62 research outputs found

    Czechs Look Back on 1989, a Revolution Betrayed: A Reflection on the Mythology of the Velvet Revolution

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    Twenty-five years ago today the Velvet Revolution kicked off in what was then Czechoslovakia to bring an end to the one-party government of the Communist Party. This exclusive translation of a feature from the Czech journal A2 Cultural Bi-Weekly explains that the events of 1989 were about more than just Václav Havel, a playwright and leader in the revolution who was elected president in 1990. A generation of unfulfilled promises later, Czechs are struggling to revive the spirit of not only democracy and humanism, but also socialism. This article originally appeared in Ricochet, November 17, 2014

    Methods for solving the tolerance chains

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    Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje metodám pro řešení rozměrových obvodů. Na začátku jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy týkající se rozměrových obvodů. Dále jsou popsány metody maximum-minimum, statistická, skupinové zaměnitelnosti a kompenzační. Pro názornější vysvětlení metod je pro každou vyřešen ukázkový příklad. Pozornost je také věnována systémům, ve kterých lze provádět výpočet toleranční analýzy. V závěru práce jsou pro srovnání použity metody kompenzační a statistická na stejné sestavě. Výsledky jsou nakonec porovnány a vyhodnoceny. Práce by měla dát čtenáři představu, v jakých případech je vhodné použít určitou metodu.This bachelor’s thesis deals with methods of solving dimensional chains. At the beginning, basic terms related to dimensional chains are explained. The next section describes worst case, statistical, group interchangeability and compensation methods. For better explanation, an example is solved for each method. Attention is also paid to systems in which the calculation of tolerance analysis can be performed. In conclusion, statistical and compensatory methods are used at the same assembly for comparison, and then, results are compared and evaluated. The thesis should provide the reader, in which cases it is appropriate to use a certain method.

    Geography of sport in Pilsen: location of sports fields and the attitude of the residents to sport

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    Předložená práce je zaměřena na sport v Plzni. Práce obsahuje dvě části. Část teoretickou, ve které je významnou části rozbor literatury věnující se geografii sportu. Ve zbylém úseku teoretické části je vymezeno zájmové území, Plzeň. Praktická část se skládá ze dvou kapitol. První pojednává o lokalizaci sportovních zařízení v Plzni. Jednotlivé typy sportovních zařízení jsou nejprve definovány a stručně charakterizovány. Následně je provedeno zhodnocení sportovní vybaveností města Plzně. Poslední kapitola práce je věnována přístupu obyvatel města ke sportu, ať se jedná o aktivní sportování nebo o pasivní sledování sportu z pohledu diváka. Informace byly získány pomocí dotazníkového šetření, kterého se zúčastnilo přes 500 obyvatel v produktivním a postproduktivním věku. V závěru práce je provedena syntéza dat.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis deals with sport in Pilsen. The work is consisted into two parts. The theoretical background deals with the literature analysis of geography of sport. In the remaining section of the theoretical part, there is defined the area of interest, Pilsen. The practical part contains two chapters. The first one deals with location of sports fields in Pilsen. Sports fields are defined and briefly described. Then there is evaluated the sports equipment in Pilsen. The last chapter is dedicated to attitude of the Pilsen residents to sport, considering both active sport or passive sport watching from the point of view of the spectator. The information is gained by using questionnaire survey, in which is taken part more than five hundred residents in productive and postproductive age. In conclusion, there is a synthesis of the geographical data

    Tour de France: The effects of the geographical features of the race and stages on the results of the best cyclists and their change over time

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    FIALA, L. (2020): Tour de France: The effects of the geographical features of the race and stages on the results of the best cyclists and their change over time. Diploma thesis, Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Science, 152 pp. The diploma thesis deals with Tour de France, a three-week bicycle race whose first edition was in 1903. The work's goal is to analyse the evolution of the most important cycling race in the world after the World War II in terms of its geographical features, which affect the performance of racers, and so to differentiate successful cyclists based on their qualities on one hand and identify those parts of the race (stages) that are crucial to success, on the other hand. Another goal of the thesis is to find out how the influence of geographical conditions on performance changes over time and whether and how the categories (types) of cyclist change in this context. The work is consisted into two parts: the theoretical-methodological part and the analysis of the subject of interest. The theoretical and methodological part is based on the approaches and knowledge of sport geography, while it is almost impossible to rely on real research publications devoting to cycling and stage races. The relevant literature dealing with stage races, the Grand Tour and especially the Tour...FIALA, L. (2020): Tour de France: Vliv geografických podmínek závodu a etap na výsledky nejlepších závodníků a jejich proměna v čase. Diplomová práce. Praha: Přírodovědecká Fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 152 s. Předkládaná diplomová práce je zaměřena na Tour de France, dále jen Tour, třítýdenní cyklistický závod, jehož tradice sahá až do roku 1903. Cílem práce je analyzovat vývoj nejvýznamnějšího cyklistického závodu světa v období po druhé světové válce z hlediska jeho geografických podmínek, které ovlivňují výkony závodníků, a tak diferencovat úspěšné cyklisty na základě jejich kvalit a předností na jedné straně a identifikovat ty části závodu - etapy, které jsou pro úspěch rozhodující, na straně druhé. Dalším cílem práce je zjistit, jak se vyvíjí vliv geografických podmínek ve výsledcích v čase a zda a jak se v této souvislosti mění zaměření závodníků. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí, a to teoreticko-metodologické a věcného řešení. Úvodní teoreticko-metodologická část vychází z přístupů a poznatků geografie sportu, přičemž se téměř nemůže opřít o odborné publikace věnované cyklistice a etapovým závodům. Příslušná literatura, která se zabývá etapovými závody, Grand Tour a speciálně Tour má převážně novinářsko-publicistický charakter. Také proto je následující, rozsáhlejší část zaměřena již na...Department of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Comparative Analysis Between Fly Ash Geopolymer and Reactive Ultra-Fine Fly Ash Geopolymer

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    This study investigates novel geopolymers by combining Reactive Ultra-fine Fly Ash (RUFA) with 4M sodium hydroxide as an alkali activator. Comparing with general fly ash geopolymers, RUFA geopolymer pastes are characterized in terms of compressive strength, microstructure, and crystalline phases. The RUFA geopolymer is successfully obtained as alumina-silicate bonding materials with the same properties as the general fly ash-based geopolymer. The high compressive strength of the RUFA-based geopolymer samples (13.33 MPa) can be attributed primarily to Ca-based alumino-silicate hydration products and Na-based alumino-silicate complexes. This research  presents an innovative application for geopolymers using RUFA. In the follow-up study, the influence of synthesis and concentration of alkali activator can be considered in RUFA-based geopolymers

    Equivalent thermal diffusivity of natural and recycled aggregate concrete at temperature up to 350 ⁰C

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    The paper presents the evolution of equivalent thermal diffusivity with temperature of concretes with natural coarse aggregates and recycled concrete aggregates. Thermal diffusivity was evaluated based on the temperature measurements made on cylindrical samples using so-called "inverse technique". Thermal diffusivity parameter was estimated for concretes manufactured with different replacement ratios of natural by recycled coarse aggregate (0, 50 and 100 %) produced by crushing the worn-out concrete pavement that was dismounted after exploitation period. The diffusivity of concrete was tested up to 350 ◦C. The progressive decrease of thermal diffusivity was observed, and the lowest D values were obtained for higher recycled concrete aggregates content. The results were presented against the background of other authors results and referred to the D values proposed in EUROCODE 2

    Electrical and Self-Sensing Properties of Alkali-Activated Slag Composite with Graphite Filler

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    The electrical properties of concrete are gaining their importance for the application in building construction. In this study, graphite powder was added to alkali-activated slag mortar as an electrically conductive filler in order to enhance the mortar’s conductive properties. The amount of graphite ranged from 1% to 30% of the slag mass. The effect of the graphite powder on the resistivity, capacitance, mechanical properties, and microstructure of the composite was investigated. Selected mixtures were then used for the testing of self-sensing properties under compressive loading. The results show that the addition of an amount of graphite equal to up to 10% of the slag mass improved the electrical properties of the alkali-activated slag. Higher amounts of filler did not provide any further improvement in electrical properties at lower AC frequencies but caused a strong deterioration in mechanical properties. The best self-sensing properties were achieved for the mixture with 10wt% of graphite, but only at low compressive stresses of up to 6 MPa

    Dobrodružství historické interpretace

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    Title in English: The Adventure of Historical Interpretation This collection of nineteen essays written by prominent historians demonstrates the diversity of academic approaches. Their work with historical sources, the foundation stone of research, is combined with ethical and aesthetic decision-making, which forms an indisputable part of their work. This is often surprising - both for the readers and themselves. It represents a great intellectual adventure. They cannot invent sources or set arbitrary rules, plots, and twists and turns, as a novelist might. However, they can write a scientific work which is the result of a creative approach

    Password Management Systems

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    The goal is to describe and compare password management utilities and applications for individuals or small teams. Examples of such applications are KeePass, Password Safe, CodeWallet Pro and eWallet. On-line password managers like LastPass or RoboForm are another group of applications. Support for synchronization, sharing passwords in a team or protection against keyloggers (when filling in automatically) may also be included in the criteria