43 research outputs found
Sistema de control de constitucionalidad en México a partir de 2011: la teoría constitucional de la SCJN como obstáculo para el desarrollo del diálogo jurisprudencial.
La RCDH ha sido objeto de numerosos e interesantes estudios desde su publicación en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 10 de junio de 2011, lo cual era de esperarse dado que sus implicaciones en el orden jurídico nacional en general y el derecho constitucional en particular obligaron a los operadores del derecho a modificar el entendimiento de la Constitución y por tanto las prácticas constitucionales, avanzando de esta forma en el proceso denominado “constitucionalización”, entendido como el “proceso de transformación de un ordenamiento al término del cual el ordenamiento resulta totalmente «impregnado» por las normas constitucionales.1 Buscando abonar en el proceso previamente descrito, la presente investigación pretende realizar un análisis del entendimiento de la Constitución que tiene la SCJN a partir de la RCDH, es decir de su teoría constitucional, específicamente en los temas relativos a jerarquía normativa, control de constitucionalidad e interpretación constitucional, y si con sus resoluciones dicho órgano jurisdiccional está permitiendo el natural desarrollo y efectividad de la RCDH, entre la que se encuentra la posibilidad de que, al emitir sus resoluciones, exista un verdadero «diálogo jurisprudencial», entendido éste como un proceso de preguntas y respuestas con orientación y sentido que se produce entre los jueces nacionales, la SCJN y la CoIDH. Para lograr lo anterior, elaboraremos un primer capítulo de carácter metodológico, en el cual el lector podrá advertir los antecedentes y planteamiento del problema, es decir, las inquietudes que nos llevaron a tratar el presente tema; igualmente se expondrá la finalidad u objetivos de la investigación y la hipótesis a comprobar; por otra parte se desarrollarán las premisas teóricas que guiarán nuestra investigación y finalmente el diseño metodológico, exponiendo y justificando la elección del enfoque y la unidad de análisis que se utilizarán
Use of the ESS Bilbao Installations for Laser Fusion Studies
AbstractIn this work the use of ESS-Bilbao fast neutron lines for irradiation of materials for nuclear fusion is studied. For the comparison of ESS-Bilbao with an inertial fusion facility a simplified model of HiPER chamber has been used. Several positions for irradiation at ESS-Bilbao have been also compared.The material chosen for the damage analysis is silica due to its importance on ICF optics. In this work a detailed comparison between the two facilities for silica irradiation is given. The comparison covers the neutron fluxes, doses, defect production and PKA spectra.This study is also intended as a methodological approach or guideline for future works on other materials
The use of the ESS Bilbao installations for laser fusion studies
In this work the use of ESS-Bilbao fast neutron lines for irradiation of materials for nuclear fusion is studied. For the comparison of ESS-Bilbao with an inertial fusion facility a simplified model of HiPER chamber has been used. Several positions for irradiation at ESS-Bilbao have been also compared. The material chosen for the damage analysis is silica due to its importance on IFC optics. In this work a detailed comparison between the two facilities for silica irradiation is given. The comparison covers the neutron fluxes, doses, defect production and PKA spectra. This study is also intended as a methodological approach or guideline for future works on other materials
Material selection for spallation neutron source windows. Application to PDS-XADS and XT-ADS prototypes
High performance neutron sources are being proposed for many scientific and industrial applications, ranging from material studies, hybrid reactors and transmutation of nuclear wastes. In the case of transmutation of nuclear wastes, accelerator driven systems (ADS) are considered as one of the main technical options for such purpose. In ADS a high performance spallation neutron source becomes an essential element for its operation and control. This spallation source must fulfil very challenging nuclear and thermo-mechanical requirements, because of the high neutron rates needed in ADS. The material selection for this key component becomes of paramount importance, particularly the source window that separates the vacuum accelerator tube from the spallation material where the accelerated protons impinge. In this paper, an integral analysis of spallation sources is done, taking as a reference the projects in this field proposal in the framework of European projects. Our analysis and calculations show that titanium and vanadium alloys are more suitable than steel as structural material for an industrial ADS beam window, mostly due to its irradiation damage resistance
Neutronic design for ESS-Bilbao neutron source
The European Spallation Source-Bilbao (ESS-Bilbao) project plans to build an accelerator facility compliant with the ESS-AB requirements which will be able to drive several experimental stations for research purposes involving intense proton beams with currents up to 75 mA, 50 MeV of final energy, 1.5 ms of pulse length and up to 50 Hz repetition rate. The accelerator will also drive a compact neutron source which will provide useful neutron beams to carry out experiments on moderator optimization, neutron optics devices and general neutron instrumentation as well as preparation work for experiments to be carried out by neutron beam users at the large facilities
Tritium permeation experiment at IFMIF Medium Flux Test Module
Tritium release experiments using different breeding material candidates are planned for the medium flux region of the IFMIF Test Cell. Nowadays, only ceramic breeder materials have been suggested to be tested in the Tritium Release Module located in the Medium Flux Test Module of IFMIF. Liquid breeder blankets are very promising and for that reason, several concepts will be tested in ITER. One of the main problems concerning the liquid blankets is the permeation of the generated tritium in the breeder throughout the walls. Since tritium permeation is highly influenced by irradiation conditions, IFMIF is a suitable scenario to perform tritium permeation related experiments. In this paper, a preliminary design of a tritium permeation experiment for the Medium Flux Test Module of IFMIF is proposed, in order to contribute to the progress of the liquid breeder blanket concept validation. The conceptual design of the capsule in which the experiment will be performed is carried out, taking into consideration the experiment necessities and its implementation in the Tritium Release Module. In addition to this, some thermal hydraulic calculations have been performed to evaluate the thermal behaviour of the irradiation capsul
Conceptual design of the beryllium rotating target for the ESS-Bilbao facility
The ESS-Bilbao facility, hosted by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), envisages the operation of a high-current proton accelerator delivering beams with energies up to 50 MeV. The time-averaged proton current will be 2.25 mA, delivered by 1.5 ms proton pulses with a repetition rate of 20 Hz. This beam will feed a neutron source based upon the Be (p,n) reaction, which will enable the provision of relevant neutron experimentation capabilities. The neutron source baseline concept consists in a rotating beryllium target cooled by water. The target structure will comprise a rotatable disk made of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy holding 20 beryllium plates. Heat dissipation from the target relies upon a distribution of coolant-flow channels. The practical implementation of such a concept is here described with emphasis put on the beryllium plates thermo-mechanical optimization, the chosen coolant distribution system as well as the mechanical behavior of the assembly
Neutronic analysis of the bi-spectral moderator such as that proposed for ESS
This paper reports on design studies concerning a moderator concept which aims to maximize the time averaged flux. The idea is to provide neutron spectra showing two clear maxima, with peaks at View the MathML source and View the MathML source arising from leakage from both cryogenic and thermal moderators. Such a concept known as a bi-spectral moderator (Mezei, 2006 [1]) while proven on a reactor source has only been examined for the ESS 2003 proposal. Filges et al. (2003 [2]), which featured a different design than the current ESS. This paper thus reports on a baseline design for such a moderator concept and shows that it can provide substantial gains in count rates for those applications not requiring high resolution in time-of-flight