490 research outputs found
Análisis del predominio de las técnicas utilizadas en las rondas finales de competencias internacionales de judo puntuables para el ranking olímpico: un enfoque biomecánico
Judo is an Olympic combat sport that is divided into male and female weight categories. Each weight category implies significant differences in technical and strategic dimensions, as well as physiological, performance, and body composition among competitors. This individual variability can widely mark options and predominance of biomechanical actions inherent to its own movements. This study aimed to determine the technical actions predominance used by judokas in the international competitions final stages scoring for the Olympic ranking. We observed 285 judo matches, in several weight categories for men and women, played in the final stages of six scoring international competitions for the Olympic ranking in Tokyo 2021. An observation system was used according to the biomechanical classification of judo techniques proposed by Sacripanti. In Nage-Waza combat, there was a predominance of lever techniques over couple techniques. In Ne-Waza there was a predominance of pressure techniques, followed by venous breathing block and dislocation of the elbow joint. There were also differences between genders and significant associations by weight category in the technical options in combat, as well as according to the combat phase.El judo es un deporte de combate olímpico que se divide en categorías de peso masculino y femenino. Cada categoría de peso implica diferencias significativas en las dimensiones técnicas y estratégicas, así como fisiológicas, de rendimiento y de composición corporal entre los competidores. Esta variabilidad individual puede marcar ampliamente opciones y predominio de acciones biomecánicas inherentes a sus propios movimientos.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el predominio de las acciones técnicas utilizadas por los judokas en las etapas finales de las competencias internacionales puntuables para el ranking olímpico. Observamos 285 combates de judo, en varias categorías de peso para hombres y mujeres, disputados en las etapas finales de seis competencias internacionales puntuables para el ranking olímpico en Tokio 2021. Se utilizó un sistema de observación de acuerdo con la clasificación biomecánica de técnicas de judo propuesta por Sacripanti. En el combate Nage-Waza predominaban las técnicas de palanca sobre las técnicas de binario. En Ne-Waza predominaron las técnicas de presión, seguidas del bloqueo respiratorio venoso y la luxación de la articulación del codo. También hubo diferencias entre géneros y asociaciones significativas por categoría de peso en las opciones técnicas en combate, así como según la fase de combate.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Cartas da África : formas de resistência à ocupação e conquista colonial do sul de Moçambique no final do século XIX
A historiografia oficial portuguesa do período em que acontece a invasão colonial do interior da África subsaariana se refere aos africanos e suas lideranças como sociedades desprovidas de cultura, selvagens, manipuláveis, incapazes de controlar seus destinos e ignorantes da verdadeira fé, que deveriam ser submetidos ao processo civilizador. Esta monografia tem a pretensão de articular o conceito de resistência a essa invasão sob a ótica de historiadores africanos. Para atingir esse objetivo, são apresentadas correspondências, pessoais ou oficiais, produzidas no contexto de um movimento bélico que envolveu toda a metade sul de Moçambique em 1895. Na abordagem dessas missivas, são demonstrados conceitos de resistência à invasão colonial que possam ser aplicados à leitura de documentos e à compreensão das dinâmicas que existiram naquele conflito. Com isso, busca-se reconhecer nas diversas lideranças nativas suas percepções e atitudes como agentes em seu tempo. Um dos objetivos desta abordagem é a identificação daquilo que não está registrado sobre as lideranças africanas, um tipo de reconhecimento indireto das qualidades daqueles a quem os europeus desejavam subjugar. O resultado obtido é a elaboração de uma proposta alternativa para o manuseio das diversas formas de registros efetuados pelos invasores, que tinham como objetivo legitimar o projeto colonialista enaltecendo suas próprias atitudes. Assim, conclui-se que esta forma de interpretação documental configura-se em uma oportunidade para o exercício de uma abordagem histórica mais completa, livre de preconceitos e capaz de identificar protagonismos africanos
Os domínios de poder e a formulação de políticas públicas de informação e comunicação
Para ser sustentável, o desenvolvimento de políticas de informação e comunicação para a uma sociedade precisa estar alinhado aos interesses de domínios de poder relevantes, como sociedade, mercado, defesa do território, Estado e tecnologia. Tais políticas devem atender aos interesses do Estado, bem como ao interesse primordial da sociedade, em coerência com o mercado e com a defesa do território. Logo, devem ser vistas simultaneamente como políticas sociais, de Estado, de mercado e políticas nacionais. A fim de subsidiar a constituição de políticas orientadas para o social, mantendo o foco em aspectos de mercado e de defesa nacional, são propostos direcionamentos estratégicos para a formulação de políticas cooperativas, com base na adequação Sóciotécnica
Quality Management in Training Companies
This study was carried out in training companies and aims to evaluate customer satisfaction. It focusses at the Organizations’ Quality-of-Management (QoM) that is in itself a major competitive advantage to differentiate them. Indeed, the universe of discourse is set in order to consider not only the complex relationships among the entities that populate it, but also to take into account its inner structure, where incomplete, unknown or even self-contradictory information or knowledge are present. One’s goal is at the development of a comprehensive and integrated computational model to ensure the Organizations' Performance and its QoM in order to fulfill customer’s requirements. It is based on a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and grounded on an Artificial Neural Networks approach to computing
Avoidance of Operational Sampling Errors in Drinking Water Analysis
The internal audits carried out in the first half of 2019 in water laboratories as part of quality accreditation in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 showed a high frequency of adverse events in connection with sampling. These faults can be a consequence of a wide range of causes, and in some cases, the information about them can be insufficient or unclear. Considering that sampling has a major influence on the quality of the analytical results provided by water laboratories, this work presents a system for reporting and learning adverse events. Its aim is to record nonconformities, errors, and adverse events, making possible automatic data analysis aiming to ensure continuous improvement in operational sampling. The system is based on the Eindhoven Classification Model and enables automatic data analysis and reporting to identify the main causes of failure. Logic programming is used to represent knowledge and support the reasoning mechanisms to model the universe of discourse in scenarios of incomplete, contradicting, or even unknown information. In addition to suggesting solutions to the problem, the system provides formal evidence of the solutions presented, which will help to continuously improve drinking water quality and promote public health
Crafting a tooling idea into a new domestic landscape re.visited
Crafting a tooling idea into a new domestic landscape re.visited: This document pretends to establish sensible paths that converge for a more sustainable world. In this sense the emphases is in verifying and characterize the user’s ways of life and there real needs in finding sustainable regenerative definitions. The requirement to interpret different contexts of new social and peripheral life-styles, developing adaptative crafty tools that promote forms, services, products and systems that do not compromise well being but to establish a symbiotic relation between ambient and the new and necessary technologies.
Design criteria will allow an interpenetreural emphasis in this domestic living landscape, and their relations for a flexible and fluid system. The idea of one unlimited progress and unlimited growing process of product systems (classical and cycle point of view: production, consumer and economic development) has been an issue for arguing the simplicity models that today have a no more recognizable path for sustainability (Perejaume, 2000). The technological innovation and design need a new kind of dialogue between science and society as the origin of the creative process of mankind and there interdisciplinary, systemic and plural ways of thinking (Bonsiepe, 1985) .The project is a process, an attitude before being a trade (Mari, 1997) the sustainable ways of thinking needs to understand the responsibility of the designer and the role that he represents in the management system of a product industry (Papanek, 1971). The awareness of thinking in new products as open source design practice for a radical proceeding inside ecological times (Manzini, 2001).
The ‘new’ scenarios, define mobility, as a main factor in household strategy by researches in series of self-packaging and do-it yourselfer modular systems that promote an itinerant portable well-being. This perspective demands a scenario where there is the possibility of including in-services into this modular products and self-assembly condition items for operative/functional regenerative potential tooling. This process has is origin into one empiric mobile research representing two parts of the same problems: adaptable living household into one semi-sphere of an incessant mobility and a research for the knowledge into one unsustainable dwelling. This issue includes the study of itinerant life-styles, especially students, teachers or other mobile users promoting sensibilities for craft or the ability for incorporate reacting tools for acting into self recognition and memory identification.
The necessary interpretation of different and plural habitats put together ‘new’ forms of living objects but also their simple ephemeral edifications in their frequent migrations. This represents a total alienation with this life-cycle-products criteria’s and quality in a sustainable society, also represents a full system that needs eco-instruments to transform a low material and energy intensity. These special users are active part of the solution and their convenience in the development of the promising scenarios and their relations
Exploratory analysis of the adoption of a Unified Entrance Examination by Federal Universities using Social Network Analysis based on open data
Investigates the diffusion of innovation among Brazilian federal universities using Social Networking Analysis to study networks mapped from the Brazillian Official Gazette. Offers an alternative data collection method for modeling social networks for studies of information flow in the federal public Administration and presents a methodology identification of relationship based on text processing. Using the theories of innovation diffusion in social networks, analyzes the process of adoption of SiSU by federal and universities showing that the social network of universities and information flow influences their decision to join the new selection system.Investiga a difusão da adesão ao SiSU entre universidades federais brasileiras utilizando Análise de Redes Sociais para estudo de redes mapeadas a partir do Diário Oficial da União. Propôe um método alternativo para coleta de dados para modelagem de redes sociais para estudos do fluxo de informação na Administração pública federal e apresenta uma metodologia de identificação de relacionamento entre órgãos baseada no processamento de texto. Utilizando as teorias da difusão de inovação em redes sociais, analisa o processo de adesão ao SiSU pelas universidades federais e mostra que a rede social das universidades e o fluxo de informações nela trafegado compõem a decisão de adesão ao novo sistema de seleção
Wine Quality Assessment under the Eindhoven Classification Method
The identification, classification and recording of events leading to deterioration of wine quality is essential for developing appropriate strategies to avoid them. This work introduces an adverse event reporting and learning system that can help preventing hazards and ensure the quality of the wines. The Eindhoven Classification Method (ECM) has been extended and adapted to the incidents of the wine industry. Logic Programming (LP) was used for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) in order to model the universe of discourse, even in the presence of incomplete data, information or knowledge. On the other hand, the evolutionary process of the body of knowledge is to be understood as a process of energy devaluation, enabling the automatic extraction of knowledge and the generation of reports to identify the most relevant causes of errors that can lead to a poor wine quality. In addition, the answers to the problem are object of formal evidence through theorem proving
Brazilian production on Information Science : an analysis based on complex networks
Evento realizado pela Associação Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ANCIB) e organizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal da Bahia (PPGCI/UFBA).A pesquisa realizada aplica e aprimora métodos relacionados à cientometria com foco na análise de redes complexas e análise lexical de resumos. Utiliza como principal base empírica a base de dados ABCDM (Arquivologia, Biblioteconomia, Ciência da Informação, Documentação e Museologia), que contém aproximadamente dez mil referências completas de publicações em revistas científicas brasileiras e portuguesas, além das publicações presentes no principal evento brasileiro de ciência da informação, o ENANCIB. Essa abordagem permite uma avaliação diferenciada da produção científica brasileira na área de ciência da informação e utilizou como referência as seis revistas brasileiras com maior número de citações no recorte temporal dos últimos 16 anos (2000-2015). Os métodos são baseados na análise de redes sociais, análise de redes complexas e na análise semântica de conteúdo. Dentre os elementos de pesquisa desenvolvidos a coautoria científica é o elemento central do projeto, com foco nos grupos de colaboração científica. Leva em consideração não apenas a relação entre os pesquisadores, mas também as relações entre as instituições de ensino e pesquisa e as áreas do conhecimento às quais se vinculam. Ademais, foi utilizado um método para classificação textual, de modo a validar a formação dos grupos de pesquisa ou colégios invisíveis e os textos relacionados às suas áreas do conhecimento. Embora a avaliação da produção científica seja importante para o entendimento do desenvolvimento científico, tecnológico e de inovação de um país, o Brasil ainda não dispõe de muitas bases científicas e metodologias próprias para avaliar a sua própria produção. Como estamos lidando com um número elevado de comunicações de viés científico, e considerando a presença parcial da produção científica nacional nas bases de dados estrangeiras, estimada em cerca de 20% de representatividade, se faz necessário o desenvolvimento de tecnologias nacionais que possam recuperar, tratar e disponibilizar os dados da produção brasileira de forma eficiente.The research applies and refines methods related to scientometrics and focusing on the analysis of complex networks and lexical analysis of abstracts. It used as the main empirical base the ABCDM database (Archival Science, Library Science, Information Science, Documentation and Museology) which contains approximately ten thousand full references of publications in Brazilian and Portuguese scientific journals, in addition to publications presented in the main Brazilian event in information science, the ENANCIB. This approach allowed a differentiated evaluation of the scientific production in information science and adopted as a reference the six Brazilian journals with the highest number of citations in the time frame of the last 16 years (2000-2015). The methods are based on social network analysis, analysis of complex networks and semantic analysis of content. Among the elements of research developed the scientific co-authorship is a central element of the project. It focused on scientific collaboration of groups and takes into account not only the relationship between researchers, but also the relationship between their affiliated research institutions and areas of knowledge. In addition, employed a method for text classification in order to validate the formation of research groups or invisible colleges and texts related to their areas of knowledge. Although the evaluation of scientific production is important to the understanding of the science, technology and innovation of a country, Brazil still does not have many specific scientific bases and methodologies to assess their own production. As we are dealing with a large number of scientific communications, and considering the partial presence of national scientific production in foreign databases - estimated at about 20% of representation - the development of national technologies is necessary to efficiently recover, treat and provide data about the Brazilian production
Fully Informed Vulnerable Road Users - Simpler, Maybe Better
Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) are all those with an increased vulnerability on the road, in particular non-motorised ones. Until now, the emphasis has been in politics more focused on drivers, vehicles and infrastructures. However, recent developments show a shift in other directions, with researchers now devoting efforts to improve VRUs' safety. Hence, this work focuses on pedestrian walking and crossing behaviour, attitudes, motivations and habits, being grounded on an approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning centred on logic programming, which establishes a formal logical inference engine that is complemented with an Artificial Neural Network line to computation
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