499 research outputs found

    Semeiotica dell'articolazione temporo-mandibolare

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    Ha senso, nel 3° millennio ormai inoltrato, proporre un manuale di semeiotica clinica reumatologica? Negli ultimi due decenni la medicina si è avvalsa sempre più della tecnologia e i vantaggi che le sue applicazioni offrono a pazienti, clinici e ricercatori sono tutti ben evidenti. La Reumatologia non è rimasta impermeabile a questo nuovo corso, vedendo crescere in modo esponenziale il ruolo assunto dalla diagnostica per immagini. Chi ha vissuto la Reumatologia ai suoi albori si è adoperato per conferire alla disciplina autonomia accademica e nosografica dotandola, tra le altre cose, di un solido impianto clinico-semeiologico a supportare la convinzione che la Reumatologia sia una disciplina eminentemente clinica. Di questo lascito siamo debitori nei confronti di chi ci ha preceduto. Le nuove metodiche di imaging come l'ecografia e la risonanza magnetica (per citare le più diffuse) hanno aperto nuovi orizzonti su scenari prima sconosciuti o solo parzialmente esplorati e costretto le nuove generazioni di clinici ad una seria e critica revisione del loro patrimonio culturale in ambito clinico-semeiologico. In questo nuovo scenario alcune nozioni e pratiche semeiologiche storicamente sedimentate nel corso degli anni sono, oggi, da ritenersi troppo imprecise, se non addirittura superflue o desuete

    BCG and Autoimmunity

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    The bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a live, attenuated vaccine from Mycobacterium bovis obtained by Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin through 230 in vitro passages between 1908 and 1921. This chapter presents clinical applications of BCG such as tuberculosis, leprosy, asthma and other hypersensitivity diseases, Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. BCG can be described as a “double-acting tool” because its own immunogenicity produces a preventive effect in a variety of diseases and may trigger a number of autoimmune phenomena. An acute inflammatory polyarthritis with skin maculopapular rash was reported in a healthy woman following intradermal BCG. Side effects such as granulomatous pneumonia and hepatitis are reported without sufficient data to support the possible link with intravesical BCG and the autoimmune mechanism. Even the kidney may be the target of hypersensitivity reaction to intravesical BCG, which can induce an interstitial nephritis with non-necrotizing, sterile granulomas responsive to steroid therapy

    Severe alopecia complicating systemic sclerosis

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    Aims: To describe a case of systemic sclerosis (SSc) associated with severe alopecia areata (AA) responsive to topical and systemic treatments, including vasoactive and immunosuppressive drugs (mycophenolate mofetil). Presentation of the Case: A 56 year old woman, affected by SSc as from 5 years back, developed a rapid hair loss that progressively involved a large area of the scalp. AA was diagnosed, after the exclusion of an overlapping systemic lupus erythematosus or fungal infection. Treatment with topical steroids and minoxidil, plus mycophenolate mofetil that was introduced for interstitial lung disease, led to progressive improvement of alopecia up to a complete resolution within 4 months. Discussion: This is an interesting observation of SSc complicated by severe AA, which is often observed in patients affected by various autoimmune disorders. A possible common pathogenesis of AA and SSc is also discussed

    Haematological Malignancies in Systemic Sclerosis Patients: Case Reports and Review of the World Literature

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    Background.The association of systemic sclerosis (SSc) and haematological cancers was reported in a large number of case reports and cohort studies, describing SSc patients with highly heterogeneous clinical pictures. Objective. We reviewed the literature to better describe SSc patients with haematological malignancies. Methods. SSc cases complicated by haematological malignancies described in the world literature were collected; other 2 cases referred to our centre were reported. Results. One hundred-thirty SSc subjects were collected from 1954 up to date. The mean age of patients at cancer diagnosis was 56.1 ± 16.7 years; 72% of patients were females. In 60% of cases, the diagnosis of haematological malignancy was described within 5 years of SSc diagnosis. In 7.8% of cases, coexistence of Sj¨ogren’s syndrome or other autoimmune disorders was cited. Sixty-six cases with lymphoma (in the majority of cases B-cell neoplasms), 28 with leukaemia (chronic lymphocytic form in 9), 14 with multiple myeloma plus one solitary IgM plasmocytoma, and 16 with myeloproliferative disorders were found. No specific SSc subsets seem to be related to haematological malignancies. Conclusions. We remarked the importance of clinical work-up in SSc, in order to early diagnose and treat eventual occult haematological malignancies, especially during the first years of the disease

    Impegno cardiaco nella sclerosi sistemica

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    L'impegno cardiaco in corso di sclerosi sistemia consta di uno spettro variabile di manifestazioni cliniche conseguenti ad alterazioni di natura microangiopatica, elettrica e/o emodinamica. In danno ischemico e/o flogistico autoimmune del miocardio producono, in ultima analisi, il quadro istopatologico caratteristico della 'necrosi a bande' con deposizione di tessuto fibroso, responsabile della riduzione di elasticità e della capacità contrattile muscolare. ...

    Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation after Infliximab in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report

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    TNF-alpha blockers represent one of the most important therapeutic strategies for rheumatoid arthritis, but their use has raised the question about their safety profile, particularly in respect to viral infections/reactivations. We describe the case of a patient who developed a symptomatic EBV reactivation 11 days after the first infusion of infliximab

    GISEA: an Italian biological agents registry in rheumatology

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    The GISEA registry is an independent database that was established by the Italian Group for the Study of Early Arthritis (GISEA) in 2008, funded by the Italian Association of Rheumatic Patients (ANMAR - ONLUS). In line with the network's epidemiological strategy, the initial protocol was designed to collect long-term follow-up data concerning patients with rheumatic diseases treated with biological agents in order to investigate the realworld characteristics in terms of disease activity, comorbidities and survival on treatment. We here describe the design and methodology used to collect patient data. Information concerning demographics, disease activity, treatment changes (including the reasons for changing and the duration of each therapy), concomitant therapies and adverse events is available to all the members of the study groups by means of a web-based interface that allows queries and the presentation of numerical data, as well as graphics to illustrate trends. Fourteen Italian rheumatology centres have contributed patients to the database which, at the time writing, includes 5145 patients (72% women) with a mean age of 53 years (range 16-88). The initial diagnoses were rheumatoid arthritis (3494 patients, 67.9%), psoriatic arthritis (833, 16.2%), ankylosing spondylitis (493, 9.6%), undifferentiated spondylo-arthritides (307, 5.9%), enteropathic arthritis (14, 0.3%) and spondylitis following reactive arthritis (4, 0.1%). These patients have been followed for up to 10 years, and 1927 (35.8%) have been treated for at least three years. The biological treatments received include etanercept, infliximab, anakinra, adalimumab, abatacept, rituximab and tocilizumab. A total of 2926 adverse events have been observed, with 1171 patients (22%) reporting at least one. Analysis of the accumulated data will provide insights into the critical early phase of the studied arthritides, and enable us to identify the clinical and laboratory profiles that may predict responsiveness to a specific therapy

    Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis and skin ulcers. Our therapeutic strategy and review of the literature

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    Objective: Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV) involving small- and medium-sized vessels is very frequently associated with hepatitis C virus and may be responsible for multiple organ involvement and skin ulcers (SU). Skin ulcers are often non-healing cutaneous lesions, possibly complicated by local infection and gangrene; they may severely affect the patients[U+05F3] quality of life and the overall prognosis. Therefore, the treatment of cryoglobulinemic SU is particularly challenging in the clinical practice.The present work evaluated the prevalence and correlations of cryoglobulinemic SU with other clinico-epidemiological features of CV; moreover, our long-term experience with the management strategies of these cutaneous lesions was compared with the world literature on this topic. Methods: The study included 126 CV patients (24 male and 102 female, aged 69 ± 11.2 SD years, disease duration 7 ± 6.9 SD years), followed at our Rheumatology Unit during the past decade. All patients were carefully evaluated regarding the entire cryoglobulinemic syndrome with particular concern for clinical characteristics and treatment of SU. Results: Among 126 CV patients, 36 individuals (29%) experienced at least one episode of SU, more commonly localized at the lower limbs. Patients with complicating SU showed significantly higher percentage of purpuric manifestations (p < 0.01) and liver (p < 0.001), peripheral nerve (p < 0.02), and/or thyroid involvement (p = 0.019).Therapeutic approach to SU included both systemic (immunosuppressors, corticosteroids, and/or plasma exchange) and local treatments. Local treatments consisted of sharp or surgical debridement as well as interactive dressing according to the condition of wound bed, perilesional skin, and the possible presence of infection, detected in 29 of 36 (81%) individuals in our Rheumatology unit. All patients underwent analgesic treatment for SU-related background pain as well as procedural pain, which was critical for an effective local SU management.The large majority of patients with SU healed at a variable time interval according to the severity of the single lesion; only five patients with very severe, non-healing SU needed amputation.The updated review of the literature revealed the presence of SU in around a quarter of CV patients. Among systemic treatments, the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab represents one of the most effective and frequently employed therapies; however, the available data focusing on local therapeutic approach are generally limited to anecdotal observations. Conclusions: Overall, the treatment of cryoglobulinemic SU should be tailored to the single patient[U+05F3]s conditions using combined systemic and local treatments; lesional sharp debridement and interactive dressing as well as procedural pain management were decisive, particularly for more severe, non-healing cutaneous lesions

    Application of Agents Against Interferon-Gamma-Dependent Chemokines in Immunotherapy

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    The CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR) 3 and its chemokines (CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11) are involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disesases. Under the influence of interferon (IFN) γ, the IFNγ-inducible chemokines are secreted by lymphocytes, and by target cells (fibroblasts, epithelial cells, etc). In target tissues, Th1 lymphocytes are recruited; hence IFNγ is enhanced, which stimulates IFNγ-inducible chemokines (CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11) secretion reiterating the autoimmune process. Many studies have evaluated if blockade of ..

    Polymyositis following Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) and 2009-10 Seasonal Trivalent Vaccines

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    Sporadic associations between inflammatory myopathies with vaccinations were described in the literature, raising the possible trigger value of vaccines in the development of these autoimmune disorders. Here, we reported the clinical history of 3 patients who developed polymyositis complicated by interstitial lung disease (2 cases) and dermatomyositis (1 case), after influenza A (H1N1) vaccination