30 research outputs found

    Learning Local Invariant Mahalanobis Distances

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    Abstract For many tasks and data types, there are natural transformations to which the data should be invariant or insensitive. For instance, in visual recognition, natural images should be insensitive to rotation and translation. This requirement and its implications have been important in many machine learning applications, and tolerance for image transformations was primarily achieved by using robust feature vectors. In this paper we propose a novel and computationally efficient way to learn a local Mahalanobis metric per datum, and show how we can learn a local invariant metric to any transformation in order to improve performance

    Learning Discrete Weights and Activations Using the Local Reparameterization Trick

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    In computer vision and machine learning, a crucial challenge is to lower the computation and memory demands for neural network inference. A commonplace solution to address this challenge is through the use of binarization. By binarizing the network weights and activations, one can significantly reduce computational complexity by substituting the computationally expensive floating operations with faster bitwise operations. This leads to a more efficient neural network inference that can be deployed on low-resource devices. In this work, we extend previous approaches that trained networks with discrete weights using the local reparameterization trick to also allow for discrete activations. The original approach optimized a distribution over the discrete weights and uses the central limit theorem to approximate the pre-activation with a continuous Gaussian distribution. Here we show that the probabilistic modeling can also allow effective training of networks with discrete activation as well. This further reduces runtime and memory footprint at inference time with state-of-the-art results for networks with binary activations