4,916 research outputs found
Censo y distribución de los efectivos de Paloma Torcaz Columba palumbus invernantes en la Península Ibérica
Durante las temporadas 1997-1998, 1998-1999 y 1999-2000 se efectuaron censos de la población de palomas torcaces en el área tradicional de invernada ibérica, que comprende el cuadrante suroccidental de la Península. El método aplicado fue el conteo de agrupaciones en dormideros comunales, de los que se han inventariado 218 hasta la fecha. Se realizaron cuatro conteos por temporada. Los datos cuantitativos indicaron que la población invernante en el área de estudio rondaría los 2,5-3 millones de aves. La distribución del contingente no fue homogénea en el área de estudio, con presencias masivas en Portugal y en Extremadura-Toledo alternativamente. La respuesta aparentemente directa mostrada por las palomas invernantes hacia la capacidad trófica de la dehesa sugiere que este factor podría tener poder predictivo sobre la distribución espacial y temporal de la invernada.1997-1998, 1998-1999 eta 1999-2000 denboraldietan, pagauso-populazioen errolda egin zen Penintsulan negua pasatzeko erabili ohi duten eremuan, hain zuzen ere Penintsularen hego-mendebaldeko koadrantean. Metodoa izan zen etzaleku komunaletako taldeak zenbatzea. Datu kuantitatiboen arabera, azterketa-eremuko populazio negutarra 2,5-3 milioi ingurukoa da. Azterketa-eremuan ez zen homogeneoa izan hegaztion banaketa; Portugalen eta Extremadura-Toledon, esate baterako, aldizka presentzia masiboak izan ziren. Uso negutarrek itxura batean erantzun zuzena erakutsi dute larrearen gaitasun trofikoaren aurrean, eta ildo horretatik, pentsatzekoa da faktore honek negutarren banaketa espazial eta tenporala iragartzeko balio dezakeela.Au cours des saisons 1997-1998, 1998-1999 et 1999-2000 des recensements de la population de pigeons ramiers ont été effectués dans la zone traditionnelle d'hivernage ibérique qui englobe le quadrant sud-ouest de la Péninsule. La méthode appliquée a été le comptage de groupes. D'après les données quantitatives, la population hivernante dans la zone d'étude se situerait aux alentours de 2,5-3 millions d'individus. La distribution de ces contingents n'a pas été homogène dans la zone d'étude, avec des présences massives alternativement au Portugal et en Extrémadure-Tolède. La réponse apparemment directe des pigeons hivernants à la capacité trophique du pâturage suggère que l'analyse de ce facteur pourrait permettre des prédictions concernant la distribution spatiale et temporelle des Pigeons Ramiers en hivernage.Throughout the 1997-1998, 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 seasons, Wood Pigeon population censuses were carried out in the traditional Iberian wintering area, which comprises the southwestern quadrant of the Peninsula. The method applied was the direct counting off locks in communal roosts. Quantitative data suggests that wintering population in the study area would be made up of about 2,5-3 million birds. The distribution of these contingents was not homogeneous within the study area, with a massive presence in Portugal and Extremadura-Toledo alternatively. The seemingly direct response shown by wintering Wood Pigeons toward the nutritional capacity of the "dehesa" suggests that the analysis of this factor could enable predictions on the spatial and seasonal distribution of the population
An Ontological Representation of the Characteristic Problems of Real-Time Systems
International audienceSoftware Architectural Assessment is becoming a key discipline to identify at early stages of a system synthesis the most important problems that may become relevant in operation. This matter is especially critical for those systems with real-time constraints. Special emphasis shall be made on concurrency issues. Typical RTOS mechanisms supporting concurrency, such as semaphores or monitors, usually lead to execution time penalties hard to identify, reproduce and solve. For this reason it is crucial to understand the root causes of these problems and to provide support to identify and mitigate them at early stages of the system lifecycle. The main objective of this paper is to propose a new classification of the most important problems related to real-time software systems and to provide mechanisms and guidelines to help engineers improve their architectural designs. The taxonomy has been applied to a particular architectural style (UML-PPOOA) and it is used as a reference to create a new assessment module on the PPOOA- Visio CASE tool [15] to support concurrency problems detection
ITQMM: A New Model for IT Processes
Information Technology (IT) Governance and IT Service and Processes Management (ITSM) are one of the priorities in organizations. Although many organizations are aware of the importance of using well-defined quality IT processes, they face the problem of how to use and improve them in practice. One of the final objectives of any ITSM policy must be to guarantee an adequate IT quality. In this sense, the use of action frameworks as Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) or Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) is essential. However, several quality models and maturity models have been developed, but they are not focused on how to measure the IT quality. As they do not include the appropriate mechanisms, it is necessary to complement them with other quality frameworks, e.g. European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). This paper proposes a maturity model for IT quality improvement based mainly on ITIL and EFQM
A fortress inside a castle: Intervention methodology for the conservation and restoration of the original battlements of the "Castillo de San Romualdo" (San Fernando, Cádiz)
El artículo aborda la metodología y proceso de intervención en el lado oeste del Castillo de San Romualdo (San Fernando, Cádiz). El objetivo es documentar el estado de conservación de las distintas áreas, definir los criterios de intervención que rigieron nuestro trabajo, analizar los materiales constructivos y describir unos tratamientos óptimos de conservación y restauración como parte del proyecto general de actuación sobre el edificio.This article discusses the methodology and intervention process in the west side of the Castillo de San Romualdo (San Fernando, Cádiz). Our aim is to document the state of conservation of the different areas, define the intervention criteria that guided our work, analyze the construction materials, and describe optimal treatments of conservation and restoration as part of the overall project for the building.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Historia del Art
Combining dimensional analysis with model based systems engineering
The model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach describes a system using consistent views to provide a holistic model as complete as possible. MBSE methodologies end with the physical architecture of the system, but a physical model is clearly incomplete without the study of its associated physical laws and phenomena related to the whole system or its parts. However, the computational demands could be excessive even for modest projects. Dimensional analysis (DA) is common in fluid dynamics and chemical engineering, but its application to systems engineering is still limited. We describe an engineering methodological process, which incorporates DA as a powerful tool to understand the physical constraints of the system without the burden of complex analytical or numerical calculations. A detailed example describing a microantenna is presented showing the benefits of this approach. The selected example describes a problem rarely covered in modern expositions of DA in order to show the wide benefit of these techniques. The information provided by this analysis is very useful to select the best physically realizable architectures, testing design, and conduct trade-off studies. The complexity of modern systems and systems of systems demands new testing procedures in order to comply with increasingly demanding requirements and regulations. This can be accomplished through research in new DA methods. Finally, this article serves as a fairly comprehensive guide to the use of DA in the context of MBSE, detailing its strengths, limitations, and controversial issues
Fotobiorreactor de doble lazo con desgasificador plano
Número de publicación: ES2150389 A1 (16.11.2000) También publicado como: ES2150389 B1 (01.07.2001) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P9900115 (21.01.1999)Un dispositivo en material transparente para el cultivo de microorganismos fotosintéticos acuáticos, que consta de un receptor solar (sistema tubular a dos niveles optimizado) y un sistema de impulsión (burbujeo de aire en un desgasificador plano), y que es operable tanto en continuo como en discontinuo, permitiendo la inyección de dióxido de carbono y el control del pH y de la concentración de oxígeno disuelto en el cultivo. El fotobiorreactor puede ser aplicado tanto para la producción de biomasa y bio-moléculas de interés a partir de microorganismos foto-autotróficos, como para cualquier proceso que se favorezca o necesite el aporte de energía por radiación.Universidad de Almerí
A RIA based VRP Information System: Application to Real-World Petroleum Products Distribution
Over the years, a large body of research and development covers the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) and its multiple characteristics, but few investigations examine it as an Information System, and far fewer as how it should be addressed from a development and implementation point of view. This paper tries to address this situation by describing the implementation decisions made by the authors toward the development of an Information System for a VRP solution. In order to achieve a viable VRP Information System in real world activities, authors have developed a Web-based solution with multiple web frameworks for each architecture layer, focusing on functionality and usability. To achieve these goals, authors have used SmartGWT as a powerful Web based RIA SPA framework with Java integration, and multiple server frameworks and OSS based solutions, applied to development of a very complex VRP system for a logistics operator ofpetroleum products
Cristales líquidos: bases de su comportamiento I
En este primer artículo, de una serie de tres,se presentan las principales clases de cristales líquidos existentes, así como las configuraciones más usuales de trabajo. Se presentan algunas formas de fabricación de células, y se dan las bases físicas de su comportamiento óptico, eléctrico y magnético. Finalmente se ofrece una panorámica global de sus principales aplicaciones
Nuevos materiales para nuevas tecnologías electrónicas
La Electrónica y la Química Orgánica, que han sido campos separados durante muchos años, se están acercando rápidamente en la actualidad. De un tiempo a esta parte han surgido bastantes áreas de interés común, en las que ambas ciencias aparecen como complementarias. Este trabajo se concentra en tres de estas áreas: la primera, adhesivos y
compuestos afines, es un ejemplo clásico de los materiales que han sido desarrollados por la Química Orgánica para usos electrónicos; la segunda, cristales líquidos, es una reciente contribución a la Electrónica en la cual se sigue investigando intensamente; la tercera, semiconductores orgánicos, predice una relación aún más próxima de estos dos campos a corto y medio plazo
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