28,483 research outputs found

    Complete light absorption in graphene-metamaterial corrugated structures

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    We show that surface-plasmon polaritons excited in negative permittivity metamaterials having shallow periodic surface corrugation profiles can be explored to push the absorption of single and continuous sheets of graphene up to 100%. In the relaxation regime, the position of the plasmonic resonances of the hybrid system is determined by the plasma frequency of the metamaterial, allowing the frequency range for enhanced absorption to be set without the need of engineering graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; published version: text revised and references adde

    Broadening effects due to alloy scattering in Quantum Cascade Lasers

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    We report on calculations of broadening effects in QCL due to alloy scattering. The output of numerical calculations of alloy broadened Landau levels compare favorably with calculations performed at the self-consistent Born approximation. Results for Landau level width and optical absorption are presented. A disorder activated forbidden transition becomes significant in the vicinity of crossings of Landau levels which belong to different subbands. A study of the time dependent survival probability in the lowest Landau level of the excited subband is performed. It is shown that at resonance the population relaxation occurs in a subpicosecond scale.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Nonequivalent Seiberg-Witten maps for noncommutative massive U(N) gauge theory

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    Massive vector fields can be described in a gauge invariant way with the introduction of compensating fields. In the unitary gauge one recovers the original formulation. Although this gauging mechanism can be extended to noncommutative spaces in a straightforward way, non trivial aspects show up when we consider the Seiberg-Witten map. As we show here, only a particular class of its solutions leads to an action that admits the unitary gauge fixing.Comment: General solutions for the map and important reference included, 6 pages, no figure

    Static strings in Randall-Sundrum scenarios and the quark anti-quark potential

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    We calculate the energy of a static string in an AdS slice between two D3-branes with orbifold condition. The energy for configurations with endpoints on a brane grows linearly for large separation between these points. The derivative of the energy has a discontinuity at some critical separation. Choosing a particular position for one of the branes we find configurations with smooth energy. In the limit where the other brane goes to infinity the energy has a Coulombian behaviour for short separations and can be identified with the Cornell potential for a quark anti-quark pair. This identification leads to effective values for the AdS radius, the string tension and the position of the infrared brane. These results suggest an approximate duality between static strings in an AdS slice and a heavy quark anti-quark configuration in a confining gauge theory.Comment: More clarifications added, typos corrected. Results unchange

    Confined magneto-optical waves in graphene

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    The electromagnetic mode spectrum of single-layer graphene subjected to a quantizing magnetic field is computed taking into account intraband and interband contributions to the magneto-optical conductivity. We find that a sequence of weakly decaying quasi-transverse-electric modes, separated by magnetoplasmon polariton modes, emerge due to the quantizing magnetic field. The characteristics of these modes are tuneable, by changing the magnetic field or the Fermi energy.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. published version: text and figures revised and updated + new references and one figure adde