1,168 research outputs found

    Do oil price shocks matter? Evidence for some European countries

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    This paper analyzes the oil price-macroeconomy relationship by means of analyzing the impact of oil prices on inflation and industrial production indexes for many European countries using quarterly data for the period 1960-1999. First, we test for cointegration allowing for structural breaks among the variables. Second, and in order to account for the possible non-linear relationships, we use different transformation of oil price data. The main results suggest that oil prices have permanent effects on inflation and short run but asymmetric effects on production growth rates. Furthermore, significant differences are found among the responses of the countries to these shocks.oil price shocks, inflation, economic activity

    Oil Prices, Economic Activity and Inflation: Evidence for Some Asian Countries

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    In this paper we study the oil prices-macroeconomy relationship by means of studying the impact of oil price shocks on both economic activity and consumer price indexes for six Asian countries over the period 1975Q1-2002Q2. The results suggest that oil prices have a significant effect on both economic activity and price indexes although the impact is limited to the short-run and more significant when oil price shocks are defined in local currencies. Moreover, we find evidence of asymmetries in the oil prices-macroeconomy relationship for some of the Asian countries.

    Bulls and Bears: Lessons from some European Countries

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    This paper analyzes the recent behavior of stock markets in four European countries. More specifically, we describe the bull and bear phases of those markets, comparing some of their features across countries and with the US. We also comment on the degree of concordance of stock market phases across countries. We find that cycles in European countries have become substantially more concordant in recent years, a result that was to be expected given the increased integration of the European financial markets, but that the degree of concordance is not high.

    Stock Market Cycles and Stock Market Development in Spain

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    In this paper we use Spanish stock market data to identify the bull and bear phases of the market and to analyze its characteristics during the period 1941-2002. We compare these characteristics with those of the US and of two other European countries (Germany and the UK). Our sample is divided in two subperiods in order to account for differences induced by the process of development undergone by Spanish capital markets in the late 1980's and early 1990's. We find that the Spanish stock market has become increasingly more similar to those of the more developed countries, although some differences still persist. Additionally, we show that concordance of the Spanish stock market with other developed markets has increased quite significantly.Stock market cycle; data generating process; financial development

    Money Demand Accommodation: Impact on Macro-Dynamics and Policy Consequences

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    In this paper we account for the U.S. Fed's response to money demand shocks by allowing for less-than-complete accommodation in the estimation of its money supply policy rule. We estimate a significantly lower degree of money accommodation in the 1979-1982 period than before and after. We identify the path of money demand and money supply shocks and show their effects on the money market, output and inflation. Both money demand and money supply shocks have been considerably less destabilizing since 1984. We also find that monetary policy was significantly pro-cyclical in the 70s. Additionally, the price puzzle disappears for two of the three subperiods considered in the study.Money demand shocks, money demand accommodation, monetary policy procedures, macroeconomic dynamics

    Exchange rate behavior and exchange rate puzzles: why the 18th century might help

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    Este artículo analiza el comportamiento de los tipos de cambio entre España y Gran Bretaña durante el siglo XVIII; en concreto, de los tipos de cambio en el mercado de Londres sobre tres ciudades españolas, entre los años 1699 y 1826. Tras una breve exposición del funcionamiento del sistema monetario español y de la determinación de los tipos de cambio, estudiamos hasta qué punto el tipo de cambio respondía a variables fundamentales, utilizando dos modelos teóricos generalmente aceptados. Los resultados sugieren que la paridad de poder adquisitivo se cumplió durante el siglo XVIII, y que el tipo de cambio se movía de forma paralela a los diferenciales de inflación. Al final del siglo aparecen desviaciones de la paridad de poder adquisitivo, que atribuimos a alteraciones en el tipo de cambio real causadas por fluctuaciones en el comercio bilateral entre España y Gran Bretaña y, quizå, a diferenciales de productividad.This article explores the behavior of exchange rates in Spain during the 18th century. We analyze the exchange rates quoted in London on three Spanish cities between 1699 and 1826. After a brief review of how the Spanish monetary system worked and how exchange rates were determined, we assess to which extent the exchange rate responded to market fundamentals by testing two theoretical models of exchange rate determination. The results suggest that purchasing power parity held during the 18th century, with the exchange rate tracking quite closely the behavior of inflation differentials. Deviations from PPP appeared at the end of the century, due mostly to changes in the real exchange rate caused by the bilateral trade between Spain and Great Britain and, maybe, due to productivity differentials

    Stock Market Cycles, Financial Liberalization and Volatility

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    In this paper we analyze the behavior of stock markets in six emerging countries. More specifically, we describe the bull and bear cycles of four Latin American and two Asian countries, comparing their characteristics during both phases and the degree of concordance of bullish periods. We divide our sample in two subperiods in order to account for differences induced by the financial liberalization processes that these countries went through in the early 1990's. We find that cycles in emerging countries tend to have shorter duration and larger amplitude and volatility than in developed countries. However, after financial liberalization Latin American stock markets have behaved more similarly to stock markets in developed countries whereas Asian countries have become more dissimilar. Concordance of cycles across markets has increased significantly over time, especially for Latin American countries after liberalization.

    Changes in the Dynamic Behavior of Emerging Market Volatility: Revisiting the Effects of Financial L

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    In this paper we test whether the dynamic behavior of stock market volatility in six emerging economies has changed over the period 1976:01-2004:12. This period corresponds to years of profound development of both the financial and the productive sides in these emerging countries, but also to the years of the major financial crises. Our analysis suggests that changes in volatility behavior, while indeed present, may have been overstated in the past: simple specifications account for most of the dynamics of stock market volatility and therefore become powerful tools for volatility analysis. Additionally, we show that financial liberalization of emerging markets has generally reduced the level of market volatility and its sensititivity to news.
