can support current sustainable development goals (SDGs). Further learning applications using experimental demonstration methods are expected to be carried out because this method is proven to be effective for student learning
Nanopartikel Fe3O4 merupakan jenis nanopartikel yang umumnya digunakan untuk memproduksi nanofluida biomedis untuk beberapa aplikasi seperti pemberian obat dan terapi kanker sehingga memiliki peran yang penting terhadap kesehatan manusia. Pentingnya peran nanopartikel Fe3O4 terhadap kesehatan menjadikan jumlah produksinya semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi produksi nanopartikel Fe3O4 dari perspektif teknik dan ekonomi. Analisis perspektif teknik dilakukan dengan menghitung stoikiometri, neraca massa, dan evaluasi desain awal industri, sedangkan analisis perspektif ekonomi dilakukan dengan menghitung berbagai parameter ekonomi (Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Cumulative Net Present Value (CNPV), Internal Rate Return (IRR), Payback Period (PBP), Break Event Point (BEP), dan Profitability Index (PI)) dalam berbagai kondisi. Hasil analisis evaluasi produksi nanopartikel Fe3O4 skala industri dari perspektif teknik dan ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa proyek ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat yang tersedia dengan biaya yang ekonomis