218 research outputs found

    Predictive Validity, Applicant Reactions, and Influence of Personal Characteristics of a Gamefully Designed Assessment

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    The use of game-related assessments (GRAs) in personnel selection is increasing. However, the type of GRA under investigation should be considered. This study focuses on game-based assessments, which closely resemble leisure-oriented videogames. We specifically examined a serious game that assesses personality traits (assertiveness, sociability, tolerance, and rules). We analyzed its predictive validity, applicant reactions, and the impact of personal and job-related factors on scores. The study included 182 participants who played the GRA and completed a Big Five questionnaire. Findings revealed that the game predicts adaptive performance, offering incremental value over the Big Five (ΔR2 = .107). Additionally, candidates reacted more positively to the GRA in terms of comfort and fit, although the effect size was small (d = -0.1757 and -0.3119, respectively). Relating to personal and job-related characteristics, only job experience significantly affected the assertiveness score, albeit with a small effect size (d = -0.3870)

    Accidentabilidad laboral y personalidad oscura: una revisión

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    Los rasgos de personalidad oscura pueden usarse de manera consistente para predecir la accidentabilidad laboral, aunque hasta el momento los trabajos que han estudiado los accidentes en el lugar de trabajo han empleado mayoritariamente el modelo Big Five. La relación entre los rasgos de la Tríada Oscura y la accidentabilidad laboral puede ser demostrada gracias al estrecho vínculo que existe entre ésta y el conocido y ampliamente estudiado modelo de personalidad. Adicionalmente, existen algunos estudios específicos sobre los rasgos de personalidad oscura en este campo, pero son escasos y necesitan ser ampliados y planteados desde diferentes enfoques y teniendo en cuenta otras variables organizacionales, culturales y del puesto. En los últimos años se ha incrementado el interéspor estudiar la relación entre ambas variables, por lo que se prevé la publicación de nuevos estudios en esta dirección, estudios que podrán permitir la aplicación de los resultados obtenidos de manera efectiva al ámbito de los RecursosHumanos y finalmente, a la prevención de riesgos y accidentes laborales.<br /

    The incremental effect of Dark personality over the Big Five in workplace bullying: Evidence from perpetrators and targets

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    The current study analyzes the relationship between workplace bullying (self-reported experience of being a target and perpetration of bullying behaviors), Big Five and Dark Tetrad personality traits. The sample comprised 613 employees (54% female) from different Spanish organizations. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that neuroticism and Machiavellianism were positively related to being a target to bullying-related behaviors, whereas narcissism was negatively related. In the case of perpetrators, narcissism and sadism were positively, and agreeableness negatively related to workplace bullying behaviors. We conclude that personality traits are different in targets and perpetrators and should always be considered when investigating workplace bullying

    Dark Tetrad and workplace deviance: Investigating the moderating role of organizational justice perceptions

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    This study tested the direct effects of Dark Tetrad traits on organizational and interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). We also examined the moderating effects of the three dimensions of organizational justice – distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice – on the Dark Tetrad-CWBs relationships. Based on the data from 613 employees across different occupations, the results revealed that only psychopathy and sadism had significant effects on CWBs targeted at the organization. The results also supported the direct effect of sadism on interpersonal CWBs. The findings confirmed the moderating role of interactional justice but differentially, depending on the dark trait and the target of workplace deviance. Whereas low and medium levels of interactional justice moderated the relationship between Machiavellianism and CWBs directed to the organization, it did not play any role in narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism. Regarding CWBs aimed at other people, interactional justice emerged as a significant moderator in Machiavellianism and sadism. But, whereas sadistic employees performed more harmful behaviors toward other individuals whatever their level of interactional justice, if people high in Machiavellianism (Machs) perceived a high fair interpersonal treatment, they did not show deviant behaviors directed at other employees. The paper concludes with some suggestions and recommendations about the relevance of organizational justice in the influence of dark personality traits on CWBs

    Game-related assessments for personnel selection: A systematic review

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    Industrial development in recent decades has led to using information and communication technologies (ICT) to support personnel selection processes. One of the most notable examples is game-related assessments (GRA), supposedly as accurate as conventional tests but which generate better applicant reactions and reduce the likelihood of adverse impact and faking. However, such claims still lack scientific support. Given practitioners’ increasing use of GRA, this article reviews the scientific literature on gamification applied to personnel selection to determine whether the current state of the art supports their use in professional practice and identify specific aspects on which future research should focus. Following the PRISMA model, a search was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, identifying 34 valid articles, of which 85.3% are empirical studies that analyze five areas: (1) validity; (2) applicant reactions; (3) design of GRA; (4) personal characteristics and GRA; and (5) adverse impact and faking. Together, these studies show that GRA can be used in personnel selection but that the supposed advantages of GRA over conventional tests are fewer than imagined. The results also suggest several aspects on which research should focus (e.g., construct validity, differences depending on the type of game, prediction of different job performance dimensions), which could help define the situations in which the use of GRA may be recommended

    Analysis of a brief biodata scale as a predictor of job performance and its incremental validity over the Big Five and Dark Tetrad personality traits

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    The collection of biographical information (biodata) through CVs and application forms has many advantages, namely easiness of collection, acceptable validity, less prone to faking, and the fulfilment of legal requirements. However, its systematic use among practitioners is scarce. Two of the mains reasons is the overlap with other constructs like personality and the lack of validated biodata scales in articles and public repositories. Aimed to fill this gap, García-Izquierdo and colleagues developed an 8-item scale able to generate positive applicant reactions, but they did not provide empirical evidence that their scale is able to predict job performance. The present paper was developed for this purpose, investigating the scale’s relationship with four different dimensions of job performance (i.e., task performance, contextual performance, counterproductive behaviors, and adaptive performance) and its incremental validity with respect to Big Five and Dark Tetrad personality traits. The study comprises 528 employees from different organizations (Mage = 39.51, SD = 14.25; 52.8% women, Mexperience = 17.06, SD = 13.27) which voluntarily agreed to participate filling a questionnaire with the variables of interest. Results provide evidence of the predictive validity of the biodata scale in a multi-occupational sample; identify that these biodata contribute to predicting two specific types of job performance: contextual performance and adaptive performance; shows that a brief job-related biodata scale achieves results comparable to those of most personality traits in predictive models of job performance dimensions; and provide evidence of the incremental predictive validity of biodata over the Big Five and the Dark Tetrad. As a whole, these results provide support for the use of the scale in researcher and applied settings, and contributes to the advance the knowledge of biodata for personnel selection

    Propuesta de creación de un Centro Especializado de Día para Enfermos Mentales crónicos que no requieren hospitalización

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    El trabajo de fin de grado consistirá en crear un proyecto sobre un centro de día de rehabilitación psicosocial para individuos que padezcan algún tipo de patología mental grave. Es una evidencia constatada que existe una gran demanda de este tipo de recursos en nuestra Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón y pocos centros de este tipo. Es necesario comprender que las personas que padecen patologías psiquiátricas graves constituyen un colectivo muy vulnerable con escasos recursos, con alto riesgo de marginación y bajo un estigma social que dificulta muchas veces su integración y la de sus familias por lo que no sólo precisan de una atención sanitaria adecuada, sino también de otras actuaciones (educativa, rehabilitadora y potenciadora de su reinserción social). Este proyecto se basa en la creación de un centro privado sin ánimo de lucro dedicado a tareas de carácter social en el ámbito de la salud mental para personas que padecen trastornos mentales graves en Aragón. El fin último del centro sería favorecer la autonomía personal de los enfermos para que puedan enfrentarse a la vida diaria

    Proyecto de intervención “Penélope”: Abordaje biopsicosocial de aspectos relacionados con la prostitución en mujeres usuarias del programa “Ulises” del Centro de Solidaridad de Zaragoza

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    Este trabajo trata de abordar varios aspectos relacionados con la prostitución en el colectivo de mujeres que se encuentran en tratamiento de mantenimiento con metadona, a través (programa Ulises) en el Centro de Solidaridad Proyecto Hombre de Zaragoza. En concreto, se ha diseñado un proyecto de intervención cuyo principal objetivo es la creación de un espacio grupal donde se puedan trabajar factores biopsicosociales para las mujeres usuarias del programa Ulises que han ejercido la prostitución, la están ejerciendo en la actualidad o tienen riesgo de ejercerla

    Análisis del burnout en la residencia de ancianos Rey Ardid de Belchite

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    Hoy en día, la presencia de riesgos psicosociales es constante en todos los trabajos, independientemente del sector de actividad, siendo el estrés laboral el más importante. Cuando el estrés se cronifica, puede dar lugar a la aparición de otros riesgos como es el caso del burnout, especialmente común en el sector sanitario. En este contexto, el objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado, ha sido el estudio del síndrome de burnout en la residencia de ancianos Rey Ardid de Belchite. Para ello se llevó a cabo una revisión de la literatura previa sobre el tema, para posteriormente realizar un estudio empírico en la citada residencia

    Ictus cerebral: análisis de las necesidades de los afectados y sus familiares tras el alta hospitalaria

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    El ictus es una de las principales causas de muerte en nuestra sociedad, afectando cada año a unas 125.000 personas en España; es la principal causa de incapacidad grave y de larga duración y la segunda de demencia. El primer objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer cuáles son las necesidades de este colectivo tras el alta hospitalaria. Una vez detectadas dichas necesidades, el segundo objetivo es realizar un análisis de los recursos disponibles (a nivel público y privado) en Zaragoza, y evaluar en qué medida estas quedan cubiertas, así como detectar aquellas necesidades que quedan sin cubrir