91 research outputs found

    Study of a constrained finite element elbow prosthesis: the influence of the implant placement

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    Background: The functional results of total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) are controversial and the medium- to long-term revision rates are relatively high. The aim of the present study was to analyze the stresses of TEA in its classic configuration, identify the areas of greatest stress in the prosthesis–bone–cement interface, and evaluate the most wearing working conditions. Materials and methods: By means of a reverse engineering process and using a 3D laser scanner, CAD (computer-aided drafting) models of a constrained elbow prosthesis were acquired. These CAD models were developed and their elastic properties, resistance, and stresses were studied through finite element analysis (finite element method—FEM). The obtained 3D elbow-prosthesis model was then evaluated in cyclic flexion–extension movements (> 10 million cycles). We highlighted the configuration of the angle at which the highest stresses and the areas most at risk of implant mobilization develop. Finally, we performed a quantitative study of the stress state after varying the positioning of the stem of the ulnar component in the sagittal plane by ± 3°. Results: The greatest von Mises stress state in the bone component for the 90° working configuration was 3.1635 MPa, which occurred in the most proximal portion of the humeral blade and in the proximal middle third of the shaft. At the ulnar level, peaks of 4.1763 MPa were recorded at the proximal coronoid/metaepiphysis level. The minimum elastic resistance and therefore the greatest stress states were recorded in the bone region at the apex of the ulnar stem (0.001967 MPa). The results of the analysis for the working configurations at 0° and 145° showed significant reductions in the stress states for both prosthetic components; similarly, varying the positioning of the ulnar component at 90° (− 3° in the sagittal plane, 0° in the frontal plane) resulted in better working conditions with a greater resulting developed force and a lower stress peak in the ulnar cement. Conclusion: The areas of greatest stress occur in specific regions of the ulnar and humeral components at the bone–cement–prosthesis interface. The heaviest configuration in terms of stresses was when the elbow was flexed at 90°. Variations in the positioning in the sagittal plane can mechanically affect the movement, possibly resulting in longer survival of the implant. Level of evidence:

    Deliverable 2.3-Research needs in terms of statistical methodologies and new data

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    The MAKSWELL project was set up to help strengthening the use of evidence and information on well-being and sustainability for policy-making in the EU, as also the political attention to well-being and sustainability indicators has been increasing in recent years. Traditionally sample surveys are the data source used for measurement frameworks for well-being and sustainability. Over the last decades more and more new, alternative data sources become available. Examples are administrative data like tax registers, or other large data sets - so called big data - that are generated as a by-product of processes not directly related to statistical production purposes. In Deliverables 2.1, 2.2 as well as 3.1, 4.1 and 4.3 it is discussed in detail how these new data sources can be used in the production of official statistics and measurement frameworks for well-being and sustainability indicators. This Deliverable extends on the experiences obtained in these preceding deliverables by pointing out the needs for new data sources and methods in this context

    Cadmium accumulation and interactions with zinc, copper, and manganese, analysed by ICP-MS in a long-term Caco-2 TC7 cell model

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    The influence of long-term exposure to cadmium (Cd) on essential minerals was investigated using a Caco-2 TC7 cells and a multi-analytical tool: microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Intracellular levels, effects on cadmium accumulation, distribution, and reference concentration ranges of the following elements were determined: Na, Mg, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Cd. Results showed that Caco-2 TC7 cells incubated long-term with cadmium concentrations ranging from 0 to 10 lmol Cd/l for 5 weeks exhibited a significant increase in cadmium accumulation. Furthermore, this accumulation was more marked in cells exposed long-term to cadmium compared with controls, and that this exposure resulted in a significant accumulation of copper and zinc but not of the other elements measured. Interactions of Cd with three elements: zinc, copper, and manganese were particularly studied. Exposed to 30 lmol/l of the element, manganese showed the highest inhibition and copper the lowest on cadmium intracellular accumulation but Zn, Cu, and Mn behave differently in terms of their mutual competition with Cd. Indeed, increasing cadmium in the culture medium resulted in a gradual and significant increase in the accumulation of zinc. There was a significant decrease in manganese from 5 lmol Cd/l exposure, and no variation was observed with copper. Abbreviation: AAS – Atomic absorption spectrometry; CRM– Certified reference material; PBS – Phosphate buffered saline without calcium and magnesium; DMEM – Dubelcco’s modified Eagle’s medium

    Alexithymia in juvenile primary headache sufferers: a pilot study

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    Starting in the 1990s, there has been accumulating evidence of alexithymic characteristics in adult patients with primary headache. Little research has been conducted, however, on the relationship between alexithymia and primary headache in developmental age. In their research on alexithymia in the formative years, the authors identified one of the most promising prospects for research, as discussed here. The aim of this study was to verify whether there is: (a) a link between tension-type headache and alexithymia in childhood and early adolescence; and (b) a correlation between alexithymia in children/preadolescents and their mothers. This study was based on an experimental group of 32 patients (26 females and 6 males, aged from 8 to 15 years, mean 11.2 ± 2.0) suffering from tension-type headache and 32 control subjects (26 females and 6 males, aged from 8 to 15 years, mean 11.8 ± 1.6). Tension-type headache was diagnosed by applying the International Headache Classification (ICHD-II, 2004). The alexithymic construct was measured using an Italian version of the Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children in the case of the juvenile patients and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) for their mothers. Higher rates of alexithymia were observed in the children/preadolescents in the experimental group (EG) than in the control group; in the EG there was no significant correlation between the alexithymia rates in the children/preadolescents and in their mothers

    ESP e psicoanalisi: ipotesi e domande aperte

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    Nel presente lavoro si esamina una categoria di fenomeni psichici, le percezioni extra sensoriali (esp), a partire dall\u2019analisi della letteratura psicoanalitica sull\u2019argomento e da un caso clinico. In particolare vengono prese in considerazione le esp che sembrerebbero emergere nel setting, tra il paziente e il terapeuta immersi all\u2019interno di un campo intersoggettivo. L\u2019attenzione \ue8 rivolta su come e quando le esp emergono, quali sono le condizioni necessarie perch\ue9 ci\uf2 accada, le caratteristiche delle esp, gli atteggiamenti del terapeuta nei loro confronti. Vengono anche evidenziati i parallelismi tra le comunicazioni esp, la comunicazione arcaica tra madre e bambino e l\u2019identificazione proiettiva. Viene infine studiata la relazione tra fenomeni esp e differenti strutture di personalit\ue0 e l\u2019utilizzazione di tali fenomeni all\u2019interno del lavoro psicoterapeutico