1 research outputs found

    Iron, Fuel and Slags: Reconstructing the Ironworking Process in Iberian Iron Age (Valencian Region)

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    In this paper we present the archaeological data related to ironworks in the territory of Kelin (4th-3rd centuries BC). We have analysed the different phases of the process through the distribution of raw materials, iron oxides, production waste and manufactured products as well as some structures such as furnaces and forges. Furthermore, metallographic analysis allows us to know the nature and the phases of the ironworking process. Our goal is to reconstruct the operative chain from the mines to the resulting iron tools and weapons in order to approach deeply the importance and organization of ironworks in the Iberian society.In this paper we present the archaeological data related to ironworks in the territory of Kelin (4th-3rd centuries BC). We have analysed the different phases of the process through the distribution of raw materials, iron oxides, production waste and manufactured products as well as some structures such as furnaces and forges. Furthermore, metallographic analysis allows us to know the nature and the phases of the ironworking process. Our goal is to reconstruct the operative chain from the mines to the resulting iron tools and weapons in order to approach deeply the importance and organization of ironworks in the Iberian society.En este trabajo se presenta toda la información disponible en la actualidad sobre la siderurgia del territorio de Kelin entre los siglos IV y III a.C. Se analizan las diferentes fases del proceso de producción desde la distribución de materias primas, los desechos de producción y los productos manufacturados así como los hornos y forjas. Además, los análisis metalográficos aportan información sobre las fases del proceso siderúrgico. El objetivo es reconsruir la cadena operativa desde el trabajo en las minas a las herramientas y armamento, así como profundizar en la importancia y la organización de lo talleres siderúrgicos en la sociedad ibérica