8 research outputs found

    Pauvreté et crise hydrique en méditerranée. La réponse du marché

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    OnIn the Northern shore of the Mediterranean, universal access to water is now an entitlement, while in many Southern Mediterranean countries such a right is not yet guaranteed to all different groups of the population yet. Water deficit helps contributes to widen the gender gaps and leads to a series of human and economic costs related to the deterioration of human capital and increased health care costs for treating waterborne diseases. In some countries, Wwater becomes, therefore, in some countries a factor that boosts economic inequalities which characterize different social groups, helping to increase the cycle of poverty. The ability to see recognized the right to water recognized depends on the state?s ability to fight regional, social and gender inequalities, and to ensure the fulfillment of basic needs of the population.

    Reti mediterranee, o dell'ambiguità

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    This essay is the geo-economic part of the 2005 Yearly Report of the Italian Geographic Society "Italy in the Mediterranean." The first part is devoted to outline the characteristics of the Mediterranean region in economic terms,in terms of the North / South disparities and of the general peripherality of the Basin. In addition to population flows between the shores, are then analyzed the trade flows between the Mediterranean countries, the EU and Italy. This highlights the marginal role of the countries of southern and eastern shores of the basin in the EU trade (just as important for Italy) and, on the contrary, the strong role of the market share held by Italy in the international trade of the Mediterranean countries, that is a factor of considerable importance in geopolitical terms. Then it is presented the import/export of Italy by region, highlighting the different regional attitudes toward the east or the south of the basin Finally we describe the trends of capital flows in the Mediterranean. In conclusion we consider in strategic terms,the attitude of Italy to hold more market share in the Mediterranean Basin and the possible benefits coming from more advanced cooperation policies

    Egitto - Capitolo Terzo

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    Il terzo numero dei Quaderni Mediterranei, a cura di Matteo Pizzigallo, si occupa delle evoluzioni politico-istituzionali e del posizionamento internazionale di alcuni dei Paesi dell'area Mena, in un contesto regionale sempre più instabile e teso. Vi è inoltre presente un saggio sul problema delle risorse idriche. In particolare, i saggi riflettono i risultati del primo anno di una ricerca promossa dall'Istituto di Studi Politici "S. Pio V" finalizzata a dare vita a un possibile modello di analisi predittiva dello scenario mediterraneo prossimo venturo