82 research outputs found

    The use of opioids in the last week of life in an acute palliative care unit.

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    The aim of this survey was to assess the opioid use in the last week of life of cancer patients admitted at an acute palliative care unit. From a consecutive sample of patients surveyed for a period of one year, patients who died in the unit were selected. Type of opioid, route of administration, and doses were recorded one week before death (or at admission time if the interval admission-death was less than one week) (-7), and on the day of death (Tend). Seventy-seven patients died in the unit in the period taken into consideration (12.4%). Oral morphine equivalents were 170 mg/day and 262 mg/day at -7 and Tend, respectively. Patients were receiving transdermal drugs or intravenous morphine at Tend, with a trend in the use of intravenous morphine at Tend (p=0.07). Intravenous morphine was more frequently used in sedated patients at Tend (p=0.015).No differences in age, gender, opioid doses, and OEI were found among opioids used. In patients who were sedated doses of opioids were significantly increased (p=0.012). In the last week of life intravenous morphine is the preferred modality to deliver opioids in an acute palliative care unit. Doses increases prevalently observed in sedated patients were performed before starting sedation with the purpose to treat concomitant distressing symptoms, such as dyspnoea

    Rapid switching between transdermal fentanyl and methadone in cancer patients

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to examine the clinical effects of switching from transdermal (TTS)fentanyl to methadone, or vice versa, in patients with a poor response to the previous opioid. Patients and Methods A prospective study was carried out on 31 patients who switched from TTS fentanyl to oral methadone, or vice versa, because of poor opioid response. A fixed conversion ratio of fentanyl to methadone of 1:20 was started and assisted by rescue doses of opioids, and then doses were changed according to clinical response. Pain and symptom intensity, expressed as distress score, were recorded before switching doses of the two opioids and after subsequent doses. The number of changes of the daily doses, time to achieve stabilization, and hospital stay were also recorded. Results Eighteen patients were switched from TTS fentanyl to methadone, and seven patients were switched from methadone to TTS fentanyl. A significant decrease in pain and symptom intensity, expressed as symptom distress score, was found within 24 hours after switching took place in both directions. Unsuccessful switching occurred in six patients, who were subsequently treated with an alternative therapy. Conclusion A rapid switching using an initial fixed ratio of fentanyl to methadone of 1:20 is an effective method to improve the balance between analgesia and adverse effects in cancer patients with poor response to the previous opioid. No relationship between the final opioid dose and the dose of the previous opioid has been found

    Opioid-induced hyperalgesia after rapid titration with intravenous morphine: Switching and re-titration to intravenous methadone

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    Rapid titration with intravenous morphine (IV-MO) provides fast and efficient pain relief in cancer patients with severe-excruciating pain. However, some patients, after an initially favourable response, can develop an hyperexcitated state unrelieved or worsened by further dose increments

    Opioid-induced or pain relief-reduced symptoms in advanced cancer patients?

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    Background: While opioids in increasing doses may produce adverse effects, the same adverse effects may be associated with poor pain control. Moreover, in the clinical setting symptomatic treatment and illness may balance the outcome of opioid titration. Some adverse effects may tend to disappear continuing the treatment in a long-term period. Aims: The aim of this study was to monitor the effects of a rapid opioid titration combined with symptomatic treatment in patients with poor relief and to monitor these changes in the following period of 20 days. Methods: A consecutive sample of 35 patients admitted to an acute Pain Relief and Palliative Care Unit were titrated with opioids, according to a department policy, allowing administration of parenteral opioids to assist opioid titration with oral or transdermal opioids. Results: Thirty-three patients were followed up for the period of the study. Pain was adequately controlled and doses were opioid doses were stable after a mean of 40 h. Opioid escalation index (OEI) was extremely high initially, and then progressively declined at the following study intervals. Weakness and nausea and vomiting did not change, as well as confusion and appetite. Drowsiness, constipation and dry mouth significantly increased and then did not change, although a significant decrease in drowsiness was subsequently observed. Well-being improved some weeks after opioid stabilization. In multivariate analysis, drowsiness and dry mouth were correlated to opioid doses. Conclusion: The effects reported were often due to multiple causes. A rapid decrease in pain intensity induced by rapid opioid titration does not produce changes in weakness, nausea and vomiting, appetite. While constipation appears the most relevant problem,resistant to common symptomatic treatment, drowsiness initially produced by acute opioid dose increase and the achievement of pain relief, tends to spontaneously decrease, probably as the result of late tolerance. Improved well-being may be the late positive effect of pain relief, also influenced by the setting of home care

    The use of opioids for breakthrough pain in acute palliative care unit by using doses proportional to opioid basal regimen.

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy and safety of different opioids used in doses proportional to the basal opioid regimen for the management of breakthrough pain (BP). METHODS: In 66 patients consecutive patients admitted to a pain relief and palliative care unit, the efficacy and safety of different opioids used in doses proportional to the basal opioid regimen for the management of breakthrough pain (BP) were assessed. The choice of the opioid to be administered as rescue medication was based on the characteristics of patients, clinical stability, compliance, preference, and so on. For each episode, nurses were instructed to routinely collect changes in pain intensity and emerging problems when pain became severe (T0), and to re-assess the patient 15 minutes after the opioid given as a rescue medication (T15). RESULTS: Six hundred twenty four episodes of BP were recorded during admission. Intravenous morphine (IV-MO) and oral transmucosal fentanyl (OTFC) were most frequently administered. Of 503 events available, 427 episodes were defined as successfully treated, while 76 episodes required a further administration of opioids. Pain intensity significantly decreased at T15 in all the groups (P<0.001). In 97.2% and 90.7% of cases treated with IV-MO, BP events had a reduction in pain intensity of more than 33% and 50%, respectively. In 99.2% and 97.6% patients receiving OTFC, BP events had a reduction in pain intensity of more than 33% and 50%, respectively. DISCUSSION: This survey suggests that doses of opioids for BP proportional to the basal opioid regimen, are very effective and safe in clinical practice, regardless the opioid and modality used

    The palliative-supportive care unit in a comprehensive cancer center as crossroad for patients' oncological pathway

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    Aim The aim of this study was to assess how an admission to an acute palliative-supportive care unit (APSCU), may influence the therapeutic trajectory of advanced cancer patients. Methods A consecutive sample of advanced cancer patients admitted to APCU was assessed. The following parameters were collected: patients demographics, including age, gender, primary diagnosis, marital status, and educational level, performance status and reasons for and kind of admission, data about care-givers, recent anticancer treatments, being on/off treatment or uncertain, the previous care setting, who proposed the admission to APSCU. Physical and psychological symptoms were evaluated at admission and at time of discharge. The use of opioids was also recorded. Hospital staying was also recorded. At time of discharge the parameters were recorded and a follow-up was performed one month after discharge. Results314 consecutive patients admitted to the APSCU were surveyed. Pain was the most frequent reason for admission. Changes of ESAS were highly significant, as well as the use of opioids and breakthrough pain medications (p lt;0.0005). A significant decrease of the number of [[ampi]]on therapy[[ampi]] patients was reported, and concomitantly a significant number of [[ampi]]offtherapy[[ampi]] patients increased. At one month follow-up, 38.9% patients were at home, 19.7% patients were receiving palliative home care, and 1.6% patients were in hospice. 68.5% of patients were still living. Conclusion Data of this study suggest that the APSCU may have a relevant role for managing the therapeutic trajectory of advanced cancer patients, limiting the risk of futile and aggressive treatment while providing an appropriate care setting

    Tapentadol in cancer pain management: a prospective open-label study.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective, open-label study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of tapentadol (TP) in the management of cancer pain. METHODS: A 4 weeks' prospective study was carried out in 50 opioid-naive cancer patients with moderate-severe pain. Each patient initially received twice-daily doses of slow-release TP 50 mg. Doses were then managed to maintain adequate relief or dose-limiting toxicity, on the basis of the clinical response. The following parameters were recorded at weekly intervals for 4 weeks: pain and opioid-related adverse effects, quality of life measured with the Spitzer score, TP escalation index percent (TPEI%) and TP escalation index in mg (TPEImg), calculated at the end of the study, pain mechanisms, and PainDETECT at baseline. RESULTS: Of 50 patients, 39 completed the entire study and 11 discontinued the treatment for different reasons. Pain intensity significantly decreased from baseline to all the week intervals (p < 0.0005), and adverse effects did not changed significantly, while quality of life improved. TP escalation indexes were low and no relationship was found with age, gender, and pain mechanisms. CONCLUSION: Tapentalol started in doses of 100 mg/day was well-tolerated and effective in opioid-naive patients with cancer pain, regardless of the pain mechanism. It can be considered as a flexible drug to be used in patients with moderate-severe pain. LIMITATIONS: This was an open-label study for exploratory purposes. Data should be confirmed in controlled studies with a larger number of patient
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