61 research outputs found

    Steinberg lattice of the general linear group and its modular reduction

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    We study the Steinberg lattice of the general linear group when reduced modulo a prime different from the defining characteristic.Comment: 6th version, as accepted in journa

    Clifford theory for infinite dimensional modules

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    Clifford theory of possibly infinite dimensional modules is studie

    Modular reduction of the Steinberg lattice of the general linear group

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    The modular reduction of the Steinberg lattice of the general linear group is studie

    Modular representations of Heisenberg algebras

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    Let FF be be an arbitrary field and let h(n)h(n) be the Heisenberg algebra of dimension 2n+12n+1 over FF. It was shown by Burde that if FF has characteristic 0 then the minimum dimension of a faithful h(n)h(n)-module is n+2n+2. We show here that his result remains valid in prime characteristic pp, as long as (p,n)β‰ (2,1)(p,n)\neq (2,1). We construct, as well, various families of faithful irreducible h(n)h(n)-modules if FF has prime characteristic, and classify these when FF is algebraically closed. Applications to matrix theory are given

    Equivalence and congruence of matrices under the action of standard parabolic subgroups

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    We find necessary and sufficient conditions for PP-equivalence of arbitrary matrices and PP-congruence of symmetric and alternating matrices, where PP is standard parabolic subgroup of GLn(F)GL_n(F) and FF is an arbitrary field

    Groups having a faithful irreducible representation

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    We address the problem of finding necessary and sufficient conditions for an arbitrary group, not necessarily finite, to admit a faithful irreducible representation over an arbitrary field

    Equivalence and normal forms of bilinear forms

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    We present an alternative account of the problem of classifying and finding normal forms for arbitrary bilinear forms. Beginning from basic results developed by Riehm, our solution to this problem hinges on the classification of indecomposable forms and in how uniquely they fit together to produce all other forms. We emphasize the use of split forms, i.e., those bilinear forms such that the minimal polynomial of the asymmetry of their non-degenerate part splits over ground field, rather than restricting the field to be algebraically closed. In order to obtain the most explicit results, without resorting to the classification of hermitian, symmetric and quadratic forms, we merely require that the underlying field be quadratically closed

    Irreducible representations of unipotent subgroups of symplectic and unitary groups defined over rings

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    Let AA be a ring with 1β‰ 01\neq 0, not necessarily finite, endowed with an involution~βˆ—*, that is, an anti-automorphism of order ≀2\leq 2. Let Hn(A)H_n(A) be the additive group of all nΓ—nn\times n hermitian matrices over AA relative to βˆ—*. Let Un(A){\mathcal U}_n(A) be the subgroup of GLn(A)\mathrm{GL}_n(A) of all upper triangular matrices with 1's along the main diagonal. Let P=Hn(A)β‹ŠUn(A)P=H_n(A)\rtimes {\mathcal U}_n(A), where Un(A){\mathcal U}_n(A) acts on Hn(A)H_n(A) by βˆ—*-congruence transformations. We may view PP as a unipotent subgroup of either a symplectic group Sp2n(A)\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}(A), if βˆ—=1A*=1_A (in which case AA is commutative), or a unitary group U2n(A)\mathrm{U}_{2n}(A) if βˆ—β‰ 1A*\neq 1_A. In this paper we construct and classify a family of irreducible representations of PP over a field FF that is essentially arbitrary. In particular, when AA is finite and F=CF=\mathbb C we obtain irreducible representations of PP of the highest possible degree

    On the splitting ring of a polynomial

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    Let f(Z)=Znβˆ’a1Znβˆ’1+β‹―+(βˆ’1)nβˆ’1anβˆ’1Z+(βˆ’1)nanf(Z)=Z^n-a_{1}Z^{n-1}+\cdots+(-1)^{n-1}a_{n-1}Z+(-1)^na_n be a monic polynomial with coefficients in a ring~RR with identity, not necessarily commutative. We study the ideal IfI_f of R[X1,…,Xn]R[X_1,\dots,X_n] generated by Οƒi(X1,…,Xn)βˆ’ai\sigma_i(X_1,\dots,X_n)-a_{i}, where Οƒ1,…,Οƒn\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_n are the elementary symmetric polynomials, as well as the quotient ring R[X1,…,Xn]/IfR[X_1,\dots,X_n]/I_f

    The Weil representation of a unitary group associated to a ramified quadratic extension of a finite local ring

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    We find all irreducible constituents of the Weil representation of a unitary group Um(A)U_m(A) of rank mm associated to a ramified quadratic extension AA of a finite, commutative, local and principal ring RR of odd characteristic. We show that this Weil representation is multiplicity free with monomial irreducible constituents. We also find the number of these constituents and describe them in terms of Clifford theory with respect to a congruence subgroup. We find all character degrees in the special case when RR is a field
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