46 research outputs found

    A Review of Research on Gamification Approach in Education

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    Gamification has become the most popular topic of the last few years. Studies in gamification area are examined based on certain different criteria in this study and content analysis method was used in order to identify trends in this area. Web of Science were scanned through using gamification as keyword without year restriction. A total number of 313 studies were regarded as appropriate for the aim of the study and examined. It is seen that research in this area have begun in 2011 and increased every year. It is also seen that motivational theories are mostly preferred in the studies conducted in gamification area. It was determined that goal-duty, reward and progression sticks are the mostly used components as game components. It is seen that gamification applications are frequently preferred in virtual environment, simulation and augmented reality learning environments after mobile environments and in parallel with these, they are also preferred in learning areas such as public, service, food and health. Therefore, identifying different activities which could affect success in online environments, integrating these into education environment and provide these activities with theories appropriate for students’ ages for them not to lose their motivation are essential

    Evaluating E-learning system success in higher education during the Covid-19

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    Human lives globally have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The quantitative research method was followed to assess e-learning system success from students' perspectives during the pandemic. ISS and USAT model was adopted to measure it, and a survey was used to collect 632 voluntary students. The regression analysis method presented variations between the quality of factors that anticipate user-perceived satisfaction, system use, and individual performance. While the quality factors suggested the impact of the dependent variable was (collaboration, information, service, System, IATE, DIA, LCAx, and LPIWO). In students' opinion, the study found quality factors significantly positively influence the adopted model, except for the QSer and IATE. The study outcome is expected to help academic staff and learners with further research

    Mišljenja nastavnika predškolskog odgoja o upotrebi aplikacije proširene stvarnosti u predškolskom obrazovanju u području prirodnih znanosti

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    The media elements used in education continuously develop as a result of technological development, and virtual and augmented reality (AR) applications have consequently become much more significant. Augmented reality is a technology that combines virtual objects with the real world and provides simultaneous interaction between virtual objects and reality. This kind of technology lies between virtual reality (VR) and reality, where users are placed entirely in computer-generated virtual environments. This study aims to determine the opinions of preschool teachers on the use of augmented reality technologies in preschool science education. The data were obtained through interviews, which is a qualitative data collection method. This research is characterised by the fact that it is the first study to use the augmented reality technology for science education in the preschool period. According to the data obtained from the study, AR technology has positively influenced the learning and teaching processes in preschool education. Moreover, it has been concluded that this technology supports pupils in the use of technology and it also draws their attention to the lesson, while helping preschool teachers teach about different characteristics of objects.Medijski elementi koji se koriste u nastavi neprestano se razvijaju kao posljedica tehnološkog razvoja, a aplikacije za virtualnu stvarnost i proširenu stvarnost zbog toga su također postale sve važnije. Proširena je stvarnost tehnologija koja kombinira virtualne predmete sa stvarnim svijetom i omogućava istodobnu interakciju između virtualnih predmeta i stvarnosti. Ta tehnologija smještena je negdje između virtualne stvarnosti i prave stvarnosti, a korisnici se nalaze u potpuno virtualnom okruženju koje stvara računalo. Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj ispitati mišljenja predškolskih nastavnika o upotrebi tehnologije proširene stvarnosti u predškolskom obrazovanju u području prirodnih znanosti. Podaci su dobiveni putem intervjua, što pripada kvalitativnoj metodi prikupljanja podataka. Ovo istraživanje također karakterizira i činjenica da je ono prvo istraživanje koje se bavi tehnologijom proširene stvarnosti u predškolskom obrazovanju u području prirodnih znanosti. Prema podacima dobivenim u istraživanju, tehnologija proširene stvarnosti pozitivno je utjecala na procese učenja i poučavanja u predškolskom obrazovanju. Štoviše, došlo se do zaključka da ta tehnologija pruža učenicima podršku pri korištenju tehnologije te da privlači njihovu pažnju na nastavnom satu, a predškolskim nastavnicima pomaže pri poučavanju o različitim svojstvima predmeta i pojava

    Nastavni pristup obrnute učionice uutemeljen na 5E modelu ciklusa učenja

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the Flipped Classroom Approach Based on the 5E Learning Cycle Model called 5ELFA on student achievement in a physics course. It also aims to determine the students’ opinions regarding this approach. This study, conducted using a mixed methods approach, involved 94 engineering students enrolled in the Physics 101 course. In the research, in which the pretest-posttest control group design was used, students were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. While the students in the experimental group took the physics course in the Flipped Classroom Approach Based on the 5E Learning Cycle Model for 10 weeks, only the 5E learning model was used in the control group. The quantitative data were collected from a physics achievement test and the qualitative data were collected from semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that the physics achievement post-test scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group. Interviews with experimental group volunteers revealed that the majority of students held a positive opinion of the flipped classroom approach and they believed that it had a positive impact on the physics course.Cilj ovog istraživanje bio je odrediti utjecaj nastavnog pristupa obrnute učionice koji se temelji na 5E modelu ciklusa učenja, nazvan 5ELFA, na postignuća studenata u kolegiju Fizike. Cilj je također bio i utvrditi mišljenja učenika o takvom pristupu. Ovo istraživanje, koje je provedeno primjenom mješovitih metoda, obuhvatilo je 94 studenta tehničkih znanosti koji su upisali kolegij Fizika 101. U istraživanju u kojem se koristio dizajn s predtestom i posttestom za kontrolnu skupinu studenti su bili nasumično raspodijeljeni u eksperimentalnu i u kontrolnu skupinu. Dok se u radu sa studentima u eksperimentalnoj skupini na nastavi iz kolegija Fizike koristio pristup obrnute učionice utemeljen na 5E modelu ciklusa učenja tijekom 10 tjedana, u kontrolnoj se skupini koristio samo 5E model ciklusa učenja. Kvantitativni podaci prikupljeni su s pomoću testa postignuća iz Fizike, a kvalitativni su podaci prikupljeni putem polustrukturiranih intervjua. Rezultati su pokazali da je uspjeh studenata iz eksperimentalne skupine na posttestu postignuća iz Fizike bio znatno veći od uspjeha studenata iz kontrolne skupine. Intervjui s dobrovoljcima iz eksperimentalne skupine otkrili su da je većina studenata imala pozitivno mišljenje o pristupu obrnute učionice i da su smatrali kako je on imao pozitivan utjecaj na kolegij Fizike

    Message from the Guest Editors

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    Motivational Effects of Gamification Apps in Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Gamification is considered by many scholars to be an effective tool for engaging individuals in teaching and learning process, organizational task, business environment, and other recreational activities. However, some students and tutors of various institutions of learning across the globe lack clear understanding on how gamification applications positively affect teaching and learning via intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Despites all its potential benefits as suggested by prior literatures with regards to flexibility and externalization of learning process, yet some colleges and universities are not fully convinced that use of gamification elements motivate students to engage more on their learning activities which in turns change attitudes and behaviours. Hence, the need for study to extract these motivational effects of gamifications applications from the existing body of knowledge. Therefore, this study utilized some of the comprehensive databases such as ScienceDirect, Web of science, IEEE Xplore, and SpringerLink, with the aims of identifying, extracting, analyzing and highlighting the motivational effects of gamification systems in education. Out of the articles discovered, 37 were fully read and analyzed. The study results highlight the motivational effects of gamification applications in education, and found badges, levels, feedbacks, points, and leader-board to be the most pleasant elements of gamification applications that motivate individuals, as they increase participation and engagement in learning process. Finally, the study suggests area of future work.</em

    Augmented Reality Applications in Science Experiment Practices

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of augmented reality (AG) and the flipped learning model on the attitude of 4th-grade students towards the science and technology course and to determine the opinion of students concerning videos presented through AG. Another objective of the study is to determine parents' opinions concerning AG and FL in science and technology courses. A pre-test / post-test quasi-experimental design was used with the control group to obtain quantitative data. Qualitative data were also included in the analysis to support quantitative data obtained from a case study pattern. In the study, the Science and Technology Attitude Scale was used to measure students' attitudes. The Opinion Scale for Experimental Videos was used to evaluate video usage opinions in science and technology courses. Besides, parents' opinions concerning AG applications and the FL model were collected through the researchers' interview form. Independent sample t-test and ANCOVA tests were conducted to interpret the quantitative data of the study. Qualitative data were evaluated with the content analysis method. The results showed that the AR and FL model's application provides students with a positive attitude towards science and technology; it also helped them solve problems. Besides, families have also expressed positive opinions about AR and FL applications.</em

    Secondary Education Teachers’ training needs towards web based collaborative learning in TRNC

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the teacher's education needs towards collaborative learning. The sample of the study consists of 200 teacher from Secondary and High Schools in North Cyprus. “Web based collaborative learning” questionnaire developed by Ozdamli & Bicen (2009) was used to collect data. The first phase of the questionnaire involves 9 demographic questions and second phase involves 20 likert type statements. The result of the study show that the high school teachers in TRNC need to be educated about creating videos, blogging pages, publishing their own studies, applying web based education applications, and using wikis in their courses. Ministry of Education should give in-service training to teachers considering these needs

    ARCS motivation model adapted to gamification applications on a programming language course

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