22 research outputs found

    Eficacia da combinación de terapia de espello baseada en tarefas, adestramento orientado a tarefas e estimulación eléctrica funcional en doentes con ictus: proxecto de investigación

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    [Resumen] Introducción. Se ha demostrado que tras un Accidente Cerebro Vascular es necesaria la rehabilitación para mejorar la funcionalidad de los miembros superiores y el nivel de independencia. Algunas terapias que han demostrado tener evidencia son la Terapia en Espejo Basada en Tareas (TBMT), el Entrenamiento Orientado a Tareas (EOT) y la Estimulación Eléctrica Funcional (FES). Así mismo, la combinación de éstas puede resultar más eficaz, pero se indica la necesidad de realizar más estudios sobre su aplicación. Además, no existe ningún estudio que utilice estas terapias con un nuevo dispositivo de FES, Fesia Grasp®. Objetivo. Analizar si existen diferencias en relación a la recuperación funcional del miembro superior afecto y en los diferentes dominios de la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento de la Discapacidad y de la Salud en pacientes con hemiparesia tras un ACV, cuando se combina FES, TBMT y EOT frente al uso de la TBMT con EOT. Material y métodos. Se plantea un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, simple ciego. Los participantes serán reclutados en el área de Neurología del Hospital Universitario de Burgos. En este programa se combinará la TBMT, EOT y FES en el grupo experimental; el grupo control realizará las mismas terapias pero utilizando FES con efecto placebo. El programa tendrá una duración de 8 semanas y constará de 40 sesiones. Se realizarán 30 minutos de TBMT y otros 30 de EOT combinados con FES mediante Fesia Grasp®. Se analizarán diferencias de variables clasificadas dentro de los dominios de la CIF, para ello se realizará una evaluación pre-intervención y 2 post-intervención, una tras finalizar y otra a los 6 meses.[Abstract] Background. It has been shown that after a stroke, rehabilitation is necessary to improve upper limb function and level of independence. Some therapies that have shown evidence are Task-Based Mirroring Therapy (TBMT), Task-Oriented Training (EOT) and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). Also, the combination of these may be more effective, but further studies on their application are indicated. Furthermore, there is no study using these therapies with a new FES device, Fesia Grasp®. Objetive. To analyse whether there are differences in relation to functional recovery of the affected upper limb and in the different domains of the International Classification of Disability Functioning and Health in patients with hemiparesis after stroke, when FES, TBMT and EOT are combined versus the use of TBMT with EOT. Material and methods. A randomised, single-blind clinical trial is proposed. Participants will be recruited from the Neurology Department of the University Hospital of Burgos. In this programme, TBMT, EOT and FES will be combined in the experimental group; the control group will perform the same therapies but using FES with placebo effect. The programme will last 8 weeks and will consist of 40 sessions. There will be 30 minutes of TBMT and 30 minutes of EOT combined with FES using Fesia Grasp®. Differences in variables classified within the domains of the ICF will be analysed, for which a pre-intervention and two post-intervention evaluations will be carried out, one after the end of the programme and another at 6 months.[Resumo] Introdución. Demostrouse que despois dun ictus é necesaria unha rehabilitación para mellorar a funcionalidade dos membros superiores e o nivel de independencia. Algunhas terapias que demostraron evidencias son a Terapia baseada en espellos (TBMT), o adestramento orientado a tarefas (EOT) e a estimulación eléctrica funcional (FES). Do mesmo xeito, a combinación destes pode ser máis eficaz, pero indícase a necesidade de estudos posteriores sobre a súa aplicación. Ademais, non hai estudos que empreguen estas terapias cun novo dispositivo FES, Fesia Grasp®. Obxectivo. Analizar se hai diferenzas en relación coa recuperación funcional do membro superior afectado e nos diferentes dominios da Clasificación Internacional de Discapacidade e Funcionamento da Saúde en doentes con hemiparesia despois do ictus, cando se combinan FES, TBMT e EOT en comparación co uso de TBMT con EOT. Material e método. Proponse un ensaio clínico aleatorizado e único cego. Os participantes serán recrutados na área de Neuroloxía do Hospital Universitario de Burgos. Neste programa, TBMT, EOT e FES combinaranse no grupo experimental; o grupo control realizará as mesmas terapias empregando FES cun efecto placebo. O programa terá unha duración de 8 semanas e constará de 40 sesións. Levaranse a cabo 30 minutos de TBMT e outros 30 de EOT combinados con FES realízanse usando Fesia Grasp®. Analizaranse as diferenzas de variables clasificadas dentro dos dominios da ICF, para iso levaranse a cabo unha avaliación previa á intervención e 2 avaliacións posteriores á intervención, unha despois de rematar e outra aos 6 meses.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2020/202

    Perceptions and preparedness of secondary teacher trainees to foster inclusive schools for all

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    Introduction: The advancement of inclusive education over the past few decades emphasizes the pivotal role of teachers in transforming the educational landscape. As schools transition toward a more inclusive approach, it is imperative to evaluate the efficacy of initial teacher training programs in preparing educators for this inclusive transition. This study aims to describe the preparedness and perceptions of students in the Master's Degree in Secondary Education, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching (MDSE) regarding inclusive education, guided by the profile developed by the European Agency for the Development of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (AEDNEEI). Methods: Furthermore, the research analyzes how external factors, such as perceived self-efficacy, influence these perceptions and readiness for inclusive teaching. A total of 218 students enrolled in the MDSE, with an average age of 31.5 years and a standard deviation of 6, were examined. Of the participants, 33% were male and 67% were female. These students came from different Spanish universities and were either in the final stages of their studies or had already completed them. Prior to participating, they had finished the generic module and completed their practice sessions in secondary education centers. The "Teacher Training in Secondary Education: Key Elements for Teaching in an Inclusive School for All" (TTSE-IN) questionnaire was employed, which includes five validated and pertinent instruments, with four of them being employed for the study's objectives: The "Questionnaire for Future Secondary Education Teachers about Perceptions of Diversity Attention", the "Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Teacher Training for Inclusion CEFI-R", the Revised Scale of Feelings, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education" (SACIE-R), and the "Brief Scale of Teacher Self-Efficacy". Results and Discussion: The results show the presence of positive attitudes in future educators along with a poor overall assessment of the training received, which raises concerns about the development of teaching functions more related to daily work in the classroom and the implementation of inclusive methodologies. At the same time, both regular and close contact with people in situations of special vulnerability, experience in training in nonformal contexts, and the level of teacher self-efficacy, in its different components, are postulated as some of the facilitators of the development of the postulates and values of inclusive education and predictors of greater capacity toward attention to diversity.SV was supported by PID2022-136246NB-I00 grant from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación

    A Cross-Sectional Study: Determining Factors of Functional Independence and Quality of Life of Patients One Month after Having Suffered a Stroke

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    Loss of quality of life (QoL) and functional independence are two of the most common consequences of suffering a stroke. The main objective of this research is to study which factors are the greatest determinants of functional capacity and QoL a month after suffering a stroke so that they can be considered in early interventions

    Secondary Education Teacher Training and Emotional Intelligence: Ingredients for Attention to Diversity in anInclusive School for All

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    This study, which is part of a broader research project, aims to investigate the impact of the initial training received by students in the Master?s Degree in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching (MDSE) on their future teaching development in the current educational and social framework. The main goal is to understand their concerns, attitudes, and level of acquired competencies and knowledge for their professional development as inclusive teachers. Additionally, the study aims to explore the relationship between their assessments and experiences with the perceived level of Emotional Intelligence (EI), given its importance as a facilitating element, which is teachable from formal education, in socio-educational inclusion processes and quality attention to diversity in classrooms. A total of 218 MDSE students (Mage = 31.5; SD = 6; males = 33%; females = 67%) participated in the study, coming from various Spanish universities, and having either completed their studies or being in the final stages after having completed the generic module and practices in secondary education centers. The information was collected through the ?Teacher Training in Secondary Education: Key Elements for Teaching in an Inclusive School for All? (TTSE-IN) questionnaire, which included five validated and relevant instruments, of which three were used for the study?s purpose (Questionnaire for Future Secondary Education Teachers about Perceptions of Diversity Attention, Scale of Feelings, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education, Revised SACIE-R andWong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale WLEIS-S). The main results indicate that future teachers show a positive attitude towards diversity but have significant training gaps. Additionally, the EI variable, along with regular contact with people in situations of special vulnerability and experience in teaching people in situations of special vulnerability in non-formal contexts, has a positive effect on both teacher well-being and the facilitation of inclusive education processes and diversity attention

    Reliability and Validity of the Motor Activity Log (MAL-30) Scale for Post-Stroke Patients in a Spanish Sample

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    The validation of assessment instruments is of great importance when they are applied in clinical and healthcare settings, since their safe and reliable use is essential for the application of appropriate and high-quality treatments. The motor activity log (MAL-30) is an instrument widely used by professionals in the clinic, which has been validated in different countries, languages and populations. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the MAL-30 scale for post-stroke patients in a Spanish sample.This research was funded by the CaixaBank Foundation (CAIXA-UBU002)

    Executive Functions in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Grade 1 and 2, vs. Neurotypical Development: A School View

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    Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social and communication functioning. Previous studies suggest that people with autism spectrum disorders have deficits in executive functions, having found a relationship with cognitive flexibility, planning, working memory, inhibition or self-control, but it is especially with respect to cognitive flexibility where the greatest dysfunctions have been found. The objective of this research was to compare the executive functioning of a group of children and adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders with another with neurotypical development in an educational context

    Executive Functions in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Family and School Environment

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the presence of difficulties in communication and social interaction, often associated with deficits in executive functions (EF). The EF correct development is related to a more effective functioning in all its daily activities, while being associated with more efficient social relations. The objective of this research is to analyze the level of development of EF in children and adolescents with ASD in school and at home. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, and multicenter study with 102 participants selected by non-probabilistic sampling, 32 parents of children with ASD, and 70 professionals in the field of education of students with ASD. The study confirms that although children and adolescents with ASD have problems in executive functioning, the perception of informants, parents, and education professionals is similar but not the same in the different contexts: school and home

    Bullying in Adolescents: Differences between Gender and School Year and Relationship with Academic Performance

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    School bullying is a phenomenon of unjustified aggression in the school environment that is widespread throughout the world and with serious consequences for both the bully and the bullied. The objectives of this research were to analyze the differences between the different bullying categories by gender and academic year in primary and secondary education students, as well as their relationship with academic performance. To categorize students according to their bullying experiences, the European Bullying Intervention Project (EBIPQ) Questionnaire was used. The Chi-square test was used to compare the scores obtained by the students in the EBIPQ based on gender and academic year, and the one-way ANOVA test was used to analyze its relationship with academic performance. Research participants were 562 students from the 5th (n = 228) and 6th (n = 186) primary school years and the 1st (n = 134) and 2nd (n = 94) secondary school years. They were males (50.5%) and females (49.5%) ranging in ages from 10 to 15 years old (mean = 11.66, standard deviation = 1.206). The results showed statistically significant differences in gender and academic year, indicating a greater number of boys in the role of the bully/victim and girls in that of non-bully/non-victim. The most aggressive students were in the 2nd year of ESO (12–13 years old). Regarding academic performance, statistically significant differences were obtained that confirm the hypothesis that performance or average grade varies according to the category of bullying in which students find themselves. The academic performance of the non-bully/non-victim and those in the victim category was found to be higher than that of bullies and bully/victim students

    Functionality, physical activity, fatigue and quality of life in patients with acute COVID-19 and Long COVID infection

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    A prominent feature of COVID-19, both in the short and long term, is the reduction in quality of life (QoL) due to low functionality scores and the presence of fatigue, which can hinder daily activities. The main objective of this study is to compare the functional status, level of physical activity, fatigue, and QoL of patients with Long COVID to other COVID-19 patients who did not develop persistent illness, and to determine whether there is a relationship between these variables and QoL. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 170 participants who had been infected with COVID-19 or had developed Long COVID. The main variables studied were functionality, physical activity, QoL and fatigue, measured using the PostCOVID-19 Functional Status Scale (PCFS), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Short Form 12 (SF-12), and Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). The main findings show a significant relationship (p < 0.001) between reduced functionality, lower physical activity levels, increased fatigue severity, and poorer QoL in Long COVID patients. Furthermore, these variables are also related to worse QoL, but only functional status predicts it. In conclusion, our results have shown highly significant correlations between the group with COVID-19 and Long COVID regarding functional status, level of physical activity, QoL, and fatigue

    Psychometric Analysis of an Academic Self-Attribution Questionnaire in Middle and High School Students in Italy: Implications of Gender and Age

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    This research aimed to validate the Academic Success and Failure Attribution Questionnaire (ASFAQ) and analyze gender and age differences in middle and high school students in Italy. Methods: From the ASFAQ questionnaire validated with Spanish students, an analysis of the psychometric characteristics of the scale was carried out using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). To compare ASFAQ scores by gender and school year, the independent samples parametric t-test and Pearson’s coincidence test were used. (3) Results: in total, 976 students participated in the research, of which 515 were middle school students and 461 were high school students. The results showed a validity of the ASFAQ for Italian students, in addition to statistically significant differences between males and females, and school year. (4) Conclusions: The ASFAQ is reliable and valid to assess the attributional styles of academic success and failure in an Italian context. There are significant differences in sex and school year, and a consequence with age