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5 research outputs found
A Note on the Use of the Semantic Differential in Measuring Teacher Personality and Values
Astrid Beigel
Edwards A. L.
Norma D. Feshbach
Osgood C. E.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Alternatives to corporal punishment: Implications for training and controls 1
Azrin W. H.
Besell H.
+12 more
Brown G.
Joyce B.
Kohlberg L.
Kohlberg L.
Lewin K.
MacMillan D. L.
Miller N. E.
Norma D. Feshbach
Piaget J.
Seymour Feshbach
Skinner B. F.
Walters R. H.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The effects of violence in childhood 1
Bandura A.
Becker W. C.
+12 more
Bryan J. H.
Eron L.
Estes W. K.
Feshbach N.
Kohlberg L.
McCord W.
Megargee E. I.
Norma D. Feshbach
Parke R. D.
Skinner B. F.
Solomon R. L.
Yarrow M. R.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Children and television advertising: Some research and some perspectives
Arline S. Dillman
Atkin C.
+23 more
Atkin C.
Atkins C.
Atkins C.
Atkins C.
Ball S.
Ball S.
Blatt J.
Bogatz G. A.
Choate R. B.
Erickson E.
Feshbach N. D.
Feshbach S.
Friedrich L. K.
Kohlberg L.
Larson‐Brown L. B.
Liebert R. M.
Liebert R. M.
Loveinger J.
Lyle J.
Norma D. Feshbach
Rubinstein E. A.
Stein A. H.
Tricia S. Jordan
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Case for Moral Consumption: Examining and Expanding the Domain of Moral Behavior to Promote Individual and Collective Well-Being
Albrecht W. Steve
Alexander J. McKenzie
+115 more
Algesheimer Rene
Andreoni James
Anthony Christina I.
Aquino Karl
Aquino Karl
Ayal Shahar
Banaji Mahzarin R.
Bartels Daniel M.
Batson Daniel C.
Batson Daniel C.
Berry Leonard L.
Blasi Augusto
Blasi Augusto
Bolton Lisa E.
Botner Keith A.
Cain Daylian M.
Carver Charles S.
Cascio Jessica
Cassidy Kevin D.
Cendrowski Harry
Chapman Hanah A.
Chen Yu-Jen
Cheng Joey T.
Cialdini Robert B.
Colby Anne
Collins Denis
Cramton Roger C.
Cressey Donald R.
Damon William
Danaher Brett
De Hooge Ilona E.
De Hooge Ilona E.
Devas Charles S.
DeVincenzo Marie Hafey
Duval Shelley
Effron Daniel A.
Eisenberg Nancy
Fabes Richard A.
Fenigstein Allan
Feshbach Norma D.
Fishbach Ayelet
Fitzsimons Gavan J.
Frank Robert H.
Fuller Lon L.
Fullerton Ronald A.
Galbreth Michael R.
Gilligan Carol
Gino Francesca
Goldstein Noah J.
Goldstein Noah J.
Graham Jesse
Grandey Alicia A.
Granzin Kent L.
Greene Joshua
Haidt Jonathan
Haidt Jonathan
Haidt Jonathan
Haws Kelly L.
Hennig-Thurau Thorsten
Hildebrand Diogo
Janoff-Bulman Ronnie
Jones Thomas M.
Kidwell Blair
Kohlberg Lawrence
Kouchaki Maryam
Krishna Aradhna
Kristofferson Kirk
Kunda Ziva
Lacetera Nicola
Latané Bibb
Lee Saerom
Mallett Robyn K.
Manchanda Puneet
Mathwick Charla
McCullough Michael E.
McGraw A. Peter
Merritt Anna C.
Mick David Glen
Miller Paul A.
Monin B.
Moore Celia
Morwitz Vicki G.
Nelson Michelle R.
Noam Gil G.
Noval Laura J.
Ohtsubo Yohsuke
Olson Jenny G.
Omoto Allen M.
Peltier James W.
Piaget Jean
Piliavin Jane Allyn
Rest James R.
Rose Randall L.
Ryan Richard M.
Saunders Ben
Schimmack Ulrich
Seidel Angelika
Smith Robert W.
Stern Paul C.
Stern Paul C.
Tenbrunsel Ann E.
Thompson Scott A.
Thøgersen John
Tian Kelly
Tiefenbeck Verena
Turiel Elliot
Upton William Edward
Vernik Dinah
Vitell Scott J.
Wang Yu
Wiener Joshua Lyle
Winterich Karen Page
Wood Wendy
Zhong Chen-Bo
Zwane Alix Peterson
Publication venue
'American Marketing Association (AMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text