176 research outputs found

    Estudi de viabilitat de l'aprofitament energètic del residu forestal a Catalunya mitjançant gasificació

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    En aquest projecte es pretén comprovar al viabilitat, tant tècnica com econòmica de l’aprofitament energètic dels residus forestals a Catalunya. Entendrem com a residu forestal tot aquell rebuig en la neteja de boscos i altres zones forestals. No hi s’hi inclourà doncs, ni el rebuig de matèria vegetal de l’activitat agrícola ni la matèria provinent de conreus energètics. El procés escollit a fi d’obtenir un bon rendiment energètic és la gasificació. Com es podrà llegir més endavant, aquest procés presenta certes avantatges respecte la combustió tradicional que durant milers d’anys ha utilitzat la humanitat. Detalladament, aquest projecte conté els següents punts: · Situació inicial de l’aprofitament del residu forestal. Que és i com s’obté. · Estudi de cas. Zona nord del Parc Natural del Montseny · Planta de gasificació. Gasificador, sistemes de neteja i motor-generador. · Viabilitat econòmica de la venda d’electricitat en règim especial. S’estudia el cas concret d’una zona de la comarca d’Osona on es delimita una superfície i per tant una producció anual de matèria vegetal. Es pretén ser el més acurat possible en la delimitació de les variables a fi de poder dimensionar el procés amb la màxima correcció. Així doncs, el transport, l’estocatge, i tots els equips necessaris en el procés queden definits. La instal·lació consta de la preparació del residu, el gasificador i els equips auxiliars de neteja del gas, el motor de combustió i els equips de generació i transformació elèctrica. L’electricitat produïda es ven en situació de règim especial i es consideraran les possibles utilitats del calor generat en el procés de gasificació. És difícil aconseguir la viabilitat econòmica d’una planta de gasificació d’aquestes característiques degut a l’elevat cost dels equips. Tot i això pot arribar a ser rendible quan es juga amb certs paràmetres com subvencions públiques, preus de la biomassa i preu de venda de l’electricitat

    Eficiência energética na fabricação de placas cerãmicas mediante a utilização de óleo térmico

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    O processo de fabricação de placas cerâmicas consome uma grande quantidade de energia, maioritariamente energia térmica, que se obtém da combustão de gás natural. O aumento do custo deste combustível, assim como a situação económica do presente, faz com que este custo seja crítico para as empresas e pode minar a sua competitividade. O processo de cozedura das placas cerâmicas em fornos de rolos não se destaca precisamente pelo aproveitamento da energia utilizada, visto que aproximadamente 50% perdese através das chaminés de fumos e de arrefecimento do forno. Com o propósito de melhorar o aproveitamento da energia consumida durante a operação de cozedura instalaramse, nas chaminés de um forno, dois permutadores de calor, nos quais os gases provenientes do forno cedem o seu calor sensível a um óleo térmico, que posteriormente o transfere, através de outros dois permutadores, aos gases de secagem nas condutas de recirculação de um secador vertical. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma instalação industrial experimental, na qual os resultados obtidos de economia energética se situam num valor médio de 650 kW, dependendo das condições de funcionamento e dos materiais processados

    A sensitive and bright single-cell resolution live imaging reporter of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling in the mouse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Understanding the dynamic cellular behaviors and underlying molecular mechanisms that drive morphogenesis is an ongoing challenge in biology. Live imaging provides the necessary methodology to unravel the synergistic and stereotypical cell and molecular events that shape the embryo. Genetically-encoded reporters represent an essential tool for live imaging. Reporter strains can be engineered by placing <it>cis</it>-regulatory elements of interest to direct the expression of a desired reporter gene. In the case of canonical Wnt signaling, also referred to as Wnt/β-catenin signaling, since the downstream transcriptional response is well understood, reporters can be designed that reflect sites of active Wnt signaling, as opposed to sites of gene transcription, as is the case with many fluorescent reporters. However, even though several transgenic Wnt/β-catenin reporter strains have been generated, to date, none provides the single-cell resolution favored for live imaging studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have placed six copies of a TCF/Lef responsive element and an <it>hsp68 </it>minimal promoter in front of a fluorescent protein fusion comprising human histone H2B to GFP and used it to generate a strain of mice that would report Wnt/β-catenin signaling activity. Characterization of developmental and adult stages of the resulting <it>TCF/Lef:H2B-GFP </it>strain revealed discrete and specific expression of the transgene at previously characterized sites of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. In support of the increased sensitivity of the <it>TCF/Lef:H2B-GFP </it>reporter, additional sites of Wnt/β-catenin signaling not documented with other reporters but identified through genetic and embryological analysis were observed. Furthermore, the sub-cellular localization of the reporter minimized reporter perdurance, and allowed visualization and tracking of individual cells within a cohort, so facilitating the detailed analysis of cell behaviors and signaling activity during morphogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By combining the Wnt activity read-out efficiency of multimerized TCF/Lef DNA binding sites, together with the high-resolution imaging afforded by subcellularly-localized fluorescent fusion proteins such as H2B-GFP, we have created a mouse transgenic line that faithfully recapitulates Wnt signaling activity at single-cell resolution. The <it>TCF/Lef:H2B-GFP </it>reporter represents a unique tool for live imaging the <it>in vivo </it>processes triggered by Wnt/β-catenin signaling, and thus should help the formulation of a high-resolution understanding of the serial events that define the morphogenetic process regulated by this signaling pathway.</p

    Reduction of CO2-emissions in ceramic tiles manufacture by combining energy-saving measures

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    Ceramic tile manufacture requires a great quantity of energy, mainly in the form of heat. The heat is principally used in the kilns and dryers, and it is obtained by natural gas combustion. The increasing cost of natural gas, as well as the application of a new gas tax, the new legislation in regard to emissions trading, and the difficult current economic situation have driven the ceramic tile sector to implement energy-saving actions in the production process with the twofold aim of reducing energy costs and abating carbon dioxide emissions. One such course of action is the European project REDUCER, funded by the European Commission and led by Azulev S.A.U., in which the Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC) also participates. This project seeks to implement energy-saving actions in company kilns and dryers in order to lower natural gas consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the tile manufacturing process. One of the saving actions envisaged is the installation of a system of waste heat recovery from one of the company kilns to the tile body dryers. This new waste heat recovery system is to be added to and will complement the already existing system at the company, thus achieving maximum heat recovery from the kiln stacks. The recovered heat will go entirely to the green tile body dryers, thus reducing natural gas consumption in the dryers. The designed installation seeks to recover 600 kW heat from the stacks of one of the kilns, entailing a natural gas saving of more than 120 k€/year and suppressing the emission into the atmosphere of 720 tons of CO2/year, savings that are to be added to those attained with other energy-saving measures. This paper describes the energy-saving actions implemented at the company, as well as the resulting energy savings

    The PI3K pathway balances self-renewal and differentiation of nephron progenitor cells through beta-catenin signalling.

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    SummaryNephron progenitor cells differentiate to form nephrons during embryonic kidney development. In contrast, self-renewal maintains progenitor numbers and premature depletion leads to impaired kidney function. Here we analyze the PI3K pathway as a point of convergence for the multiple pathways that are known to control self-renewal in the kidney. We demonstrate that a reduction in PI3K signaling triggers premature differentiation of the progenitors and activates a differentiation program that precedes the mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition through ectopic activation of the β-catenin pathway. Therefore, the combined output of PI3K and other pathways fine-tunes the balance between self-renewal and differentiation in nephron progenitors

    Cell influx and contractile actomyosin force drive mammary bud growth and invagination

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    Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike–No Mirror Sites licenseThe mammary gland develops from the surface ectoderm during embryogenesis and proceeds through morphological phases defined as placode, hillock, bud, and bulb stages followed by branching morphogenesis. During this early morphogenesis, the mammary bud undergoes an invagination process where the thickened bud initially protrudes above the surface epithelium and then transforms to a bulb and sinks into the underlying mesenchyme. The signaling pathways regulating the early morphogenetic steps have been identified to some extent, but the underlying cellular mechanisms remain ill defined. Here, we use 3D and 4D confocal microscopy to show that the early growth of the mammary rudiment is accomplished by migration-driven cell influx, with minor contributions of cell hypertrophy and proliferation. We delineate a hitherto undescribed invagination mechanism driven by thin, elongated keratinocytes-ring cells-that form a contractile rim around the mammary bud and likely exert force via the actomyosin network. Furthermore, we show that conditional deletion of nonmuscle myosin IIA (NMIIA) impairs invagination, resulting in abnormal mammary bud shape.Peer reviewe

    Draxin acts as a molecular rheostat of canonical Wnt signaling to control cranial neural crest EMT

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    Neural crest cells undergo a spatiotemporally regulated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that proceeds head to tailward to exit from the neural tube. In this study, we show that the secreted molecule Draxin is expressed in a transient rostrocaudal wave that mirrors this emigration pattern, initiating after neural crest specification and being down-regulated just before delamination. Functional experiments reveal that Draxin regulates the timing of cranial neural crest EMT by transiently inhibiting canonical Wnt signaling. Ectopic maintenance of Draxin in the cranial neural tube blocks full EMT; while cells delaminate, they fail to become mesenchymal and migratory. Loss of Draxin results in premature delamination but also in failure to mesenchymalize. These results suggest that a pulse of intermediate Wnt signaling triggers EMT and is necessary for its completion. Taken together, these data show that transient secreted Draxin mediates proper levels of canonical Wnt signaling required to regulate the precise timing of initiation and completion of cranial neural crest EMT

    Micropattern differentiation of mouse pluripotent stem cells recapitulates embryo regionalized cell fate patterning.

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    During gastrulation epiblast cells exit pluripotency as they specify and spatially arrange the three germ layers of the embryo. Similarly, human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) undergo spatially organized fate specification on micropatterned surfaces. Since in vivo validation is not possible for the human, we developed a mouse PSC micropattern system and, with direct comparisons to mouse embryos, reveal the robust specification of distinct regional identities. BMP, WNT, ACTIVIN and FGF directed mouse epiblast-like cells to undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and radially pattern posterior mesoderm fates. Conversely, WNT, ACTIVIN and FGF patterned anterior identities, including definitive endoderm. By contrast, epiblast stem cells, a developmentally advanced state, only specified anterior identities, but without patterning. The mouse micropattern system offers a robust scalable method to generate regionalized cell types present in vivo, resolve how signals promote distinct identities and generate patterns, and compare mechanisms operating in vivo and in vitro and across species
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