3 research outputs found

    Synthesis and applications of new polymer bound catalysts

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    This dissertation discusses three new types of polymer bound catalysts and their applications. The first type is a polymer bound cation that is an effective spectator ion for nitrate. The nitrate ion is then free to act as a catalyst in aza and thia-Michael reactions and Strecker reactions. The second catalyst was previously reported. However, its structure was incorrectly assigned. The correctly revised structure of the polymer bound azidoproazaphosphatrane shows impressive catalytic activity in the oxa-Michael reaction. The third catalyst is a polymer bound free proazaphosphatrane. It is shown to be catalytically active in the trimerization of an isocyanate to an isocyanurate and in the synthesis of a diaryl ether. Finally, two interesting reactions are reported where proazaphosphatranes are shown to increase the reactivity of silicon compounds. The first is the production of cyanohydrins and protected cyanohydrins where and activated trimethylsilylcyanide adds to aldehydes and ketones. The second is reduction of aldehdyes and ketones with the use of poly(methylhydrosiloxane)

    Synthesis and application of new polymer bound catalysts

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    Nitric acid has been shown to be a weak acid in acetonitrile. It is conceivable that a nitrate salt of a weakly Lewis acidic cation could furnish a ''naked'' nitrate anion as a basic catalyst in a variety of reactions in non-aqueous solvents. Such a nitrate salt could also be bound to a polymeric support via the cation, thereby allowing for reclamation and recycling of the nitrate ion. This subject is dealt with in Chapter 2, wherein my contributions consisted of performing all the reactions with the polymer supported catalyst and carrying out the experiments necessary to shed light on the reaction mechanisms. Chapter 3 contains a description of the structure and catalytic properties of an azidoproazaphosphatrane. This compound is an air-stable versatile catalyst that has proven useful not only homogeneously, but also when bound to a solid support. The synthesis of a polymer bound proazaphosphatrane containing a trivalent phosphorus is presented in Chapter 4. Such a compound has been sought after by our group for a number of years. Not only does the synthesis I have accomplished for it allow for easier separation of proazaphosphatrane catalysts from reaction mixtures, but recycling of the base is made much simpler. Proazaphosphatranes are useful homogeneous catalysts that activate atoms in other reagents, thus enhancing their reactivity. The next chapters deal with two such reactions with aldehydes and ketones, namely silylcyanations with trialkylsilylcyanides (Chapters 5 and 6) and reductions with poly(methylhydrosiloxane), in Chapter 7. In Chapter 5, Zhigang Wang performed the initial optimization and scoping of the reaction, while repetitions of the scoping experiments for reproducibility, determination of diastereomeric ratios, and experiments aimed at elucidating aspects of the mechanism were performed by me. The proazaphosphatrane coordinates to the silicon atom in both cases, thereby allowing the aforementioned reactions to proceed under much milder conditions. Proazaphosphatranes are also effective Broensted-Lowry bases. This is illustrated in Chapter 8 wherein a wide variety of conjugate addition reactions are catalyzed by proazaphosphatranes. In that chapter, repetitions of the nitroalkane addition reactions for reproducibility, improved spectral data for the products and comparisons of literature yields of all reactions were performed by the author