450 research outputs found
Occasional Finding Of Neurological Disorders During Children Hearing Loss Evaluation Using The Abr
One of the most important applications of the Brainstem evoked response audiometry (ABR) is in the evaluation of hearing loss in children. Today the ABR is also indicated in the screening of cochleovestibular syndromes to detect retrocochlear lesions, to monitor patients in a coma (brain death), in monitoring the brainstem during skull base surgery, etc. Among the many BERA qualities, is its capacity to evaluate the neurophysiologic integrity of the auditory brainstem pathway. In doing so, sometimes while evaluating hearing function in children we are faced with ABR waves that suggest the presence of retrocochlear lesions (trace asymmetry, increased interpeak intervals), many times confirmed through image studies. These cases are seen as occasional findings of neurologic disorders during children hearing loss evaluation. In this study we report 2 cases of neurologic disorders diagnosed with the use of the ABR to evaluate hearing loss in children. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.733424428Jewett, D.L., Romano, M.N., Williston, J.S., Human auditory evoked potentials: Possible brain stem components detected on the scalp (1970) Science, 167 (924), pp. 1517-1518Starr, A., Hamilton, A.E., Correlation between confirmed sites of neurological lesions and abnormalities of far-field auditory brainstem responses (1976) Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 41 (6), pp. 595-608Levine, R.A., Gardner, J.C., Fullerton, B.C., Stufflebeam, S.M., Carlisle, E.W., Furst, M., Effects of multiple sclerosis brainstem lesions on sound lateralization and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (1993) Hear Res, 68 (1), pp. 73-88Moller, A.R., Jannetta, P.J., Auditory evoked potentials recorded intracranially from the brain stem in man (1982) Exp Neurol, 78 (1), pp. 144-157Hashimoto, I., Ishiyama, Y., Yoshimoto, T., Nemoto, S., Brain-stem auditory-evoked potentials recorded directly from human brain-stem and thalamus (1981) Brain, 104 (PART 4), pp. 841-859Anson, B., Donaldson, J., (1981) Surgical anatomy of the temporal bone, , 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders;Sousa LCA, Piza MRT, Costa SS. Poster: Brainstem Evoked Auditory Potential (ABR) in Neurology and Neurosurgery: 99th Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. New Orleans, USA, Setembro1995Sousa, L.C.A., Piza, M.R.T., Costa, S.S., Diagnosis of Menières Disease: Routine and Extended Tests (2002) Otolaryngol Clin North Am, , JuneMarangos, N., Maier, W., Merz, R., Laszig, R., Brainstem response in cerebellopontine angle tumors (2001) Otol Neurotol, 22 (1), pp. 95-99Haapaniemi, J., Laurikainen, E., Jahansson, R., Rinne, T., Varpula, M., Audiovestibular findings and location of na acoustic neuroma (2000) Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 257 (4), pp. 237-241Costa, S.S., Sousa, L.C.A., Cruz, O.L.M., Colli, B.O., Andrade, M.J., Rollin, G.A.F.S., Schwannoma vestibular: Apresentação atípica (1995) J Bras Neurosurg, 6 (2), pp. 41-48Sousa LCA, Piza MRT, Costa SS, Ferez M, Colli BO. Electrophysiologic Monitoring (ABR) of Coma Status,: 99th Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Head and Neck Surgery, New Orleans, USA1995Coser, P.L., Menon, A.D., Electrophysiological study of auditory pathways and the vestibular system in tumor pathology of the 8th cranial nerve and of the cerebellopontile angle (1981) Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord), 102 (5-6), pp. 239-24
Reduced Hypoxia Risk in a Systemic Sclerosis Patient with Interstitial Lung Disease after Long-Term Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary rehabilitation is effective for improving exercise capacity in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD), and most programs last about 8 weeks. A 43-year-old male patient with systemic sclerosis and oxygen saturation (SpO2) declining because of severe ILD was hospitalized for treatment of chronic skin ulcers. During admission, he completed a 27-week walking exercise program with SpO2 monitoring. Consequently, continuous walking distance without severe hypoxia (SpO2 > 90%) increased from 60 m to 300 m after the program, although his six-minute walking distance remained the same. This suggests that walking exercise for several months may reduce the risk of hypoxia in patients with ILD, even though exercise capacity does not improve
Estádio de adaptação de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em hospedeiros alternativos
A principal praga-alvo na cultura do milho é a lagarta-do-cartucho, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), que, pela sua ampla distribuição temporal e geográfica constitui-se em uma das espécies mais nocivas nas regiões tropicais das Américas. O objetivo foi avaliar o estádio de adaptação de S. frugiperda em 17 espécies hospedeiras, cultivadas ou selvagens, mais comuns no agroecossistema brasileiro. As plantas foram cultivadas em cinco épocas, entre 2006 e 2008, utilizando o milho como padrão. Larvas de S. frugiperda recém-eclodidas foram individualizadas e confinadas em copo plástico (50 mL), onde foram alimentadas com seções de folha nova de cada hospedeiro. O alimento foi substituído a cada dois dias por folhas frescas. Quatro variáveis biológicas foram avaliadas e utilizadas para se calcular um Índice de Adaptação (IA). Os resultados indicaram que a sobrevivência inicial de S. frugiperda variou de 100%, no milho, a 46%, no arroz. O período larval variou de 12,6 dias, no milho, a 27,1 dias, na grama batatais. A biomassa de pupa variou de 173,1 mg, no carrapicho, a 294,2 mg, no milho. O índice de adaptação, calculado com base nas variáveis biológicas de S. frugiperda, nos hospedeiros avaliados, variou de 17,43, no milho cultivado na época I, a 1,46, na cana-de-açúcar na época III. Para corrigir o efeito de época sobre o índice de adaptação de S. frugiperda nos hospedeiros, foi calculado o Índice Relativo de Adaptação (IRA), com base no índice de adaptação no milho (100%). Assim, com base no índice relativo de adaptação, estimado em condições de laboratório, os hospedeiros alternativos ao milho, para S. frugiperda, podem ser assim ordenados, do maior para o menor índice: sorgo granífero, sorgo selvagem, milheto, capim-tanzânia, amendoim, capim-marandu, capim-braquiária, caruru-de-porco, trigo, soja, algodão, feijão, arroz, capim-carrapicho, grama batatais e cana-de-açúcar
Electronic excitation of furfural as probed by high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations
13 págs.; 7 figs.; 8 tabs.© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. The electronic spectroscopy of isolated furfural (2-furaldehyde) in the gas phase has been investigated using high-resolution photoabsorption spectroscopy in the 3.5-10.8 eV energy-range, with absolute cross section measurements derived. Electron energy loss spectra are also measured over a range of kinematical conditions. Those energy loss spectra are used to derive differential cross sections and in turn generalised oscillator strengths. These experiments are supported by ab initio calculations in order to assign the excited states of the neutral molecule. The good agreement between the theoretical results and the measurements allows us to provide the first quantitative assignment of the electronic state spectroscopy of furfural over an extended energy range.F.F.S. and P.L.V. acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation
for Science and Technology (FCT-MEC) through Grant Nos.
SFRH/BPD/68979/2010 and SFRH/BSAB/105792/2014,
respectively, the research Grant Nos. PTDC/FIS-ATO/1832/
2012 and UID/FIS/00068/2013. P.L.V. also acknowledges
his Visiting Research Fellow position at Flinders University,
Adelaide, South Australia. The Patrimoine of the University
of Liège, the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique,
and the Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective of
Belgium have also supported this research. E.L. and R.F.C.N.
thank CNPq (Brazil) and the Science Without Borders
Programme for opportunities to study abroad. The authors
wish to acknowledge the beam time at the ISA synchrotron
at Aarhus University, Denmark. The research leading to these
results has received funding from the European Community’s
Seventh Framework Programme (Grant No. FP7/2007-2013)
CALIPSO under Grant Agreement No. 312284. D.B.J.
thanks the Australian Research Council for financial support
provided through a Discovery Early Career Research Award.
M.J.B. also thanks the Australian Research Council for some
financial support, while M.J.B. and M.C.A.L. acknowledge the
Brazilian agencies CNPq and FAPEMIG for financial support.
F.B. and G.G. acknowledge partial financial support from the
Spanish Ministry MINECO (Project No. FIS2012-31230) and
the EU COST Action No. CM1301 (CELINA). Finally, R.F.C.,
M.T.do N.V., M.H.F.B., and M.A.P.L. acknowledge support
from the Brazilian agency CNPq.Peer Reviewe
Generalizations of Gronwall-Bihari Inequalities on Time Scales
We establish some nonlinear integral inequalities for functions defined on a
time scale. The results extend some previous Gronwall and Bihari type
inequalities on time scales. Some examples of time scales for which our results
can be applied are provided. An application to the qualitative analysis of a
nonlinear dynamic equation is discussed.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted (16/May/2008) for
publication in the "Journal of Difference Equations and Applications"; J.
Difference Equ. Appl. is available online at http://www.informaworld.co
Floristic and vegetation structure of a grassland plant community on shallow basalt in southern Brazil
Few studies have adequately described the floristic and structural features of natural grasslands associated with shallow basalt soils in southern Brazil. This study was carried out on natural grazing land used for livestock production in the municipality of Santana do Livramento, in the Campanha region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The aim of the study was to describe the floristic and structural diversity of the area. The floristic list obtained comprises 229 plant taxa from 40 botanical families, with a predominance of the families Poaceae (62), Asteraceae (28), Fabaceae (16) and Cyperaceae (12). The estimated diversity and evenness in the community were 3.00 and 0.874, respectively. Bare soil and rock outcrops accounted for 19.3% of the area, resulting in limited forage availability. Multivariate analysis revealed two well-defined groups among the sampling units. One group showed a high degree of internal aggregation, associated with deep soils, and was characterized by the presence of tussocks, whereas the other was less aggregate and was characterized by prostrate species growing on shallow soil. Ordination analysis indicated a gradient of moisture and of soil depth in the study area, resulting in different vegetation patterns. These patterns were analogous to the vegetation physiognomies described for Uruguayan grasslands. Overall, the grassland community studied is similar to others found throughout southern Brazil, although it harbors more winter forage species. In addition, the rare grass Paspalum indecorum Mez is locally dominant in some patches, behaving similarly to P. notatum Fl., a widespread grass that dominates extensive grassland areas in southern Brazil
Electron transport in furfural: dependence of the electron ranges on the cross sections and the energy loss distribution functions
GEC 2016 ; 69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference ; Bochum, Germany, Monday–Friday, October 10–14Recent theoretical and experimental studies have provided a complete set of differential and integral electron scattering cross section data from furfural over a broad energy range1, 2. The energy loss distribution functions have been determined in this study by averaging electron energy loss spectra for different incident energies and scattering angles. All these data have been used as input parameters for an event by event Monte Carlo simulation procedure to obtain the electron energy deposition patterns and electron ranges in liquid furfural. The dependence of these results on the input cross sections is then analysed to determine the uncertainty of the simulated values.Peer Reviewe
Vascular Flora Of The Legado Das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, Municipalities Of Tapiraí, Miracatú And Juquiá, São Paulo, Brazil
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)We present a list of vascular plants found in Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, a private reserve having an area of approximately 35,000 ha that spans the municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú, and Juquiá, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The reserve is part of a complex of state-protected areas including Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Intervales State Park, Carlos Botelho State Park, Jurupará State Park, and Serra do Mar State Park. Together, these form an important and large area of continuous and well-preserved forest. Our study, which involved two main floristic surveys in March/April 2013 and April 2014, recorded 768 species, representing 131 families and 432 genera. The majority of species were angiosperms (619) representing 106 families and 370 genera. There were also two species of gymnosperms belonging to two genera in separate families; 147 species of ferns and lycophytes belonging to 23 families and 60 genera. In demonstrating the presence of almost 800 species of plants, of which 16 are threatened, our study highlights the importance of floristic surveys and the critical role of private protected areas in managing and preserving native flora. © 2016 Check List and Authors.1262011/22923-8, FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo2015/9444-4, FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP
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