8 research outputs found

    Perkaitan di antara kesulitan ekonomi, kualiti perkahwinan, tingkah laku keibubapaan ibu dengan stres remaja

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    Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan di antara kesulitan ekonomi, kualiti perkahwinan dan tingkah laku keibubapaan ibu dengan stres remaja etnik Iranun di daerah Kota Belud dan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Seramai 129 responden ibu (57 bandar dan 72 luar bandar) dan 129 responden remaja (55 lelaki dan 74 perempuan) berumur antara 13 hingga 17 tahun dijadikan subjek kajian. Kaedah tinjauan bersifat korelasi menggunakan instrumen Economic Strain Questionnaire (ESQ) bagi mengukur kesulitan ekonomi, Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMS) dan Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) mengukur kualiti perkahwinan, Parenfs Report (PR) mengukur tingkah laku keibubapaan ibu dan Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS) dan Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) mengukur stres remaja digunakan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara kesulitan ekonomi, kualiti perkahwinan dan tingkah laku keibubapaan ibu dengan stres remaja. Keputusan juga menunjukkan kualiti perkahwinan dan tingkah laku keibubapaan ibu tidak dapat berperanan sebagai perantara ke atas hubungan di antara kesulitan ekonomi dengan stres remaja

    Campuran kebimbangan dan kemurungan dalam kalangan ibu bapa kanak-kanak kurang upaya fizikal di luar bandar Sabah

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    Penyelidik terdahulu telah menunjukkan bahawa ibu bapa kanak-kanak kurang upaya fizikal mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk mempunyai masalah kesihatan mental yang disebabkan oleh cabaran besar dalam membesarkan anak kurang upaya. Cabaran ini ditambah lagi oleh kesukaran hidup di kawasan luar bandar. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti sama ada ibu bapa kanak-kanak OKU fizikal mempunyai Mixed Anxiety and Depression (MAD) dan membina pemahaman yang mendalam "mengapa" ibu bapa mengalami MAD. Bahan untuk kajian kes ini diperoleh mengguna Kessler psychological ditress scale (K-10) dan temubual secara mendalam. Enam orang ibu bapa yang mempunyai MAD telah ditemubual. Analisis kandungan induktif dengan bantuan program komputer ATLAS.ti 7 telah menghasilkan enam simptom MAD ibu bapa (gangguan tidur, cepat marah, bimbang, mudah menangis, menjangkakan sesuatu yang buruk akan berlaku dan putus asa (hopeless) mengenai masa depan) dan lima sumber MAD (kekurangan sokongan, masalah penerimaan, kekurangan maklumat dan pengalaman, faktor luar bandar dan masalah kesihatan anak. Dapat disimpulkan, dapatan kajian ini berkaitan dengan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh ibu bapa dalam membesarkan anak-anak dari segi fizikal di luar bandar Sabah

    Organizational stressor of staff negative behaviors among higher education deans: a post positivist multiple case study

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    Organizations and institutions today are now seeing rise of organizational stress and how it is directly contributing to the rise of financial and personal cost of mental health issues among its workers (Patty, 2016). The all important field of higher education is not spared and is also undergoing a paradigm shift, as a historically low competition industry to a sudden highly competitive industry (Otara, 2015). With these drastic changes, higher education deans are now plagued by a myriad of organizational stressors. A qualitative case study approach was used to investigated this phenomenon, encompassing the interview techniques of Patton (2002) and the validity and reliability exercises of Creswell (2014). Deans from one institution was found to encounter staff related organizational stressors which consisted of lecturer low performance, lecturer going against dean, lecturer against lecturer, lecturer negative behavior, lecturer low work ethic, and administrative staff negative work elements. This confirmed on the existence of organizational stressors among higher education deans and may be used to spur future research to reduce or eliminated this phenomenon

    Peningkatan kualiti diri melalui intervensi interpersonal

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    The study aimed to identify whether social emotional intelligence training can increase the level of interpersonal. This quasi-experimental study used self evaluation report that was given during the pre and post tests after 14 weeks of training. Each training was 2 hours each week. Second year students of Psychology at Universiti Malaysia Sabah participated in this study. 19 students were selected into the expeimental group and received an intervention, while 22 students were selected for the control group. The selection of participants was based on students who had low scores for social emotional intelligence using the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) that consists of 133 items, divided into 5 components and 15 subscales. Pre test was given at the starting of the semester to get the basic scores and comparisons for the outcome after the participants received training using the ‘Modul Latihan Kecerdasan Emosi Sosial’ which was developed by the researchers. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney analyses were used to examine the difference between pre and post social emotional intelligence training within and between groups. The results showed that social emotional intelligence interpersonal skills increased after training in the treatment group. The comparison between the control group and the treatment group showed that there was a significant difference. In conclusion, social emotional intelligence training (interpersonal) has a positive effect on participants in the treatment group

    Peningkatan kualiti diri melalui intervensi interpersonal

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    The study aimed to identify whether social emotional intelligence training can increase the level of interpersonal. This quasi-experimental study used self evaluation report that was given during the pre and post tests after 14 weeks of training. Each training was 2 hours each week. Second year students of Psychology at Universiti Malaysia Sabah participated in this study. 19 students were selected into the expeimental group and received an intervention, while 22 students were selected for the control group. The selection of participants was based on students who had low scores for social emotional intelligence using the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) that consists of 133 items, divided into 5 components and 15 subscales. Pre test was given at the starting of the semester to get the basic scores and comparisons for the outcome after the participants received training using the ‘Modul Latihan Kecerdasan Emosi Sosial’ which was developed by the researchers. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney analyses were used to examine the difference between pre and post social emotional intelligence training within and between groups. The results showed that social emotional intelligence interpersonal skills increased after training in the treatment group. The comparison between the control group and the treatment group showed that there was a significant difference. In conclusion, social emotional intelligence training (interpersonal) has a positive effect on participants in the treatment group

    Kecerdasan emosi sosial kemahiran penyesuaian diri dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah

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    Social emotional intelligence, a combination between emotion and social intelligence, is a very important aspect of one's self. It is divided into five components which is intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptation and general mood. Social emotional intelligence directly affects the behavior, emotion and decision making of an individual. Secondary school students are a group of early teenager and still in the process of identity formation. Therefore, it is important to know the social emotional intelligence of adaptability skills especially among school students as it has long-term impact on their performance. The main objective of this study is to examine the social emotional intelligence scores among high school students in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The sample in this study consisted of Form One to Form Six students from various schools around Kota Kinabalu. A set of questionnaire used in this study is The Emotional Quotient Inventory Youth Version (EQ-i: YV) designed by Bar-On and Parker (2000) contains 60 questions with four likert scale. The data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 24.0. The results of this study showed that the social emotional intelligence as a whole is at a moderate level. Meanwhile, there are differences in adaptability skills between male and female students, where the mean score for male students is higher than female students. As for the implication, related parties such as ministries of education, parents and the community can obtain relevant information for the purpose of implementation of programs and activities to enhance emotional intelligence and adaptability skills that are appropriate to the current generation Z

    A Conceptual Paper on Organizational Stressors Among Higher Education Deans

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    This is a conceptual paper to study the effects of organizational stressors that may impede the psychological, physiological and behavioral-interpersonal wellbeing of an organizational member. The study reviews literatures on what effects will general stress alter and degrade the psychological, physiological and behavioral-interpersonal wellbeing of an individual exposed to stressors. The final part of this study’s analysis is what constitutes as organizational stressors among studies that focuses specifically on higher education deans. The factors outlined in the paper were analyzed using the theoretical framework of Managerial Stress Cycle (Gmelch, 1991) and Administrative Stress Index (Gmelch, 1982). A conceptual integrative model was developed in regard to these two frameworks. Both these models are appropriate for this inquiry because, it allows the reader to understand what are the effects of organizational stressors towards psychological and physiological health and its consequences. A number of databases such as ebcohost, springer link, science direct, Jstor and emerald were used to acquire literature on the topics. Conclusions from the literature states that health ailments stemming from stressors are evident and may function as a catalyst towards more dangerous diseases. Higher education dean’s experiences with organizational stressors also seem to be evolving, incorporating new contemporary issues not seen in the past

    Pengaruh harapan terhadap anak dan sokongan sosial ke atas kesejahteraan subjektif ibu bapa kanak-kanak oku pembelajaran

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    Golongan ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak OKU merupakan golongan yang telah dikaitkan dengan pelbagai cabaran dalam membesarkan anak khususnya anak OKU pembelajaran. Kajian sedia ada mengenai ibu bapa yang membesarkan anak OKU telah menunjukkan betapa kompleksnya cabaran yang dialami oleh ibu bapa termasuklah risiko yang melibatkan aspek kesejahteraan fizikal dan emosi. Walau bagaimanapun, golongan ibu bapa kanak-kanak OKU ini telah memberikan bukti yang berbeza-beza dalam aspek kesihatan mental yang akhirnya menggalakkan lagi penyelidikan yang memberi fokus khususnya kepada aspek-aspek positif termasuklah kesejahteraan subjektif. Mengetahui kesejahteraan subjektif ibu bapa yang membesarkan anak OKU merupakan satu keperluan yang sangat penting untuk dipenuhi memandangkan golongan ibu bapa yang membesarkan anak OKU ini adalah sebahagian daripada peratus yang signifikan dalam populasi dunia. Bagi memenuhi dan memahami keperluan tersebut, satu kajian menggunakan Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) dijalankan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor harapan terhadap anak dan sokongan sosial ke atas kesejahteraan subjektif ibu bapa OKU pembelajaran. Hasil kajian ke atas seramai 328 orang ibu bapa OKU pembelajaran menunjukkan kedua-dua faktor tersebut memberi pengaruh yang signifikan ke atas kesejahteraan subjektif ibu bapa OKU pembelajaran. Dapatan kajian ini mencadangkan harapan terhadap anak dan sokongan sosial sebagai faktor yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan kesejahteraan subjektif dalam kalangan ibu bapa OKU pembelajaran