1 research outputs found

    In vitro antimalarial, antitrypanosomal and HIV-1 integrase inhibitory activities of two Cameroonian medicinal plants: Antrocaryon klaineanum (Anacardiaceae) and Diospyros conocarpa (Ebenaceae)

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    Antiplasmodial, antitrypanosomal and anti-HIV-1 activities of crude extracts, fractions and some isolated compounds from two Cameroonian medicinal plants: Antrocaryon klaineanum Pierre (Anacardiaceae) and Diospyros conocarpa Gürke ex K. Schum. (Ebenaceae) were assessed. The phytochemical studies led to the isolation of eight compounds (1–8) from Diospyros conocarpa and six compounds (6, 9–13) from Antrocaryon klaineanum. These compounds were identified as mangiferolic acid (1), 3β, 22(S)-dihydroxycycloart-24E-en-26-oic acid (2), lupeol (3), aridanin (4), betulin (5), betulinic acid (6), bergenin (7), D-quercitol(8), entilin C(9), entilin A(10), antrocarine A(11), 7R,20(S)-dihydroxy-4,24(28)-ergostadien-3-one(12) and stigmasterol glucoside (13). The criteria for activity were set as follows: an IC50 valu