1 research outputs found

    A scale for the identification of the complex chronic pediatric patient (PedCom Scale): A pilot study.

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    The complex chronic condition (CCC) is an increasingly prevalent reality in pediatrics. However, having a CCC does not necessarily mean being a complex chronic patient (CCP). From this perspective, we developed an instrument (PedCom Scale) that would facilitate the identification of the CCP. Initially, general aspects for the classification of patients as CCP were defined. Subsequently, the items of the scale were developed, scoring them from 0.5 to 4 points. We performed a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the internal consistency was studied using alpha-Cronbach. Concordance was evaluated by intra- and inter-observer study. The gold standard was the classification performed by two evaluators after assessing the patient's medical history. The cut-off point for considering the patient as a CCP was established using the ROC curve. The initial version included 43 items with a global content validity index (CVI) of 0.94. A total of 180 patients were included. After the CFA, one item was eliminated, so the final version consists of 42 items with an CVI of 0.95. The alpha-Cronbach value was 0.723. The intraclass correlation coefficient of the test-retest analysis was 0.998 and 0.996 for the inter-observer study. The cut-off point for considering a patient as a CCP was established at 6.5 points, with this results we obtained a sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 94%. The PedCom Scale is an easy-to-use tool focused on the identification of the CCP. In our sample, it presented satisfactory levels of internal consistency and adequate levels of intra- and inter-observer agreement, with good sensitivity and specificity for the identification of the CCP