1 research outputs found

    Escape room in the initial training of kindergarten teachers

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    La Competencia Digital Docente se ha instaurado como una de las habilidades b谩sicas y est谩 ganando terreno en el campo educativo dentro de un nuevo enfoque en la educaci贸n virtual. En los 煤ltimos a帽os, se ha incrementado su presencia en las organizaciones educativas. En este sentido, esta investigaci贸n se centra en el dise帽o y validaci贸n de la estructura, contenido y tareas de un itinerario formativo para el desarrollo de la Competencia Digital de docentes no universitarios en base al Marco DigCompEdu de la Uni贸n Europea. Esta investigaci贸n se enmarca en una mayor y, como paso previo a un estudio m谩s amplio, se establece un dise帽o de validaci贸n tipo Delphi mediante coeficiente experto que cuenta con la participaci贸n de 50 personas. Los resultados demuestran la validez de la propuesta formativa, as铆 como la uniformidad de criterio de los expertos. En este sentido, se debate la aplicaci贸n y beneficios de esta acci贸n formativa para el desarrollo competencial.Digital Teaching Competence has been established as one of the basic skills and is gaining ground in the educational field within a new approach to virtual education. In recent years, its presence in educational organizations has increased. In this sense, this research focuses on the design and validation of the structure, content and tasks of a training itinerary for the development of the Digital Competence of non-university teachers based on the DigCompEdu Framework of the European Union. This research is part of a larger one and, as a preliminary step to a broader study, a Delphi-type validation design is established using an expert coefficient with the participation of 50 people. The results demonstrate the validity of the training proposal, as well as the uniformity of criteria of the experts. In this sense, the application and benefits of this training action for competence development are discussed